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File Does Not Exist?


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I'm getting a message from NMM that tells me the files I am trying to DL do not exist, no matter which mod I try to DL. The NMM worked fine before, but it isn't downloading anything now (insisting that the files don't exist). Is the problem on my end or his Nexus lost all of its files or what?
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I see nothing more than an EXCUSE! How DARE they? I don't need EXCUSES, I need a mod manager that WORKS! I paid TOP DOLLAR for --


Oh, wait, I didn't pay anything at all. Right, this is all absolutely free for me.


Oh well, I hope they can fix things soon then.

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I'm getting the same.


Just keep trying. The one that I run into most frequently is the "File Hidden" warning even though the file is open to my view. If I keep trying I can get through after two or three clicks and get my mod.




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I just wanna say, I've been trying all day and the problem has never been resolved.


I see a lot of others with the same issue so I'm sure those who need to be aware of it are aware. I'm only posting this so it is known that at least I am not getting through, at all, ever.

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@ Rabbit 51


so the DLC is responsible for this well ty


Yes, by the 30% jump in traffic to the site following the release of Dawngard.



Dark0ne says that he thinks that they've fixed the problem with the "File Does Not Exist" problem. He wants anyone who is still having issues to post HERE along with:



- What file were you downloading?

- Did it provide a URL in the "overall message" column?


in your report. Maybe we can see this bug squashed.




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Hi Rabbit, Thanks.


I'm still getting the same message/problem about "file does not exist" in the Overall Message column. I'm trying to download the Frostfall Hypothermia Camping Survival mod, Imp's More Complex Needs, and pretty much everything else I try I get the same thing.


Thank you for the feedback and help. I tried going over to the chat room for more info at one point and people there were a little -- cliquish.




Dark0ne says that he thinks that they've fixed the problem with the "File Does Not Exist" problem. He wants anyone who is still having issues to post HERE along with:



- What file were you downloading?

- Did it provide a URL in the "overall message" column?


in your report. Maybe we can see this bug squashed.




Edited by Werebat
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