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Brand new to Nexus - Mods not working


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Hi, I have GOG GOTY version of Oblivion. I have installed Nexus and enabled some simple mods such as "Improved Trees and Flora" and "Real Wood Road Signs". They are not showing up even though they are installed and enabled.


What am I doing wrong?


Thank you for your help...

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What form of archive invalidation are you using?


The vanilla game will use resources found in the vanilla BSA files (e.g. Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa) unless an ESP assignes other assets or archive invalidation instructs the game to use loose files that are newer date than the BSA version of that same asset. BSA Redirection is the recommended method of archive invalidation.


If by "I have installed Nexus" you mean you have installed Nexus Mod Manager (NMM) then I believe it has a method to enable BSA Redirection.

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I have never laid eyes on NMM myself either, so my guess would be it would on some menu or other ... maybe something like Utilities (but this is pure guessing).


- Edit - Maybe it just calls it archive invalidation.

Edited by Striker879
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