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Camera speed issue


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The camera moves too fast when I look around, whether it's 1st or 3rd person, to the point that it's making me feel nauseous. How to slow it down?

I'm playing with a controller.

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edit the skyrim ini google up camera speed and use those parameters, or alternatively you can install Customizable Camera and adjust your camera speed through its easy to navigate UI.

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Thank you for the input :smile:


I googled up "camera speed" and came up only with vanity camera, flying camera and tfc references, which are not what this is about. Googling is what I always do first before asking for help.

These settings are numerous and most of them aren't explained; I'd rather not fix something that isn't actually broken.

Does anyone have knowledge about that particular .ini setting - the normal movement of the camera when the player is looking around?


The mod you suggested doesn't seem to have anything to do with my issue.




I'm not sure whether I'm a genius or an idiot :sweat:

I fired up my faithful BethINI, went to Custom tab and went on comparing Camera settings to S.T.E.P. guide for Camera settings (Skyrim.ini). Everything was pretty much the same, except my customized character's positioning (which has nothing to do with camera speed anyway).

Except for this: fMouseWheelZoomSpeed It was set to 10 instead of 0.8.

I didn't pay much attention to it because, as I said, I play with the controller and mouse is kinda redundant in my case. But it turns out that this particular setting changes the speed of camera even for the controller. The name of the setting itself doesn't imply at all that this is the case.

I reverted it to default and my camera moves normally when I look around.

Edited by Katarsi
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