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Block Individual Commentors


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Atm, if one or more commentor/s starts to flame a mod the only way to get them to stop is to warn them, ban them, or lock the entire comments page. It could be useful if there was a function to block individual users from commenting on a mod. The person determining which people would be unable to comment would be the mod creator, ofc. We wouldn't want to give people the ability to delete comments that are already in place, as that would open the door to mod creators covering up large issues with their mods and allowing only the good comments, but the ability to block users from commenting on a specific mod again would be useful.
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Atm, if one or more commentor/s starts to flame a mod the only way to get them to stop is to warn them, ban them, or lock the entire comments page. It could be useful if there was a function to block individual users from commenting on a mod. The person determining which people would be unable to comment would be the mod creator, ofc. We wouldn't want to give people the ability to delete comments that are already in place, as that would open the door to mod creators covering up large issues with their mods and allowing only the good comments, but the ability to block users from commenting on a specific mod again would be useful.


I second that.

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This has been suggested before, I think it's a good idea. There is nothing more annoying than reporting a troll, having their comment removed only to have troll come back and do the same thing again.
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So much for the First Ammendment. How about a forum version of 'Free Speech Zones"? How do you define a bad comment? Anything you say can and is often read 180 degrees opposite of intention. Griffinrider, the author of 'CM Mane 6' got a negative reps for being happy over a thousand downloads as if it was a sardastic comment [page 7]. The comments of that mod is a good example. It seems that negative responders get zero or positive reps while promoters get nothing but negative reps. What happens if those who disapprove mod/comments should use your idea to suppress those who approve mod/comments? I personally disagree with the reputation system as it is like ease droppers [positive or negative] butting in to a dialogue that they are not a party to. Your idea can and will be used against you.
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There is no Freedom of Speech in a private forum. You agreed to that on the Terms of Service of this site. I second the notion of a Free Speech Zone though, were people can discuss subjects that normally get them in trouble - though I think the Off Topic area covers that, not sure.


Blocking Individual Posters feels like a good idea, but it feels like a good idea. Ultimately it comes down to a single person, the mod author, who can and can't post on their threads. It's never a good idea to have a single person, or small group of people, dictate who can and who can't do something. It will be easily abused, and they'll eventually end up no better than the trolls. That's why we have moderators to ban these people when they do that crap. Simply blocking them on one mod won't stop them from doing the trolling on another mod. If they do it once, they'll do it again. Best catch them once instead of facilitating another comment elsewhere. Trolls feed of this kind of attention, so it's best to ban them so they can't post instead of blocking them while still being able to post.

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There is no Freedom of Speech in a private forum. You agreed to that on the Terms of Service of this site. I second the notion of a Free Speech Zone though, were people can discuss subjects that normally get them in trouble - though I think the Off Topic area covers that, not sure.


Blocking Individual Posters feels like a good idea, but it feels like a good idea. Ultimately it comes down to a single person, the mod author, who can and can't post on their threads. It's never a good idea to have a single person, or small group of people, dictate who can and who can't do something. It will be easily abused, and they'll eventually end up no better than the trolls. That's why we have moderators to ban these people when they do that crap. Simply blocking them on one mod won't stop them from doing the trolling on another mod. If they do it once, they'll do it again. Best catch them once instead of facilitating another comment elsewhere. Trolls feed of this kind of attention, so it's best to ban them so they can't post instead of blocking them while still being able to post.


That would be great if they did ban them but often they don't, on more than one occasion I've reported a comment under one of my images, the comment has been removed only to have the same troll do it again on another, four separate occasions on four different images from one troll. Only the other day I had a comment about paedophilia under one of my images (odd as I've never had children in any of my images), this was from someone who'd already had a comment removed from under another one of my images, from what I can tell nothing was done about him and he's free to do it again. I know this is in part the workload staff have but that really doesn't help those who want to use the site without having to deal with morons. All people want is ability to get rid of trolls for themselves. Youtube, Twitter, Facebook and others let you block idiots so why can't we do so here? I'd go one step further and let authors block individuals from files completely, trolls may think twice if they start losing access to stuff.

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Why that particular person is still around is beyond me, but we cannot let examples like that detour us. I've seen rude comments go without admin attention, even mods porting content from other game without admin attention after I've reported it. It gets me down, makes me think the Admins ignore me, but I still keep reporting. More often than not offending posts, mods, and people get removed, deleted, and banned. Even with the blocking of certain people being allowed to continue trolling elsewhere aside, not everyone here on the nexus is as reasonable and rational as you, I, and the moderators. People will abuse the system simply to prevent negative, constructive responses to their mods. It will cause a report nightmare for the moderators when those users report the author for blocking their access to the mod. Unlike YouTube and Facebook, the Nexus has an active staff that is present and can control this small site. The system that has been suggested is better for larger sites like Facebook and YouTube.
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I see where you're coming from and that's why I would never give authors the ability to remove comments, it would be abused. A system that blocks people can't be used to hide bug reports because the bug report will still be there for all to see, yes it could be used to punish someone for reporting an issue but is losing access to file by an author who would rather hide than fix issues really a great loss?
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