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Hello guys. I got a little stuck making a decision about how to go about my mod. I made a small and simple tent mod and now I'm trying to make it portable. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/38582


I need some opinions. I have 2 versions I'm choosing from...One more simple and another maybe a little more immersive. I'm not sure what is better...and how to keep the balance between simplicity and immersion.



More simple way:

You have a misc tent frame item in your inventory, you drop it wherever you want. If you like how it stays, you hit it ( i.e. with bash attack) and it turns into a tent. Then you can hit it again, it will turn back into the frame and you can take it back to your inventory.


More immersive way:

You have 2 items in your inventory. Tent frame and tent bag. You drop the frame wherever you want, see if you like how it stays...and you have a button/option to attach cloth to it...Once you use it, the tent bag will be removed from your inventory and placed in the tent ...To disasssemble the tent you activate the bag.


What do you like more or think is better to use in game or maybe you have other suggestions.

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We had one like that in Fallout 3, but it used the lunch box from the game. Drop it where you wanted to set up camp and click on it in sneak mode and the lunch box turned into a tent and sleeping bag. Click on the tent in sneak mode again and it turned back into the lunch box, which you carried with until you needed it again. I loved that mod! You could sleep just about anywhere. So Yeah, the first option is my choice. (and please make the mod so I can sleep anywhere in Fallout 4 - I'd love it)

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You should consider taking a look at how Conquest does its placing thing. It's practically 100% hassle-free. I'd be fine with either having it be one or two items (with a dialogue to put the cloth on the tent) though the latter does indeed sound more immersive. Doesn't really add any gameplay angle besides forgetting one part and getting stranded somewhere though.

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Thank you guys for the suggestions. There is no restrictions in suggesting your own way...I can make one object with a button to attach cloth or can mix these 2 ways together in any way.

The only main thing I want to have is the frame being placed before the tent..It allows to get a realistic angle and see how it will stay. The frame is a movable prop object so it does not stuck in the air in an unreastic position.


I have the same problem with a camp fire..I can make it portable ...just like any item you throw out of your inventory...but it's not very immersive to have a hot camp fire in your pockets...so maybe I can make a button to set on fire any wood scap. Or a craftable object - camp fire wood that can be set on fire with an activation button.

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While looking at Conquest, you might also give 'Campsite' a look on how that is done.


Now after reading your description... oooohhh... settlers can use this?!


Great idea!


Maybe you could add a 'toggle' command, that checks wether the fire is burning or not, and the menu would Show 2 entries.

When the fire is lit, there will be 'make fire out' and 'cook' option.

But when the fire is not lit, there would be 'fire up' and 'pick up campfire'.



Edited by Sephrajin
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