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Cold weather and water do damage


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Skyrim is a tough, mean environment, but the first time me and my horse blithely swum about in the ice-choked sea I was quite surprised this didn't do my character any damage. In real life, snow storms and cold water are deadly, forcing people to seek warmth and shelter - shouldn't this be the case too in Skyrim?


Dfifferent races would be affected in different ways, so Nords would be the toughest, hardly affected by the chill, followed by Bretons, Imperials, Mer, Khajit and prob Argonians last (cats and reptiles particularly dislike the cold.


I'd suggest implementing it as a low level frost damage in snow storms, in ice caves and snowy landscapes. Is it possible to differentiate this?


This particularly came to my mind because I'm playing a cat from Elsweyr, it doesn't seem to make sense that my Khajit can stand on a freezing mountain top in a blizzard without any ill effects!

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Skyrim is a tough, mean environment, but the first time me and my horse blithely swum about in the ice-choked sea I was quite surprised this didn't do my character any damage. In real life, snow storms and cold water are deadly, forcing people to seek warmth and shelter - shouldn't this be the case too in Skyrim?


Dfifferent races would be affected in different ways, so Nords would be the toughest, hardly affected by the chill, followed by Bretons, Imperials, Mer, Khajit and prob Argonians last (cats and reptiles particularly dislike the cold.


I'd suggest implementing it as a low level frost damage in snow storms, in ice caves and snowy landscapes. Is it possible to differentiate this?


This particularly came to my mind because I'm playing a cat from Elsweyr, it doesn't seem to make sense that my Khajit can stand on a freezing mountain top in a blizzard without any ill effects!




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