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Trade Run Caravan Mod - Is this even possible?


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The idea of including Ringo is already nice and you are right, the magnitude of his debt to the Courier is so much. I mean, the courier saved his ass at Goodsprings to lore wise, the Ringo idea is already good. Do you think the NCR Faction Removal Mod of Ringo would help to? Since this Mod would eventually entail some situation where the Courier can decide to do Caravan Service for Ceasar's Legion. Sometimes Ringo would randomly attack the player if he sides with the Legion. I am not sure of this bug would any way affect the plan.

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Do you think the NCR Faction Removal Mod of Ringo would help to?


Not to worry about the faction removal, I can do that, just takes a few seconds in geck. But re: Ringo, I don't really see him as a long term companion for the caravan mod, just part of getting the CC plot line started. That's not to say he couldn't be a longer term companion, but if he was he would be switched to teh player faction.

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Are the locations too close together to provide a sense of a real road trip (even at just walking speed)? For some players, certainly, but for the majority I think it will be fine. We want to instill the feeling of distance and travel, but never at the expense of boredom. I think for most of the trips we can find that balance with teh current Mojave worldspace.



for the boredom problem ,there are some mods that add bikes .

and about sizes i think that settlements and locations with more "realistic" sizes and double or triple distances between them would be a good balance.but i know that this is more about personal tastes.

Edited by betto212
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Sounds like a lot of fun; Since you are a Courier, you should be able to take this as a job and deliver it to wherever that person wants it to be delivered, and the brahmin can get hurt along the way. if you make it with all (lets say 5) brahmins alive, you get +200% caps. if you make it with 1, its only 50% caps. if none, you earn nothing and you wont be able to get hired by that person for a week or something. Just an idea!
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I think the incentive plan was already discussed by Devin. The idea of having penalties and rewards might bring a heavy blow at the beginning since you will be working for a caravan company. However, in the latter part of the mod, devin plans to give the courier a chance to start his own caravan company and here are the pros and cons.


Cons: You run your own company so if you experience a setback like; lose some goods, have one of your brahmins killed on the way or maybe have the whole caravan itself decimated, you can always start again at the cost of your own pocket.


Pros: The good thing though is you don't need to answer to any employers for whatever fate your caravan had. Just start a new caravan and expand your trade empire.



It is going to be a very fun mod. Just like what I was telling devinpatterson, it is going to be a lot of cowboy fun. If you watch good old cowboy movies, these kind of caravan gets besieged by Indians, Bandits or even crooked Sheriffs. This mod is something worth waiting for.

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Something that I feel needs stated.. while I agree with incorporating Ringo in some fashion because this would be the most seamless choice, an option would need to be included.. a path choice. Goodsprings being the starting place it is, I think the quest needs an opener for if the player kills Ringo. After all, it's bound to be one of the first quests a person has done.


I also think that alongside it's different opener, it should have a unique set of consequences.


Maybe if the player sided with the gangers before wanting to enlist in the caravan, the goodsprings checkpoint doesn't add to income and becomes more dangerous to travel near.. or perhaps because you helped the gangers capture goodsprings any ganger spawn you meet leaves you alone. (though bandits might be more common)


In short, I think an evil path is important as well, so that the mod appeals to all sorts of players.

Edited by Maholix
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Something that I feel needs stated.. while I agree with incorporating Ringo in some fashion because this would be the most seamless choice, an option would need to be included.. a path choice. Goodsprings being the starting place it is, I think the quest needs an opener for if the player kills Ringo. After all, it's bound to be one of the first quests a person has done.


I believe CrameKnight's caravan company is the alternate opener to Ringo.


Maybe if the player sided with the gangers before wanting to enlist in the caravan, the goodsprings checkpoint doesn't add to income and becomes more dangerous to travel near..


Not to worry, I plan on incorporating reputation in profits for each outpost.


or perhaps because you helped the gangers capture goodsprings any ganger spawn you meet leaves you alone. (though bandits might be more common)


I think that's already taken into account by the game automatically, by virtue of your rep with the powdergangers



In short, I think an evil path is important as well, so that the mod appeals to all sorts of players.


If there was an evil path, the Crimson Caravan would also be a good fit. McLafferty would use the player to carry out another hit on any caravan starting up business in teh Mojave (for example CrameKnight's new caravan company). But the player would have multiple duties, such as "enforcing" company policy on difficult employees, carrying on highly illegal trade such as weapons with the legion & Omertas, as well as chems for/from the Khans and Omertas, greasing palms or otherwise "convincing" boarder guards and officials to give the CC preferential treatment, etc.


Everything that is too dangerous/dirty for the CC's above board business. Anyone who is willing to kill, to achieve a monopoly, when they already own 90%+ of the Mojave's business isn't just ruthless, but falls well into evil karma. And along that path there could be a lot of potential quests.

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and about sizes i think that settlements and locations with more "realistic" sizes and double or triple distances between them would be a good balance.but i know that this is more about personal tastes.


Oh yeah, I agree with you, the layout of towns should resemble the pioneer days of the old west with more realistic sized towns and Nevada being bigger than a lone man can run across in a few hours. But re-tooling everything to fit is just beyond the scope of this mod. Although some day I'd like to do something like that, including making New Vegas populated by 100's of people and physically expanding it to hold a lot more casinos, resorts and other iconic fixtures of the old world Las Vegas. .

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Devin I have another suggestion, I hope you like it.


If the player starts at Goodsprings and will build his Caravan Company Headquarters there, how do you foresee the structure? Do you think it is possible to make a compound just lying there, non-operational, dormant until the player decides to purchase it? Or perhaps have it build like "ala RTS Style" (although that could be buggy and might take much time).


There could be NPCs you can interact in the world that could be hired to perform some function.


- Like a shepherd which will improve the life of the pack animal by a reasonable percentage.

- A recruits personnel that could start looking for bodyguard rosters for you to hire.

- A drill sergeant (most probably NCR retired or retiree) that could spend his life training your possible bodyguards for hire to improve their combat skills by a reasonable percentage.

- A WATERBOY lol omg!!! like Adam Sandler. (So that your the Headquarters might have a dedicated water fetcher) If not a waterboy it could just be a Pipeman to build a waterline and watertank.

- A security personel so that you will have 100% watch on the HQ's supply instead of someone from the inside stealing resources. The resources could be abstract.

- A possible additional NPC that could sell stuff like Chet. (I hope Chet doesn't burn our HQ for the competition)


The Courier's Caravan Headquarters is not militaristic but more of a ranch style with a little bit of improved security. In there, If we can borrow the Goodspring Shack and incorporate it in the Caravan HQ, the player might have a good resting are in Goodsprings. Also you will this Mod be named DIY Caravan v2? It still doesn't have a name hehehehe. I hope you can think of one. Please don't remove Black Bart, that cow has been with me through a lot. I stuffed him with junks and everything I can sell. Though he follows you even on the interior of the location, he is very Iconic. The black caravan cow.

Edited by CrameKnight
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