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7000 steps?


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Okay, it's kind of a ridiculous question, but does anyone know how many steps there are between Ivarstead and High Hrothgar? Bethesda (or the NPCs they've created, depending on your perspective) makes a big deal about how there are 7000 steps, but that number seems waaaaay too generous to me. A thousand, maybe.


Of course, it's fair to assume that there used to be more steps, which are now buried in snow and ice, or worn away by the elements. Still, I'm curious if the actual number is even close.


And, no, I'm not going to count them myself :turned: . I just want to know if anyone else has.

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I counted them (yeah, I'm nuts) but I forgot the correct number. It was somewhere around 700-800 of them, as I said I'm not sure about the exact number. I'll count them again in my next playthrough and post it on TES Wiki so people don't need to ask about it anymore or count them, if they are crazy enough to do so.
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Heh, thank you, I was sure someone was crazy enough to try it! :thumbsup:


I have to assume that the "7000 Steps" nomenclature is Greybeard propaganda aimed at deterring tourists. Then again, the Nords aren't exactly known for their ability to count, so it could be an honest mistake.

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This won't get you from 700 to 7000, but there's also the fact that the whole area is covered in snow. You can't actually see all of the steps which would likely be there were the snow removed.
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You could get to the base of the mountain, then count all the way up from when you hit the footpath? (You'd have to do it walking for it to be accurate) which would.. needless to say.. take a very very long time.
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I hate when questions like this get asked because I'm the sort of person who absolutely has to have the answer.


After much google searching I couldn't find anything anywhere based on actual footsteps so I decided to set about doing this.


Bear in mind I really actually wanted to prove that there were indeed 7000 footsteps as I am a massive fan of the lore and would love for this to be the true number.


The most accurate way would be to actually count footsteps one by one but this is tedious.


I started out doing this but got bored. I counted 1000 footsteps though. Left my horse and companion there and started again. I ran to this point with a timer going.


Approximately 2.05min for 1000 steps. I then ran the rest of the way to High Hrothgar front door. It took a total of 6.10 mins so there are approximately 3000 footsteps from the base of the stairs up to the front door.


(I know it is assumed that the meaning is actual physical stone steps but we established around 700 so I wanted to try another meaning hoping for a solution)

Edited by worldofscotty
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I hate when questions like this get asked because I'm the sort of person who absolutely has to have the answer.


After much google searching I couldn't find anything anywhere based on actual footsteps so I decided to set about doing this.


Bear in mind I really actually wanted to prove that there were indeed 7000 footsteps as I am a massive fan of the lore and would love for this to be the true number.


The most accurate way would be to actually count footsteps one by one but this is tedious.


I started out doing this but got bored. I counted 1000 footsteps though. Left my horse and companion there and started again. I ran to this point with a timer going.


Approximately 2.05min for 1000 steps. I then ran the rest of the way to High Hrothgar front door. It took a total of 6.10 mins so there are approximately 3000 footsteps from the base of the stairs up to the front door.


(I know it is assumed that the meaning is actual physical stone steps but we established around 700 so I wanted to try another meaning hoping for a solution)


With which character race? :tongue:

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