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Cant run skyrim with mods. HELP pls


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Hey guys


I just installed allot of mods for skyrim and when i finally was done and ready to start playing again i got a error that made me unable to run the game


<< Application load error 5:0000065434>>


This is when I try running the game from Nexus Mod Manager. If i just normally try running the game. The mods don'r work...


Please help me.



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Not really enough information to say what's causing your issue. It could be a bad install of Nexus Mod Manager, or your mods are fouling you up.


Can you start Skyrim from within NMM without ANY mods enabled? (Make sure no check marks are enabled on your Plug in tab except for any of your main .esm files at the very top. Skyrim.esm, update.esm, and Dawnguard.esm if you have that one).


If you get the Application load error again, reinstall NMM.


If your game starts, then exit out of it and start enabling your plug ins one by one until you find out which mod might be messing you up. Also, if you don't already use it, you should look for BOSS and Wyre Bash. Those two utilities will help get your load order squared away, plus tell you if you need to add any bash patches. (Which you do with Wyre Bash)

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