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What woulld you like to see in the next DLC?


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I hope Bethesda watches these forums and get's ideals from this thread :thumbsup:


They will probably get the bad ones >.< , and by the way, a werebear? Seriously? What's next, werechickens? It would be cool if you could be a shapeshifter though O.O



hey I seen that werebear request on the boards here a few days ago and wondered where'd that come from :biggrin:


LOL, now I got the idea of a shapeshifter and I can't get it out of my head -.- Also if you watch the things that weren't added to the game (I think I saw it in a video or something) you will find quite a lot of them to actually be in the DLC Dawnguard, I just hope they don't add a bunch of things I don't like.. And finally that they publish it when it is really done with minimal buggs like they did for Dawnguard ( for me it runs perfectly I don't know about other ppl) And I don't really know about marrying Serana, maybe if they made it more of a unique marriage, instead of sitting around the house cooking and watching bugs crawling on the wall they could make a lot of dialogue and a couple of unique quests but also some radiant, but I doubt Bethesda will do anything about the matter, but who knows, stranger things have happened :)

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New lands, more dwemer. Just more DLC like Fallout 3, taking you to new places with brand new stories, locations, people, weapons, enemies and all of that. With ES:O coming out next year, I hope we get more than one DLC, maybe even Fallout 4 or something.


Thinking out of the box, I want to go in space and travel on one of the moons, surely it's possible within the elder scroll universe.

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- I'd like to be given the opportunity to free the Empire from the Thalmor. I killed the Emperor for the Dark Brotherhood, but what were the consequences on the storyline?..


- I'd like new land to explore, like Point Lookout in Fallout 3... maybe go back to Oblivion, 2000 years later and find it completely changed by the Thalmor...


- I'd like to be able to mount a dragon and fly...


- I'd like better backstory (again like F3), know where I come from and find a "personal" (in-character) motivation for fighting dragons - or the Thalmor. Why the hell am I the Dragonborn, what made me become one? Give me a real purpose, please... (again F3: purifying water after a nuclear war, now that's a motivation!..)


- I'd like better reward for getting rid of Alduin... some form of recognition from the people of Skyrim, anything at all that does not feel like the storyline ends abruptly and led nowhere of substance...


- and on top of it all, I'd like enhanced AI (AFT, UFO, Followers can Relax, Convenient Horses, Fishing in Skyrim, Playable Instruments... they work magic, really change the gameplay in a very immersive way. Wonderful modders!..). I'd like followers with real, distinct, personalities, backstories, grudges, revenges, mysteries... (more in the vein of FNV)... and have them stop running behind my horse when I've gathered so much gold that I could buy horses by hundreds!..


But then again, none of us of would be making a Christmas list if Bethesda hadn't created a fantastic storyworld, so vast and rich that it can trigger our imaginations in so many different directions!.. And if all the talented modders had not proved again and again that it can yet become better and richer... Cheers to them all! :0)

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- I'd like new land to explore, like Point Lookout in Fallout 3... maybe go back to Oblivion, 2000 years later and find it completely changed by the Thalmor...


I think you mean Cyrodill, 200 years later. I kinda doubt the Thalmor are hardcore enough to invade Oblivion.


Thought, admittedly, a DLC where you travel into the far future and battle Thalmor in Oblivion does sound insanely awesome. :tongue:


- I'd like better reward for getting rid of Alduin... some form of recognition from the people of Skyrim, anything at all that does not feel like the storyline ends abruptly and led nowhere of substance...


Well, to be fair, it's not like anyone on Nirn actually saw you defeat him, and he didn't exactly advertise his return openly in the first place either. To most of the people in Skyrim, Alduin is still just a myth. So, it kinda makes sense everyone would only know it throught rumor and hearsay.


Actually, what would be cool is if everyone got the story wrong or exaggerated it a lot: "I heard the Dragonborn and Alduin fought for three days and nights, throwing mountains at each other!"

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If Bethesda keeps up with releasing free mini dlc's then i would like to see


- spears/ polearms, fully-animated, like it was shown in the game jam video


- goblins, no need for new caves or lairs, just add in roving, respawning bands of goblins that attack strongholds, and farms etc.


In terms of Major DLC:

- Someone being elected as the new High King (based on the civil war questline)


- The player being named as acting Jarl (or a minor Lord) of a rebuilt Helgan after the main quest is finished, with a lengthy process to rebuild like Kvatch Rebuilt.


- Operation Freedom: The Liberation of Tamerial from the grip of the oppressive Thalmor Aggressors.

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- and on top of it all, I'd like enhanced AI (AFT, UFO, Followers can Relax, Convenient Horses, Fishing in Skyrim, Playable Instruments... they work magic, really change the gameplay in a very immersive way. Wonderful modders!..). I'd like followers with real, distinct, personalities, backstories, grudges, revenges, mysteries... (more in the vein of FNV)... and have them stop running behind my horse when I've gathered so much gold that I could buy horses by hundreds!..




playable instruments is a mod.

yeah though followers on a horse and shooting from a horse, theres an idea.

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