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Smithing Perk Tree


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I've pretty much explained what I want to do here:



I looked up a few tutorials.

This video:

And of course, Creation Kit: https://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Perk


So I fired up CK, selected Skyrim and Update as masters, and edited every smithing skill to be dependent on Steel Smithing.

I opened the flowchart and connected all perks to Steel Smithing, instead of them being dependent on each other in familiar circular manner. I had a line extra, and I don't know how to delete it (no option appears for that), so I kind of shrunk it and left it attached to a single perk.

I saved the plugin. I loaded it up, started the game, and nothing actually changed, except that the Smithing tree looked crooked. All the perks were still attached to each other as before and mutually dependent, even though I already changed that dependency.


What did I do wrong?

Edited by Katarsi
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