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Please HELP! body replacers!


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Thanks for letting me into your forums.


This is my very first post. I just downloaded Oblivion Goty from steam (hoping it works on Win 7) and I wanted some good clothing mods, but I see that all the best ones require certain body replacers (HGEC, Ryans female, Fantasy Figures, etc.). I look all over Nexus and google, but can only find mods that fit to them: never the actual body replacers themselves! Please help me. I am tearing my teeth out right now! What category do I find these mods in?

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You can find them at the Obilivion Nexus. Hover your cursor over the Files button at the top of the page. In the drop down menu, left clict "Catagories". Than scroll down the page to "Models and Textures" and left click. Search through the files for the ones you want. Be warned, "Adult Contend".
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That certainly does help, but I see a lot that say "for HGEC" and not the HGEC itself. Do I just have to look through all the listings untill I find it? Dont worry about adult content, I'm 27.


P.S. I gtg to bed now and I'll pick this up tomorrow. If anyone else out there can help please throw me a reply. Thanks.

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I've noticed myself trying to hunt down specific files (body mods in particular, for some reason) on OblivionNexus tends to get a lot of "0 Results Found"...so I just use Google, and it usually points me right to 'em. :thumbsup:


Anyhoo, some links to mods here:


For Team Fantasy Female


I recommend this mod too for use with them:


Luchaire's UFF Body Textures v2


As they seem much sharper than the originals (Luchaire does excellent work, IMO).


In all honesty I've only just started using this body; I have dual copies of Oblivion running (my original and a clone of it), with the clone set up to use UFF because I absolutely fell in love with many of the outfits I saw. To that end I can't say give more than a short term opinion of it, but so far I can't complain.


I've also found this works with it (using the meshes only; for the skin textures I use the ones from UFF v2, above):


Luchaires HGEC Body Seam Reducer


Reduces the seam lines on the body quite well.


Another favorite (which currently has its home in my original install, and is to me one of the best body mods out there):


Roberts Female


A must-have for this body is Higher Resolution Faces for Roberts Male and Female; I also recommend (if you go this route) using Luchaires HGEC Body Seam Reducer (linked above).


As I said, IMO Roberts Female is one of the best body mods made, but...there aren't as many outfits for it as there are for UFF or HGEC, so that's a trade-off to consider if you plant to use it. Also don't forget to check out Roberts Male Body as well, if you're looking for a good (and well-supported) male body replacer.

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Here are two HGEC based bodies, on opposite "extremes"


"The Girl Next Door" body, which is pretty much the HGEC answer to Roberts Female, if you want more the more "realistic" proportions, but the compatibility of being able to use HGEC textures. That file includes its stock replacer.


DMRA Fine Tuned and the DMRA Complete Clothing and Armor Replacer when you want something more...uhh...round.

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DMRA Fine Tuned and the DMRA Complete Clothing and Armor Replacer when you want something more...uhh...round.



Holy cow! Bwa-hahhahaha!

"You call those breasts? They're LIES!!!"


But thanks everyone for the much needed help. I'm gonna go with the EVE HGEC, but I'm having a new problem (you might have expected it). I'm posting that on a seperate topic right now. Thanks again.

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