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Blizzard warns of battle.net security breach, data stolen.


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[Nelson] Ha Ha! [/Nelson]


no seriously.

Wasn't the first time the battle.net was hacked and it wont be the last time.

Same thing happened with PlayStation Network, Xbox/Games for Windows Live, Star Trek Online, Rift, Age of Conan, and many other services in the last years.

It's the Internet. you never can be sure, that your data will be save.

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there is a fine line between hacking for finding security holes to help the company to fix them and hacking to steal data.

Data theft is a very serious threat. It begins with stealing small files to annoy the admin and goes to massive data theft to make money with personal data like e-mail adresses, creditcard numbers, logIn data (username & password) and personal adresses. And even blackmail.

Those criminals who steal personal data are the worst. they care about nothing but money.

I hope the police will catch them and throw them into the deepest dungeon in the hardest prison with NO WAY OUT.

"Hackers" like these "people" aren't real hackers. they are criminals.

Edited by Error404NotFound
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Once again the fail train stops at the Blizzard station. There was an issue within the first month of people being session ID hacked, which meant they didn't even need your password or login info, and it didn't matter if you had an authenticator. I believe one of the recent patches fixed that exploit. But my brother who still plays D3 told me that there is still an exploit through the auction house where people are buying out items for minimum instead of maximum buyout. Just yesterday he told me he put an amulet up for 5 million buyout with a 1m starting bid, and 2 minutes later it sells and he gets 850k, basically 1m minus the 15% transaction fee. Only way to prevent that it seems is to set the minimum and maximum buyout as the same price, meaning no bidding. This particular exploit has been going on for weeks and Blizzard still hasn't fixed it, but they are proactive in hot fix nerfing skills and builds with no notice or info in the patch notes.
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