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How can I discover which mods overwrite each other?


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After a lot of travel in the countryside I finally went into the Imperial City, only to realize that the Better Cities Market District is being overwritten by another mod. The majority of the streets are missing. Also, the Arena is a lot bloodier than before.


It took me almost a week to get a (relatively) stable mod setup with Mod Organizer, and I've been running around the countryside for several (real) days, so I don't want to start over again. Is there any way to discover which mod/plugin is overwriting BC? Maybe using TES4Edit?


I'm using the LOOT order. Unfortunately, the Rumare area is the most heavily modded (Region Revive, Better Cities, Unique Landscapes, Talos Gatehouse & AFK_Weye). But I figured none of those (BC being the exception) should be interfering inside the city. So I'm guessing it's a quest-mod. Lost Spires maybe, I know it adds to the sewers.

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TESMM won't show these conflicts, only files that get overwritten. And Mod Organizer does that quite well. I tried filtering with TES4Edit, but when I look for the Market District among the worldspaces, I get only the obvious Better Imperial City and All Natural for Better Impereal. The other affected plugins are grey, meaning they don't create a conflict. I must be looking wrong, since I get that cute little Better Cities banner telling me it's conflicting. But I can't seem to find the actual conflicting mod.


I guess I could download a sewer exit save, disable all mods, go to the Market District and start enabling them one by one. Still holding out hope there's an easier way to pinpoint the conflicting mod though, rather than trial and error.

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OK this won't help find vanilla assets that have been relocated type stuff, but if you go to the affected area and find something that is not vanilla and check it's refID in the console the first two digits will correspond to either Better Cities or this conflicting mod.

Edited by Striker879
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That doesn't seem likely to help with landscaping, especially since I can't click on something that is not there. It is, however, a genius idea, and I'm very grateful you suggested it. I came across a locked chest that needed a key that was nowhere to be found. Thanks to your suggestion, I realized I could just click on it and find out which mod placed it there. So thank you.


I may have found the problem by the way. Mod Organizer does a bit of automagic when it comes to BAIN scripts. As a result, my Better Cities had never given me the option of installing patches for a few quest mods I installed afterwards. When I re-ran the installation, it placed 5+ extra patches in the list. I'll know more when I get back to the IC.

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Ya I knew it would need something like a non-vanilla container/wall/etc to be of any use. Glad it got you looking in the right direction.

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Well, it's still a complete and utter mess, even with the BC patches. The Market District is still missing every single road, it's one giant sandbox...


I really wish I was better at troubleshooting this.

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If you are using Wrye Bash to install your mods then it will give you a report on the Installers tab. TES4Edit will also show you quite a bit, but if you have a large load order it may take some time to compare a few possible mods at a time.


My tried and true method for installing mods is excellent at uncovering problems in a manner that allows easy troubleshooting ... install one mod at a time and test thoroughly in between. Takes longer to get your mods installed but figuring out where to start troubleshooting is trivial (add one mod to a working load order and things break ... simple to figure out where to start dissecting).


- Edit - You could use the good old "disable half" method to narrow things down. Disable half your mods (except the Better Cities stuff) ... if the problem persists then it's in the other half. Then disable half of the problem half ... rinse and repeat until you narrow it down to one of two mods and then you'll have a 50% chance on your last throw of the dice.

Edited by Striker879
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