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A new Securom horror story.


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So, this afternoon, I felt like playing something I hadn't in a while, so i fished out my copy of Borderlands, and decided to go on a looting binge. For old time's sake. I got my copy back when the game came out in Australia-the box even has the original EB Game price sticker on it. Unless EB games is printing pirated copies-it's about as legit as you can possibly get. However, Securom disagreed. The disc drive started making bizaar noises-this was the first warning sign. It sounded like it wasn't spinning correctly, and it took forever to verify the disc, before spitting out the message "insert original disc rather than a backup" I restarted the launch, twice more the same thing happened. Getting annoyed, I removed the disc of the machine-my first concern was that it was hotter than hades in summer. I flipped it over-and found the entire working side of the disc was scratched like the surface of Europa-it hadn't been before, I take great care of my discs-and had even cleaned it before putting it in, at which point it had been nearly scratch free, however, something had gone wrong today-in the drive and ruined it.


At this point I honestly don't know what happened, however it's not the only disc it's rejecting-all my discs with Securom spit out the same message, the disc drive won't run ANY disc properly, be it DVD, CD or other, and so far I haven't been able to get more than a "don't pirate games" lecture from securom. Another reason I'm quickly running out of loyalty to the PC gaming industry, if this keeps up, I'll be pure console soon. I've had pretty much enough of the unreliability, the egos and the blasted DRM. Atleast my PS3 doesn't destroy my discs when it bugs out.


EDIT: Ripped out the drive and dissected it-looks like the bit that holds the disc broke-that rubbed off the Securom strip, and caused the problem. Bugger, but atleast i know it's mechanical.

Edited by Vindekarr
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I had some serious issues with my Borderlands CD as well. It doesn't work at all by this point, and just spits up error messages when installing that have no solution. Was easier to just buy the game when it went on sale on Steam.
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I bought it on Steam, and to my dismay, the DLC needs to be activated using Securom. WHILE IN-GAME. I stood there looking at a loading screen for about five minutes before deciding to alt-tab and check for error messages, and lo and behold, a pop-up came up asking for a serial key. I'm pretty sure it had limited activations as well. P'eed me off pretty badly.
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