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Any better mod than Immersive Armors ? Recomendation ?

Guest deleted6419983

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Guest deleted6419983

hi there a serious Question i know pretty much all of you using Immersive Armors but i just think these armors are not lor Friendly at all is there any other way prehabs a mod from Oldrim that hasnt been ported yet ? thanks for the answer im getting sick of Immersive Armors especially what i totally dont like is that it adds armor from Witcher 3 which i just hate to bland 2 diffrent games together. also for Example the Imperial armor On General Tulius hate that color and all about it i rather Stick With Retetxtured

But i want to spice things up a bit with Lore Friendly Pack like for Weapons i use Lore Friendly weapons just because i fell they are much better Than Immersive Weapons and if best if they are aded to the Leveled list

Thanks For Recomenation guys


Oh and one More Thing No Skimpy ARMORS PLEASE !! :)

Edited by MilanKokyCZ
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I did also get tired off Imersive Weapons and Immersiva Armors. I like lore friendly, no nude, medival not so fantasy style.

Also i like long sleeves and pants since Skyrim is darn cold.


My new favorites are...

"Frankly HD Imperial Armor and Weapons" with the "Sleeve and pants" addon.

"Shrouded", "Dawnguard", "Thives Guild" and "Nightinggale" by the same.

"Stormkloak battle Armor Replacer" with Windhelm patch.

"Guards Armor Replacer" + optional file.






As for new stuff i use ...


"Royal Armory - New Artifacts"

"Scout Armor"

"Nordic Ranger Outfit"

"Hunter Archer Armor"

"Wayfarers Cloak"


"Lore Weapon Expansion"

"Oblivion Artifact Pack"

"Unique uniques"


I also use... "Leanwolfs Better Shaped Weapons", "Greatsword Sheats and Scabbards", "Improved Closefaced Helmets" and "Belt Fastend Quivers".


At last i use...


"Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes" + 4k textures

"Armor and Clothing Extension" + 4k Textures


Bonus: "Wood Frame Backpacks", "Cloaks of Skyrim - Player Only", "Amulets Off Skyrim"


Above combo makes Skyrim look very realistic and true.


A few i use but is not entirle happy with...


"Dragonmasks retexture SE" - Best Dragonmask overhaul imo.

"Gemling Queen Jewlery" - Looking for something else but not yet find any better

"Rustic Clothing" - Instaall if used first of all oabove since some of them overwrites and i am looking for someting beteter than Rustic

"Rustic Fornsworn Armor" - Bettre than vanilla... but i am looking for sometning new

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I haven't played in awhile, but the mods I really liked for armour and weapons are as follows.


FrankFamily's Armour Mods. - All of the Frankly HD mods are great improvements for the already existing sets of armour in-game.

Daedric Reaper Armour - Good looking Daedric Set. The Male and Female variants are visually different, but cool looking. (Couple of versions of this mod, floating around.)

Dragon Carved Armor Set - By EddietheEagle This is both a good looking set, and one you could actually see existing in-game. Feels very authentic, and looks good alongside the other set added by Dragonborn

Stormlord/Stormcloak Battle Armor Replacer SE - Make the Stormcloaks more visually distinct from your local guards. I recommend the Stormlord set either by itself or as part of the Stormcloak Battle Armor mod.

Sleeved Guards and Stormcloaks - If you don't want to make as big a change as the Stormcloak Battle Armour, this mod will at least make the guards and Stormcloaks dress more appropriately for Skyrim's chilly weather. Last update was 2 years ago.

Nether Mage Armor SSE - Not tried it, but it look really good.

Dwarven Sorcery Armor - I remember liking the look of this armour set. But the textures can only be altered by mods that improve Dwemer metal/armour sets.

Amiddian Armors - I believe these can be made to work on SSE, since they are only texture packs.

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Guest deleted6419983

Thanks guys i will Try them out oh and instead Guards armor Replacer i have to Recomend you this one https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/24115

I like it because it stick with Vanilla and dont add any of those Medival Like Armors i still think that Medival armors dont belong in this game They are more likely to be in games like Kingdom come rly try it out :wink: and it is less heavy and more compatibille with other mods :smile:

And i must say i like WACCF but i would like to see option that make only the Armor and Clothing Extension Standalone so that i dont need WACCF the reason why i dont want it is again it is not compatibille with most of mods that im using but i was able to get a similar result by using several standalone mods that are on Clothes cathegory :smile:

And also i did find a nice mod for Weapon that i think will totally Immersive Weapons did totally Overshadow but only Downside is it is not Compatibille with WACCF yet and some weapons are overpowerd as some people say but i think i will add it in my next Playthrough


Edited by MilanKokyCZ
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ebony Armor Reshape (Changes Ebony Armor's designs)

Resplendent Armor + Greatsword (Great looking set)

DCR - King Crusader Mega Pack (Great set of armor and weaponry)

Mead Keg Backpack (It fits for a Nord Fighter to be carrying around booze.)

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I use "Common Clothes and Armors, Somewhat Historically Accurate Weapons and Viking Gear, Guards Armor Replacer, Knight Armor Ebony Replacer, Ebony Mail Armor by T.O.D, Improved Closed Face Helmets, Open Face Guard Helmets and a mod no longer on Nexus...hoping they bring it back...Daedric Mage Armor and for Vampires; No Volkihar Outfits on Regular Vampires"...I just got rid of "Immersive Armors" and thinking of getting rid of "Immersive Weapons" also.

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Guest deleted6419983

I did get rid of Immersive Weapons already instead of it i use Lore Friendly Weapons and Unique Unique :)

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I did get rid of Immersive Weapons already instead of it i use Lore Friendly Weapons and Unique Unique :smile:


Have you looked at “Isilmeriel LOTR Weapons Collection SSE or Real Bows SE – Standalone” for more weapon options?

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