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Werebear DLC: how would people feel about DLC


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Two of the most annoying things in the game, vampires and LOUD BEARS!


The werebear idea doesn't really turn my crank to begin with but, gaawd, if a DLC were to have it's focus on characters who emitted that loud bear sound... it could be the most intriguing DLC ever and I still couldn't bring myself to buy it. I cringe every time I hear that bear growling sound. Dunno if it's the sound itself or that I've just become massively annoyed with bears and it's an association thing but... aaarrrrggghhh that's irritating.

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I have an idea. How about The Game Finally Doesn't Crash DLC? That would be nice for a change.


I have one aswell: how aobut people finally start accepting that just because they mess up their game by installing countless mods on their main save without proper testing, Bethesda isn't to blame? I have a whole bunch of mods running and I don't experience any ctds at all...

Edited by gurgelstock
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@gurgelstock, I usually ignore comments about crashing because I also run about 70 mods and don't crash, so I blame it on the user. Some people are too stubborn to make some necessary sacrifices. I was using WARZONES for a long time, but the freezing got so frequent that I finally just had to accept that it could not be used comfortably, so I removed it. That was a few weeks ago and I've since only frozen a couple of times.


It is a fact that even with my Intel i7 2.2 GHZ, Nvidia 560m 3GB VRAM, and 12 GB RAM...


Skyrim has a 4GB limit because it is a 32 bit game, meaning that at anytime, if your game tries to load more than 4GB of information at once, it will crash.


People who do not know this will blame the game when it is actually their own fault.


And, of course, some mods are just buggy as well. Bad scripts will also make their game crash.


Basically, if you're crashing and you don't know why... START OVER WITHOUT ANY MODS! And if you're still crashing, then it's you're computer.

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I'm not having any CTD issues. Apart from some sheathing/unsheathing animation issues and occasional mannequin poses (which I didn't have with 1.6) my game works perfectly with quite a few mods installed. I like the Thalmor idea. The civil war quest line seems to be unfinished. Werewhatever.... please, NO! Vampire lords and werewolf are more than enough. They are seriously underpowered and can't interact with the world nor pick up anything. Just look at how many mods focus on improving these. Personally I'd love to see a level 100 cap with 3 new perk trees to reward people who take the game seriously and have more variety. I'd also love to see more enchantments that are disenchantable. No more unique item that will rot in my wardrobe because it's ugly or simply doesn't match my character's style.


In summary what I'd like to see in a new DLC:

- level 100 cap

- 3 new perk trees

- no werebears or anything alike

- new disenchantable enchantments


Seriously, DG was only worth the money because of the crossbows. Some other pros include new alchemical ingridients and new quests to spend your time with, but that's about it.

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