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The Elder Scrolls VI: "Design" your game


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What should, in your opinion, TES 6 include to make it a perfect game?


Personally, I would consider it great if they kept the Perk system from Skyrim but expanded on the skills themselves, bringing back the skills from previous games, such as Athletics, Acrobatics, Blunt Weapon, Unarmored, etc. I'd also find it great if they brought back the Major-Minor-Misc Skills from Morrowind, with a slight adjustment that your Majors would level up at 1.2x the regular speed, giving you 1.2x the experience in your level, minors 1.0x speed and exp and all the miscellaneous at 0.75x speed and exp. This brings me to Standing stones/Birthsigns. I want Birthsigns back. You choose one in the beginning and stick with it.


As for combat, I'd welcome more weapons. I want Spears, Battle-staves, Clubs, Crossbows and Throwing weapons (darts, daggers, stars..) and possibly even some more. This also reminds me - enchantments. I'd like to see some artifacts with more than just a slight glow like in Skyrim. The only weapon I found so far to have a good enough special effect in Skyrim was Chillrend. I'd like to see a couple of weapons in the style of Trueflame from Morrowind. It doesn't have to be a weapon on fire, it can be, say a shattered sword held together by some sort of force or I don't know. Just something to make it look rare, one of a kind.


Next thing, magic. Among some other things, I'd really appreciate avoiding what they did in Skyrim. A lot of people may find it OK but not me. Frost magic. Why the hell would someone specialize in that (from the tactical standpoint) when you fight Nords with FROST RESISTANCE like 80% of the time?! Also, more spells. Again. Bring back the stuff that was in Morrowind. I know some spells were turned into Shouts but still. More summons for Conjurers. I want to be able to summon myself a whole set of glowing Daedric Armor. Could be say a Master spell. While we're at it, more summoning creatures. Destruction - again, Damage attribute, Drain stamina, Drain health, Drain mana, Poison, Weakness to <sth>... And finally, to my favorites - skills like Levitate, Open (a lock), Slow fall, Feather, Water Walking and Breathing. Those were some great spells. I want them back!


As for the actual quests, I don't know what I want when it comes to story, but I do know that I want LONGER quest lines. Mages in Skyrim had what, 10 quests and you became the Arch-mage? That's ridiculous. Yeah, there were some optional quests you could take from the other mages but they weren't necessary. In Morrowind, you had a crap-ton of quests to do and it took you some time to become the Arch-mage. In Skyrim - possible within 3 hours.


The final thing that comes to my mind is traveling. Although Fast Travel makes it easier to get to a certain place, I feel it makes the exploration part of the game less fun. I'd suggest making fast travel possible only within major cities, possibly villages but not fast traveling to a dungeon. It should be displayed on your map once you have discovered it but you should have to go there manually.


EDIT: Forgot one thing - random encounters. I'd like to see some creatures/bandits attack you when you sleep outside or just resting inside a dungeon, as well as when fast-traveling. A bunch of bandits blocking a road trying to rob you or some wolves attacking...


Oh, and make Skeletons somewhat challenging. They were a f***ing joke in Skyrim.


tl;dr: Skyrim + Morrowind = Awesome game.

Edited by zaxrider
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I will like it to be in Hammerfell or somewhere were lots of sailing can be done and ony a few years after Skyrim just like Oblivion was like to Morrowind only 6 years difference. And since Hammerfell is a sailing type place have it so you can control your own boat. But have the cities bigger than Skyrim since the sizes were brutal compared to Oblivion where not one city was as big as the Imperial City and only haf as big as the adverage city in Oblivion. Have the old map like in Oblivion. No werewolves or atleast choose to be or not to be one anc continue through the questline. Edited by LegoManIAm94
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Daggerfall (TES II) was set to hammerfell and high rock. TES-A: Redguard was in Stros M'Kai if remember correctly so those will be left out from VI.


I want something that affects the world, i doubt its a coding impossibility, WoW did it.. I remember some authors saying that this and that cant be done with gamebryo yet modders did something. (crossbows and even bigger magic mods)

Reach arch mage status "hail, arch mage" *go out* "Hello, fellow mage" ..wut?

Become hero! "..What are doing here citizen?! This is only for -faction-"


Something along those lines. If i become hero, i want these worshippers bow down before me.. Or if im arch mage, i want mages to see me as one.. Or if i destroy this and that tomb, it vanishes from map or something.

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Simple don't use gamebyro engine, that'l fix everything, and Morrowind revisited http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif
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Take Skyrim and add all the cities from both Oblivion and Morrowmind. Also, make the player actually talk as in DragonAge 2. Much better than having a silent character.

No vampires or werewolves. Create new beasts if necessary but not beasts that are already in loads of other games. DragonAge was a good example. No vampires or werewolves in that!

Edited by AleCuneo
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I agree, the fable series is a good example to

Make it so the player you talk and have emotion like in fable 3, it makes the game so much more enjoyable. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

Edited by Thor.
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