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Bug: Levelling up infinitely at the beginning of the game


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Hi everyone,


I just started playing Skyrim, and I am experiencing a strange bug when leveling up for the first time while making my way through the very first dungeon in the game (when escaping the dragon attack through the tunnels with Ralof). Once I try to level up and am being asked to select an attribute to increase, it immediately advances to the next level and again prompts me to increase an attribute. This is repeated again and again (I am not able to exit the leveling-screen or advance to leveling perks) until my character reaches level 80 or so. Then I am asked to distribute about 70 perk-points.


Obviously, my game's leveling procedure somehow went broken. Has anyone maybe experienced something similar or any idea on how to fix this problem? Or maybe some advice on how it could be prevented when starting a new game?


A note about my mods: I had a large number (about 40) mods enabled when starting the game, however mostly stuff improving textures, shaders, also many additions to the world (houses, companions, etc.). The only mods that I would vaguely suspect to possibly interfere with leveling would be the following (all of them were installed in their most current version):


- BDO Big Dialogue Overhaul

- Immersive HUD

- SkyUI

- Unofficial Skyrim Patch


Many thanks in advance for any advice / comments / guesses :)

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to be honest the culprit could be any mod, if the maker accidentally included a modified script or accidentally edited one mod when they thought they had a different one open and included changes which shouldn't be there.


Only suggestion I have is to disable all the mods and start the game and see if it happens in a vanilla state (which it should not). Then slowly add mods back on and test 'em out. If you got lots of mods try doing in sets of 5 or 10 that way if it does happen you'll know which 5 or 10 to go back thru individually to find the culprit. Not much anyone here could do until you've narrowed down exactly which mod is causing the problem.

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Thanks for all your answers! :)


Luckily, I was now able to find out what caused the problem: I found a file called "trainer.ini" in my Skyrim-directory - don't know whether it had been added by a mod or if it is part of the vanilla game. In this file, a number of hotkeys which activate certain cheats are specified, among them one that produces the effect that I described by increasing all skills to 100 (which in turn results in being immediately leveled up to level 80+). I guess I must have accidentally pushed that key during playing (it is Num1, which is located right next to the arrow-keys I am using for moving). Seems there is no way to revert this, but to prevent it from happening again I renamed the trainer.ini so that the game cannot access it anymore. I'm pretty sure this will work, otherwise I might even completely delete that file.

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