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7000 steps?


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With which character race? :tongue:


Oh never actually thought about that.


However this was completed with a custom Epic Elf race scaled to 0.87 so it would be less steps with a larger race such as a Nord. Nord being the obvious choice for where the legend began as it was built by Jurgen Windcaller.

Edited by worldofscotty
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With which character race? :tongue:


Oh never actually thought about that.


However this was completed with a custom Epic Elf race scaled to 0.87 so it would be less steps with a larger race such as a Nord. Nord being the obvious choice for where the legend began as it was built by Jurgen Windcaller.


I was mostly just teasing your need to know... but yeah a Nord would be the best choice I would think.


Also, just to confuse matters further, is it definitely the number of steps to High Hrothgar, or is the number of steps to the summit of the Throat of the World?

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I also counted them twice when I first go the game. I have the numbers somewhere in a text file. :) I counted them the first time as each level up being a step and then I counted them again with each separate block as a step since if you look at them they all have slabs next to eachother. :) Neither way brought me anywhere near to the 7000 steps that they advertised and I specifically remember Todd saying that there definitely was going to be 7000 steps. I wonder if he didn't realize how big that number actually is.
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Also, just to confuse matters further, is it definitely the number of steps to High Hrothgar, or is the number of steps to the summit of the Throat of the World?


"Traveling to High Hrothgar requires taking the 7,000 steps, beginning in Ivarstead."


Even if the Throat of the World counted, I doubt it would be 6,300.




"Although the path up is said to be 7,000 steps long, it's only about 700 steps." That's been on the wiki for a while. Also it says nothing about it being footsteps, but actual steps as in stairs.

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I wonder how long it's going to be before someone creates a pedometer mod to settle it accurately?


Then again, maybe Jurgen was a midget? If you go back in our own real world history people WERE shorter, you know.


EDIT: Another thought; the possibility of geological changes in the intervening time between the creation of High Hrothger and the present day.

Edited by digitaltrucker
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just some unconfirmed trivia about the Greybeard's High Hrothgar settlement and the Throat of the World lol:


- counting each row on the same level as a step: 734 (+/-10).

- counting each slab as a step: 2,021 (+/-10).

- counting number of paces to from Ivarsted's Vilemyr Inn to High Hrothgar: about 2,500 paces (+/- race height variations).

- vertical GETPOS Z: 11000 at Ivarstead, 23000 at High Hrothgar, 36000 at the Throat of the World.


- 'Hrothgar' might be a reference to 'Hroðgar', King Hroþgar, "Hrothgar", Hróarr, Hroar', Roar, Roas or Ro was a legendary Danish king, living in the early 6th century.

Hroðgar appears in the Anglo-Saxon epics Beowulf and Widsith, and also in Norse sagas, Norse poems, and medieval Danish chronicles.

Beowulf defeated the trollish creature Grendel (recalling a troll encounter on the way to High Hrothgar).


Hrothgar is an important adventurer in the role-playing game Icewind Dale.

In MechWarrior 4: Vengeance, on the final Campaign mission, the player must destroy Lord Roland's dropship which is named Hrothgar.

In World Of Warcraft, there is an island off the coast called Hrothgar's Landing, populated by a race of giant Viking-like humanoids known as the Vrykul.


- real life reference: might be based on a sacred Chinese mountain/pilgrimage called 'Tai Shan or Mount Tai' which has 6000-7000 stairs and many shrines along the way.



Edited by xlcr
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Is the true number of steps up the mountain really all that important? Darn tootin' it is! I've been wondering about this ever since I first made the journey, months ago during my "virgin" play-through. I knew it wasn't 7000, even though Bethesda makes a big issue of this. I suspect you can get a quarter of the way across Skyrim (or more) by taking 7000 steps.


Oh, and the number of the steps isn't to the apex of the mountain, but only to High Hrothgar. Jarl Balgruuf mentions that he made the 7000 step journey, himself, and seeing as he isn't Dragonborn I'm sure he couldn't make it past the first barrier (which is the door to High Hrothgar), not to mention having to use the Clear Skies shout to get beyond the courtyard.

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