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You removed my +100 endorsement screenshot? Are you kidding me???


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The main reason I didn't study to become a judge, or never took on the moderation chore, is that interpreting written rules or laws to decide what is just is walking a fine line, a razor if you will. I have a lot of respect for anyone that tries to manage any part of a site, especially one this big, let this be clear. Erring on the side of caution in order to meet the original goal to which a rule is meant to contribute is understandable. Of course I'd hate the site to be overrun with tasteless, debasing smut. But on this, I really feel that the desire to be cautious or whatever you call it didn't result in you balancing the blade, but falling flat on your face, especially seeing how you deal with this after the fact. A ban I can understand, but how you're confronting this heartfelt appeal is an affront to the good taste and humble nature with which Yagho tried to share this in the first place.


For all that's good and glorious: this image actually uplifted the mean quality and tastefulness of the shots shared here by a good amount. Any moderator worth their beans could have appreciated the fact, but especially given it's long presence in Top Images and the kind of comments it generated on its thread it would have been kind and friendly and good moderating to have at least first contacted the author, or maybe even offer to switch the whole thing to the supporters thread. Understandable that you all had a vacation and the site is straining your gathered resources, but I don't see how that amounts to a good reason to act like cold hard-liners.


In sum: your site, your rules. My opinion remains: if you'd been sooner you could have removed it without causing an uproar, but in these circumstances this all just amounts to poor judgement. As an avid user of the site I'm not proud of the way you're handling this right now. In your role as an owner and admin it's only right to protect one's moderators and defend their decisions, but I do hope you're scratching your head a bit over this. Admitting so would maybe have been enough for Yagho.

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There is an old saying..maybe you heard it...If you have to ask how much it cost then you can't afford it. I use this as if you felt such need to contact everyone then you must have known it was walking the line.


The rules on the image share can not be more clear...as we can not possibly think of every single scenario. Why was it not picked up before? Because thousands of screenies are uploaded daily on this place. We can view neither all the post or all the pics that come across on this site without the help from the community. Sometime we just see it....usually though it gets reported. As for Dark0ne scratching his head...well we have been down this road with the image share more times than there are grains of sand in all the beaches of the world.


I hope that you kept a copy of your shot as this is not a screenshot repository. If the shot means that much to you I would encourage you to upload it elsewhere.

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I hope that you kept a copy of your shot as this is not a screenshot repository. If the shot means that much to you I would encourage you to upload it elsewhere.


If you think this is about the SHOT than I truly don't understand why you are a moderator. You amaze me.

The social aspect is why so many of us continue to come here, post images, mods, pay our fees gladly, but in the end, for anyone that ever posts anything: it's a SOCIAL thing. Some of us have built and maintain valued friendships here. The comments on an image and the appreciation of the aim to produce something worthwhile are of course vastly more valuable than the image itself. If you can't imagine that, please, please stop moderating. This is not a mod repository, nor an image host indeed. The Nexus is and always has been so much more. Don't make it any less.

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if you'd been sooner you could have removed it without causing an uproar, but in these circumstances this all just amounts to poor judgement.


If I'd seen it sooner - I would have. I only seen the image at the point I did remove it.


Lisnpuppy does have a point there, the amount of images uploaded daily makes it quite easy to miss content uploaded at any given time, and it happens often, with images being removed some time after their upload date - whether by simple discovery, or because they had been reported.

At the time of seeing the image, I did look at it, I took in the detail and work - I do not deny the fact that it is a very well done image - and then, as it violated the rule on nudity - I pressed the delete button, thought no more about it and moved on to take care of some of the filed reports we receive daily.


No malice, no harm intended - simply site business.


If you think this is about the SHOT than I truly don't understand why you are a moderator. You amaze me.


Considering it's the removal of a shot that caused this to begin, I'd say it's exactly about that. The reason and cause of why it was removed, and where things go from that point.

Which, as far as I'm concerned - should not have led to what is basically a topic trying to nitpick on what is a pretty common sense area of the rules.


If you have a complaint or query about a member of staff, I recommend you take it up with Dark0ne and not derail this by trying to judge one of the site's staff members.

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Better to have Loved and lost then to have never Loved at all right? You got your warm fuzy feeling of adoration from the picture, no need to spoil the memory by being bitter. Strive to make another picture (within forum regs) that reaches or surpasses your old milestone!



[Edit] Although, to play devil's advocate. It is indeed tough to define what is and isn't pornography, so tough that a Supreme Court Justice when asked, said: "I can't define what is pornography, but I know it when I see it." -Potter Stewart, Associate Supreme Court Justice.


I thought this was an amusing definition :P

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At the time of seeing the image, I did look at it, I took in the detail and work - I do not deny the fact that it is a very well done image - and then, as it violated the rule on nudity - I pressed the delete button, thought no more about it and moved on to take care of some of the filed reports we receive daily.

Well, if that is the way you decide on these issues --totally ignoring circumstances-- if this is the way think it's proper to handle running a social forum, I'll take my images elsewhere, which grieves me (not you), as the community here has become quite dear to me.

Truly, I have to make a LOT of judgement calls in my day-job and I often muck up, but at least I try to keep an open mind and try to think about why I do the things I do. I try to never make a knee-jerk decision, hide behind any rules, and try to act using common courtesy.


No hard feelings, I'm just thoroughly disappointed, frustrated and sad.



The Vampire Dante, I think you misread my meaning. Let's leave it at that.

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I don't see how the rules as they stand could be much clearer

They could be a lot clearer. "Dont show anything of the breast from Areola downwards" That would be really clear. But "no nudity"?

For more, see my previous post.


Any rule on this will ALWAYS include subjective definitions requiring interpretation. You cannot rigidly and explicitly define "acceptable partial nudity" without subjective judgements, it is quite literally impossible.

Of course. But that shouldn't be such an impossible task. The publisher of the above mentioned children's bible managed. The church manages in oh-so-many churches. Any museum manages.

All it would take is a handful of respectable members clicking a button. Let's say 5 out of a pool of 100?

But I dont think we're supposed to discuss this.



if you felt such need to contact everyone then you must have known it was walking the line.

No. Quite the contrary. The reason was that the first time I was confronted with nudity rules was the time the shot was removed when uploaded without adult-tag. Since I found the rules to be utterly confusing, I thought the best would be to directly ask someone.

Point being I originally didnt even think it necessary to put it in the adult section.



The rules on the image share can not be more clear..

I've already stated how i think about this - but I wish the best of luck to anyone who tries to interpret them in the future!



Why was it not picked up before? Because thousands of screenies are uploaded daily on this place. We can view neither all the post or all the pics that come across on this site without the help from the community. Sometime we just see it....usually though it gets reported.

I can not believe all of the staff members and all of the moderators manage to overlook the top image of the top image section for 13 (!) days. And I doubt you can guarantee this - it's not as if anyone could tell who did or didnt see it.

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@yagho please stick around. don't let this bring you down.


@mod team i understand ur reasons as we all do, i agree with the need to censor so this site doesn't get into problems for distributing pornographic material to minors. but i agree with the fact that removing the pic now, after it has reached it's peak of views without causing any trouble for nexus, is not fully understandable.

and yes, not a repository, but one's picture collection with endorsements and most of all comments is sumthin a lot of us hold dear.

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Well, if that is the way you decide on these issues --totally ignoring circumstances-- if this is the way think it's proper to handle running a social forum, I'll take my images elsewhere, which grieves me (not you), as the community here has become quite dear to me.

Truly, I have to make a LOT of judgement calls in my day-job and I often muck up, but at least I try to keep an open mind and try to think about why I do the things I do. I try to never make a knee-jerk decision, hide behind any rules, and try to act using common courtesy.


I thought about it long enough to know it was a very well done and highly artistic image, but - it violated a site rule - there's the circumstances back in play.


An image can have all the wonderful and amazing content within it's setup as you could ever want, which some believe this image did (with good reason) - it still was not acceptable under the rules defined for the use of the general imageshare. Therefore - it was removed.


1. image found

2. image studied

3. image found to violate site rule

4. Course of action decided

5. image removed


Simple course of action for a simple situation. People are so bent on making this into a much bigger scenario than it is. There was nothing "knee-jerk" about it. I do take time over these things, if you take the point that I said I thought no more about it after removing it - it's been rather busy around here, and I have better things to do and sit and muse over something I've already dealt with.


but i agree with the fact that removing the pic now, after it has reached it's peak of views without causing any trouble for nexus, is not fully understandable.


I did not take in the upload date as it was not relevant to the situation. As I've said, I seen the image, and found it violated the rule. That's all there is to it.


Even if I had seen the upload date, I wasn't exactly going to just bypass it and let the image stand, then I wouldn't be doing what I'm supposed to.

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After reading all of this .. makes me sad as well. It feels like this discussion is some kind of open war between the forces of good and evil, but with both sides in doubts. I have great respect for the Nexus community. I can say that i've met some people here more honest and kinder than most of the people I have meet in real life. But this thing right here ...


I can only say I agree with everything Midhras and Yagho said. I'm not siding with them, but I feel like they described and resolved the initial point of this topic while mods, let's face it, kept saying the same thing over and over again with only changed words.


As for Dark0ne scratching his head...well we have been down this road with the image share more times than there are grains of sand in all the beaches of the world.


There is something in this sentence that just doesn't sound right. The "sarcasm" in there is nothing more than a sheer over-exaggeration. This discussion ain't about philosophy or poetry. And using those kind of words intend to stir peoples' minds in one way or another.


I have no query about anyone but I think I pretty much summed it up above.

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