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Vampire Lord at start of game?


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Hi all

I'd like to play a little female that at the start of game-play ( brand new lvl1 chr.) is already/becoming a vampire lord. Ive spent ages today searching google and the like, for answers and help, but turned up nothing. I'm hoping that someone here can help me out with cheat codes or something?


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Sorry, I did not fully understand, do you want to become a vampire lord from level 1? There are no known console commands to turn your character into a Vampire Lord, but it is possible to become a normal vampire at the start: all you need to do is fight a vampire to become infected. However, you might want to consider installing Brehanin's "Better Vampires" mod as the game only allows you to start Dawnguard questline from level 10 and onwards, but it makes the whole experience as a vampire much better, in my view: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/9717


You might also consider advancing to level 10 quickly as a normal vampire and it will take you only a couple of hours, if not less, to do that. From the roleplaying perspective, your character does not have to show puny mortals that (s)he is a vampire (lord) from the very beginning.

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I can almost guarantee there is a way to add the ability via the console, but since I've not yet played that quest, I don't know how it is added to your character yet. Probably just a spell like the rest.
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  • 4 years later...

Well you can use the command player.setrace (whatever race u are)vampire to become a normal vampire to become a normal vampire.

Or you can type in help "vampire lord" and then u should get the id for the vampire lord spell, then you type in

player.addspell (spell id)

Edited by TaustyZ
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  • 1 year later...

Easy to do so from the console.


Step 1. Player.setrace (racenameracevampire) example for nord character- player.setrace nordracevampire.

Step 2. Help "vampire lord" (It will give you a value for several vampire lord powers. Pick the first one that's just called "vampire lord".

Step 3. Player.addspell (I.D. obtained from above).


It lets you be a vampire lord with all abilities yet not having to start the dawnguard quest. If there are individual vampire lord flags in game, they don't matter outside of dawnguard quest line (and can be obtained by simply proceeding through the quest line as normal). I do this on a regular basis and have not had any issues unless I'm also trying to use better vampires. In which case I adjust to the following method.


Step 1. Help "Vampiris" (get the ID of the disease)

Step 2. Player addspell (disease ID) (Check the power menu to make sure you got it. If not, try a different ID for the disease)

Step 3. Wait a set number of days to become a vampire.

Step 4. Help (vampire lord)

Step 5. Addspell (Vampire lord ID)


Should work without much trouble and without breaking any quests. If using sacrosanct either method works, just feed once and the game will apply necessary flags. Now you're level 1 can be a fully powered vampire lord.


Edit: I realize this was an old request but I'm putting this here for any people seeking this in the future. A good bit of console command practice for people experimenting with vampire mods. Better vampires requires specific vampire flags to work so simply editing race doesn't usually work and requires the disease. (but I also had a lot of trouble getting better vampires to work anyway so it could just be me.) Either way, The above methods should work relatively nice and have easy fixes if things go wrong.

Edited by WakahisaSensei
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