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So Skyrim is Now Real


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Assuming I survived Helgen, I'd go with Ralof or Hadvar to riverwood, get a job at Hod's lumber mill. Then, when I'm rich enough selling firewood, I'd buy some armor, hire a mercenary, and travel to Whiterun. From there, I'd stay in the Bannered Mare, have some cheese, then buy a carriage ride to Solitude. I'd apply at the Bard's college, where I an study history. There, I'd also dabble in science, and 'discover" a ton of scientific theories that are commonplace in reality (I'm glad I never fell asleep in science class). I'd also generate income by publishing popular book series like Harry Potter and The Hunger Games. If they sell (why wouldn't they), I'd make enough money to buy Proudspire Manor. Then, I'd find a hot wench, settle down, have a family, and be set for life. Just to be safe, I'd kill old Grelod, and stay awake all night, so that when Astrid comes to kidnap me, I'll simply kill my precaptured hostage that I ingeniously hid in the closet, and go to the Sanctuary (I can stop there). I'd also buy a share in the Black-Briar Meadery, effectively guaranteeing safety from both the Dark Brotherhood and Theives Guild. And, as a nice touch, I might also be able to just bribe my way into Elisif's court, guaranteeing importance in the Hold until the world inevitably implodes because I didn't kill Aldluin.


Would Harry Potter be successful in this world? His magic is kinda lame.

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