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How much time is too much time?

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So I've got a player home that you can upgrade. When making those upgrades the screen goes dark and time passes in game to give it a more realistic feel and to hide items popping in. My question is how much time should pass in game?


There are four upgrades:

  1. One expands the main house, adding onto the first floor and building a basement.
  2. One adds an entrance to an underground spring in the basement.
  3. One adds an entire separate house for followers.
  4. One makes the home Hearthfire friendly.

I have the hearthfire upgrade set to 2 hours, just because it just adds two beds. But what would be acceptable for the others? Keeping those in mind those that use mods like INeed. Don't want them building an upgrade then dropping dead from starvation. haha

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Well Rome wasn't built in a day, but I understand the compatibility with survival mods needs to be taken into account. The best way to do it would be to do it with what seems most favorable or realistic to you, the creator. Then make compatibiliity mods. However, you could also make it an adjustable/toggleable option to give the player the ability to determine how long, if at all, it would take.
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I would vary the (Game) time a bit but not make it too much or too much of a issue, cause imho not many ppl are gonna pay attention to that... Maybe some.. heh.. but how many people play like that? Well, i looked above to Rizalgar's post.. I guess some people do play like that.


For me, Skyrim (SE) is soo time consuming IRL as it was/is.. ;) In OldRim I had over 1000 hours.. it NewRim here i got approx 300 i believe.. so game time is relative, doesn't really matter... As maybe does me opinion for your mod.. lol! Sorry Bro..

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The frustrating part is trying to find the balance between realism for immersion sake and play-ability. I mean building an extension onto a house including a basement would realistically take weeks, especially if you were doing most of the work yourself. I suppose I could just give the upgrades a best guess number and adjust based on player feedback.

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