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Death and laughter


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Okay, I've seen threads like these before, but they're all buried, and I had a great one this morning that I wanted to share.


So I'm wandering the fields of Whiterun, killing time while I wait for a modded quest to run down the clock and move on the next stage. Suddenly, I'm ambushed by a sabre cat (you know how they are), which comes tearing towards me like a bat out of hell. Now, I'm an unarmoured mage who rarely uses stoneflesh/oakflesh spells, so I screech like a little girl and reflexively hit the shout key while backpedaling. With a mighty "Fus roh dah!", I unleash a wave of force right into the pouncing beast's open maw.


Usually, in a situation like this, I would expect to gain a reprieve of a few seconds, during which I could switch to the appropriate spells and hide behind my big strong companions. However, to my complete and utter surprise, the sabre cat went flying backwards at an unbelievable speed - my guess is that without resistance from the ground, the cat had only its own weight with which to resist my shout, which is pretty insignificant.


After flying for about fifteen feet, the cat bounced off the top of one of those small stone plateaus scattered throughout the fields - you know what I'm talking about, stones with flat, slightly angled tops. His momentum carried him along the top of the stone and shot him off like a motorcycle off a ramp. Though he was never more than six feet above the ground, he went hurtling across the landscape and beyond my field of vision.


I waited for him to pick himself up and come after me, chuckling the whole time, but eventually the combat music died away and I realized that he wasn't coming back. I cautiously moved forwards, expecting him to find me at any moment, but after some searching, I managed to find the poor kitty, crumpled up at the base of a tree some thousand feet away from the site of our battle.


So, yeah. I Fus-Roh-Dahed an uninjured enemy to death on a flat, empty plain. :laugh: Anyone else have any amusing anecdotes about NPC deaths?

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I finally got one of my characters to the point where she can go one on one with draugrs. More than one, not so much.


While clearing a nord ruin, she gets charged by at least a half dozen assorted draugrs. The first lines up for a power attack, which triggers the Quick Reflexes perk. I launch Unrelenting Force.


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus...Rodah! They go flying back butt over teacup in slo mo. The wall trap behind them activates, and like a well timed pinball paddle, slams a few to the wall. The rest bounce off the far wall and get pounded on the return swing.


Good 'ol FusRoDah. And speaking of Darwin awards, there were a few times where I thought I had UF loaded, but ended up launching Whirlwind Sprint instead. :facepalm:

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I had finished with the bandits outside an old Nordic tower and made my way up the stairs to the top where the bandit leader was located (this was a Jarl's bounty quest). All of a sudden he comes rushing at me with the predictable "No one bests an Orc!". He got halfway through "best" when I hit him with UF and sent him flying off the top of the tower. It's not what I intended, since I thought I had an angle on him that would just smash him against something, but, alas ... best laid plans and all. I never found the body.


And, Ragicka, speaking of Player Darwin Awards (Do we need a separate topic for this? I'm sure there are tons of them to relate, if people aren't too embarrassed to do so.), I was in an almost identical situation as JanusForbeare and did exactly the same thing ... except when I hit the "Z" key I got Nightvision instead of Unrelenting Force, and got one-shotted by the sabre cat a fraction of a moment later. I hate it that they put Powers on the same key as Shouts, because I never seem to remember to switch over when I no longer need to toggle Nightvision (I'm using a mod that makes it a toggle instead of a timed event).

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Went to Fus Ro Dah a pissed off Forsworn off a very high rocky mountain, only to find that I'd unleashed the full power Whirlwind Sprint, instead of knocking the enemy flying off, I flew past him at the speed of sound and promptly plummeted to my death.


LMAO.... :laugh: ...I LOVE IT!!!.... :biggrin:

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I'm currently playing an argonian named Aloysius. He's one of those characters where everything that happens to him is a little.....off-kilter. I wouldn't say he has BAD luck, per se, just....odd. I knew he was to be interesting right off the bat during the initial journey to Riverwood. Heading down the path from Helgen far ahead of Hadvar, he runs into the usual pair of wolves. For some reason, with THIS guy one of the wolves circles wayyyy around through the hills. This wolf apparently finds a buddy and poor ol' Aloysius ends up fighting three of 'em instead of the usual two.


He was admiring the view from Bard's Leap when his follower joined him and shoved him off.


He was using the crafting table in Riften when hears a single "aargh' sound behind him. He finished and turned around to find the blacksmith lying dead for no apparent reason. There was no battle music, no thievy types running around, and this was pre-Dawnguard. Dude was just dead. (I think he maybe had a heart attack or something.)


He was overloaded in a bandit cave when he spotted a bandit. He stopped and dropped a sword to lighten himself up (in sneak). Said bandit immediately runs over, picks up the sword, and hands it to Aloysius saying he should be more careful dropping things. Aloysius just stood up and stared at him for a few seconds before the bandit realized he was supposed to be hostile.


He was jogging through the countryside when he saw a giant's head at ground level. He wanders over to investigate only to find one of those friendly giants had somehow fallen into one of those hole-cairn-things. While he was bemused by this and wondering if the giant was going to have the smarts to figure out the stairs he gets one-shotted from behind by some magey type wielding ice spike.


I could go on page after page. Bear in mind I've been playing various characters since december, but this guy has had the most interesting and amusing encounters.

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