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Stormcloak - Imperial Breakdown


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Allegiance: Imperial

Skyrim Race: Nord Male

IRL Gender: Female

IRL Age: 42

Location: Australia

Favorite subject in school/uni major: Philosophy and Indigenous Studies

IRL Political affiliation: I'm not sure of the American political system....I am Left Wing, that's Liberal correct?

Play/Combat style: Stealthy Warrior

Blades or Paarthurnax: Paarthurnax

Guilds joined: Companions, Bards College, the Dawnguard

Opinion on the Daedra: Most are evil, a few are neutral....but that can always be opened to debate... :happy:

Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas?: NCR




additional vampire/werewolf/neither stat: Werewolf

Edited by StayFrosty05
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Allegiance: Depends on the Roleplay, but I generally argue in support of the Stormcloaks.

Skyrim Race: Again, depends on the roleplay. Nord for Stormcloaks, and usually and Imperial for Imperials.

IRL Gender: Male

IRL age: 17

Location: Australia

Fav subject: History (modern and Ancient), but I enjoy many other subjects (ask if the Info is needed)

IRL Political affiliation: Communist. Trotskyist. PS Stayfrosty, Liberalism is bourgeois, particularly if you are talking about the Liberal Party, and as such, I'd more consider it right wing. Sorry, I couldn't help it.

Combat: Depends on Roleplay, but whenever I play as an imperial or stormcloak, I'm a melee warrior.

Blades or Paarthurnax: Blades (in game)

Guilds: Depends on roleplay. Warriors usually join the Companions and their respective armies. Dark Brotherhood in the case of assassins.

Opinion on Daedra: Most are considered evil (albeit, they aren't really 'good' or 'evil'), but some, such as Azura, are not considered so. I don't support them though.

I've never played Fallout.

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Allegiance: Depends on the Roleplay, but I generally argue in support of the Stormcloaks.

Skyrim Race: Again, depends on the roleplay. Nord for Stormcloaks, and usually and Imperial for Imperials.

IRL Gender: Male

IRL age: 17

Location: Australia

Fav subject: History (modern and Ancient), but I enjoy many other subjects (ask if the Info is needed)

IRL Political affiliation: Communist. Trotskyist. PS Stayfrosty, Liberalism is bourgeois, particularly if you are talking about the Liberal Party, and as such, I'd more consider it right wing. Sorry, I couldn't help it.

Combat: Depends on Roleplay, but whenever I play as an imperial or stormcloak, I'm a melee warrior.

Blades or Paarthurnax: Blades (in game)

Guilds: Depends on roleplay. Warriors usually join the Companions and their respective armies. Dark Brotherhood in the case of assassins.

Opinion on Daedra: Most are considered evil (albeit, they aren't really 'good' or 'evil'), but some, such as Azura, are not considered so. I don't support them though.

I've never played Fallout.


I was talking American Political Parties....not Australian...if I was talking Australian politics, it would be the Greens.

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Allegiance: Stormcloak

Skyrim Race: Epic Elf (or Nord for standard races)

IRL Gender: Male

IRL Age: 34

Location: Birmingham (UK)

Favorite subject in school/uni major: Internet Technology

IRL Political affiliation: Apathetic

Play/Combat style: Rogue

Blades or Paarthurnax: Paarthurnax

Guilds joined: Companions

Opinion on the Daedra: Burn them all

Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas? NCR

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# Allegiance: Stormcloak

#Skyrim Race: Nord

#IRL Gender: Male

#IRL Age: 15

#Location: Romania

#Favorite subject in school/uni major: Computer Science

#IRL Political affiliation: Moderate

#Play/Combat style: All of them :) When i'm hidden i choose to assassinate the target and when they spotted me i chose one weapon and one spell :D

#Blades or Paarthurnax: Blades

#Guilds joined: Dawnguard, Blades, Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, Nightingales, Companions, College of Winterhold, The Companions, Bards College.

#Opinion on the Daedra: They are equal to gods. But there are 17 daedric princes and the gods are only 9 :P . Gods might be in trouble :))

#Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas? : N/A


Why i side with the Stormcloaks? The Imperials are idiots cuz they help the Thalmor, who almost destroyed Skyrim and banished Talos from the Gods. Stormcloaks are fighting for freedoom and glory.


Wish all Imperials go to Soul Cairn and stay there forever :xD

Edited by TheInSoMnIaC97
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We're about a third of the way done and so far so good. As for my answers...


Allegiance: Stormcloak

Skyrim Race: Nord

IRL Gender: Male

IRL Age: 27

Location: Texas

Favorite subject in school/uni major: Marketing

IRL Political affiliation: Moderate

Play/Combat style: Thief/rogue

Blades or Paarthurnax: Paarthurnax

Guilds joined: All sans Blades

Opinion on the Daedra: Thanks for the weapons, suckers.

#Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas? : Indie Vegas

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Allegiance: Stormcloak

Skyrim Race: Nord

IRL Gender: Male

IRL Age: 27

Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Favorite subject in school/uni major: Computer Science

IRL Political affiliation: ---

Play/Combat style: Warrior

Blades or Paarthurnax: Blades

Guilds joined: Companions, Thieves Guild, College of Winterhold, Dawnguard

Opinion on the Daedra: Some should be allowed for worship, and some should stay banned.

Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas? ---

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Allegiance: Imperial

Skyrim Race: Female Rakiel Elf (Azura's Elves mod) (Breton for default races)

IRL Gender: Male

IRL Age: 26

Location: Netherlands

Favorite subject in school/uni major: Software Engineering

IRL Political affiliation: I have no idea what any of those words mean.

Play/Combat style: Rogue, with magic as a sort of hobby

Blades or Paarthurnax: Paarthurnax fix mod, since I did not want to choose. (Otherwise, Paarthurnax, becouse dragon.)

Guilds joined: Thieves, Dark Brotherhood, Bard, winterhold college

Opinion on the Daedra: Serve them as long as they give me power. And try to defy/defeat those who would dare to cross me.

Who did you side with in Fallout: Have not played this game.

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Allegiance: Imperial

Skyrim Race: Wood Elf

IRL Gender: Male

IRL Age: 25

Location: Conroe, TX

Favorite subject in school/uni major: Writing

IRL Political affiliation: Liberal

Play/Combat style: Rogue

Blades or Paarthurnax: Not that far yet

Guilds joined: Companions, Mage College, Thieves Guild, DB...

Opinion on the Daedra: They're meanie doodie heads and I only like the funny one.

Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas? NCR

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Allegiance: Imperial (4/5 characters are Imperial, the Stormcloak one had never made it past the Battle for White Run) In terms of ideology, validity of arguements and general ethics, i side with the Empire

Skyrim Race: Dunmer (Imperial) Dunmer (Stormcloak) Breton (Imperial) Nord (Imperial) Altmer (Imperial)

IRL Gender: Male

IRL Age: 25

Location: Canada

Favorite subject in school/uni major: Masters in Anthropology

IRL Political affiliation: Economically, socialist, straight politics, mostly centrist with a left leaning (since party ideology tends to flipflop regularly, though if i had to pick a distinction i'd have to go Liberal)

Play/Combat style: Typically Warrior, though i experement with secondary playthroughs.

Blades or Paarthurnax: Paarthunax

Guilds joined: Everything i can get my teeth into

Opinion on the Daedra: Depends largely on the Daedra. For the most part, i prefer them over the Divines, even if some are a bit tempermental.

Who did you side with in Fallout: NCR

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