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Stormcloak - Imperial Breakdown


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doing this just cause you need some more data :P


Allegiance: ------------------------------- Imperial -- not yet done Stormcloak side **

Skyrim Race: ------------------------------ Redguard or Temptress -- always female

IRL Gender: ------------------------------- never the same as in game :whistling:

IRL Age: ---------------------------------- How dare you! You don't ask that of a lady!! :wink:

Location: --------------------------------- Indiana

Favorite subject in school/uni major: ---------- Graduated. It was lunch....

IRL Political affiliation: ---------------------- Conservative by birth? Not thought much about it to be honest

Play/Combat style: ------------------------- Ranger. a healthy mix of warrior and rogue. don't steal or pickpocket unless required for a quest

Blades or Paarthurnax: ---------------------- Not once have I ever got that far. SPOILED :wallbash: I got a fix in place to let me not have to decide

Guilds joined: ----------------------------- at one point or another joined all but Dark Brotherhood -- have played several characters for differing amounts of time.

Opinion on the Daedra: --------------------- They give good gear.

Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas? --- Never played it.


**Major reason for not joining the Stormcloaks: Sure the Imperials were going to execute me but it was a mistake. Ulfric and Ralof just stood there yapping and didn't bother to cut my hands free. How the heck did they get their hands free? Besides, my girl doesn't like being tied up around men -.-

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Allegiance: Imperial (I respect the Stormcloaks values of freedom and.. independence but their racism got me)


Skyrim Race: Breton or Dunmer (Mostly Breton, playing a human feels more sense)


IRL Gender: Male


IRL Age: At least 15 :wink:


Location: United States of America


Favorite subject in school/uni major: Criminal Justice


IRL Political affiliation: I uhh... think I'm Liberal?


Play/Combat style: Rogue/Mage


Blades or Paarthurnax: Parrthurnax


Guilds joined: All, prefer Thieves Guild and College of Winterhold


Opinion on the Daedra: They are practically much as evil as say.. fire? Their presence, in a way, is both positive and negative, in general I'm ambivalence on them


Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas? Indie New Vegas, I strongly support the ideals of freedom and individuality

Edited by Joshico
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Allegiance: Imperial

Skyrim Race: nord

IRL Gender: male

IRL Age: 16

Location: USA

Favorite subject in school/uni major: psychology

IRL Political affiliation: Liberal

Play/Combat style: Rogue

Blades or Paarthurnax: blades

Guilds joined: ALL

Opinion on the Daedra: good if they benefit me only

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Allegiance: Stormcloak if I am a Nord (Imperial if I am an Imperial)

Skyrim Race: Most of the time a Nord

IRL Gender: Male

IRL Age: 17

Location: Belgium

Favorite subject in school/uni major: Physics and Astronomy

IRL Political affiliation: Conservative Liberal

Play/Combat style: Most of the time a warrior or a spellsword.

Blades or Paarthurnax: Mostly I choose Paarthurnax.

Guilds joined: Companions, mages

Opinion on the Daedra: Some of them are alright, others not.

Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas? Never played

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Allegiance: Imperial

Skyrim Race: Breton

IRL Gender: Male

IRL Age: 20

Location: Michigan, United States

Favorite subject in school/uni major: Computer Engineering (major) Physics, Astronomy, History (interest)

IRL Political affiliation: Conservative Libertarian

Play/Combat style: Nightblade (hybrid of stealth and magic to support skirmish tactics)

Blades or Paarthurnax: Paarthurnax

Guilds joined: Imperial Legion, Dawnguard, College of Winterhold

Opinion on the Daedra: Distrust the whole lot of them. Some are pure evil and others are just assholes.

Who did you side with in Fallout: New California Republic, Boomers, Small towns like Good Springs and Megaton.

Edited by NAPALM13092
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Allegiance: Imperial

Skyrim Race:Lunari (Mod race)

IRL Gender:Male

IRL Age:27


Favorite subject in school/uni major:Science and computer

IRL Political affiliation: Never relay cared for real politics thanks to all lying money grabbing bastards >.<

Play/Combat style: Warrior/archer

Blades or Paarthurnax: Neutral

Guilds joined:College of winterhold, thieves guild, dark brotherhood, Downguards,

Opinion on the Daedra: Same as any religion stupid and people always wanna kill for there stupid gods.

Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas? have not played New Vegas that much never liked it.

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Allegiance: Imperial

Skyrim Race: Nord

IRL Gender: Male

IRL Age: 23

Location: Republic of Ireland

Favorite subject in school/uni major: History

IRL Political affiliation: I hate politics. I'd say none lol.

Play/Combat style: Warrior

Blades or Paarthurnax: Paarthunax

Guilds joined: Dawnguard.

Opinion on the Daedra: Interesting.

Who did you side with in Fallout: New Vegas? N/A

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And here we go. First, the general statistics...


There were 23 usable responses which is less than the 30 I was hoping to get, but it is what it is. Facetious and vague answers such as "varies," "multiple," "depends," etc. were thrown out.

The ages ranged from 13 to 42, with an average age of 22.4

11 countries were represented. The US was in the majority with 11 respondents. 6 states were represented with 3 of the respondents not giving their state.

Excluding custom races, 7 races were represented. Nord was the most common, with Breton coming in second. Nobody was an Argonian, Imperial, or Orc. If you gave multiple responses I picked the first.

21 males, 2 females

Only one person was neutral.


As for the sides...



13 (56.5%) of those who responded sided with the Imperials

Average age: 22.8

4 (30.8%) of those who played as Nords sided with the Imperials

Both female respondents sided with the Imperials

Mostly American (8/13) with others from Australia, Canada, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Sweden

Almost everyone with a liberal arts degree sided with the Imperials.

Liberal or Apathetic political affiliation

Even split of rogue and warrior play styles

Almost everyone sided with Paarthunax

Most common guilds, in order, were the College, Thieves Guild, and Dark Brotherhood

4 respondents said the Daedra were flat out evil, 3 were only involved with them for the weapons, 3 were indifferent, 2 liked them, and 1 was curious

Only 6 of you played Fallout: New Vegas and 4 sided with NCR



9 (39.1%) of those who responded sided with the Stormcloaks

Average age: 23.6

7 (53.4%) of those who played as Nords sided with the Stormcloaks

Exclusively male

3 respondents from the US. The other countries were Australia, Belgium, India, Romania, Sweden, and the UK.

Almost everyone was Computer Science or science, with 1 liberal arts respondent

Mostly Moderate or Apathetic political affiliation. Everyone who classified themselves as Conservative was a Stormcloak.

Mostly Warrior and Rogue. Everyone who classified themselves as a Mage was a Stormcloak.

50/50 split between Blades and Paarthunax

Everyone was a member of the Companions, with the College coming in second and the Thieves Guild in third.

Almost everyone thought the Daedra were evil or that some were good and some were evil. 2 people respected them, 1 was only in it for the weapons, and 1 was apathetic.

Only 3 people played Fallout: New Vegas with 2 siding with NCR and 1 with an independent Vegas.




Imperials were more likely to be American or Anglo in heritage, liberal, and study liberal arts in school. They were less likely to play as Nords and more likely to adopt a Rogue style of combat. Stormcloaks, meanwhile, were less likely to be American or Anglo, more likely to be moderate or conservative, and study science, tech, and other math-based degrees in school. They were more likely to be Nords and adopt a Warrior style of combat. Both sides joined a wide range of guilds, but if you side with the Stormcloaks you are probably a Companion. Opinions on the Daedra were about even, with most people saying they were more or less evil. Most of the people who played Fallout: NV sided with the NCR, regardless of Skyrim allegiance.


So why did I do this? In part out of curiosity, but mostly to see what the makeup of each faction was like and to see if the players themselves had any commonality in their IRL lifestyles when they chose the red or blue helmets. I do this for a living, ya know ;)


As for my hypotheses....


A. The Stormcloaks will mostly be Nords and the Imperials will mostly be made of other races: CONFIRMED

B. The Stormcloaks will mostly be Americans/other former colonies: FALSE

C. Stormcloaks will be significantly older: FALSE

D. Imperials will side with Paarthunax and Stormcloaks will be split: CONFIRMED

E. Stormcloaks will be more conservative and Imperials will be more liberal: CONFIRMED

F. Fallout:NV allegiance will spill into Skyrim, i.e. NCR will side with the Imperials and Independent Vegas will side with the Stormcloaks: HALF RIGHT. Most people sided with NCR regardless of their Skyrim allegiance, and the Indie Vegas supporters were 50/50.


3.5 out of 6 ain't so bad.


Even though the survey is "over" you can still feel free to post your comments and list it. Heck, I might re-run it later down the line if more people fill it out!

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