PaladinVoci Posted August 20, 2012 Share Posted August 20, 2012 (edited) Skyrim Who: Update #3 - 8/24 Hello again, I've made some changes to the Quest ending, lets just say this adventure will not be the last! :D Skyrim Who: Update #2 So! I had an amazing discovery today! Instead of worrying about trying to find a new mesh for the weeping angels, why not use the basic female vampire mesh! 1. Rig the basic female vampire mesh to angel wings2. Retexture the body to a stone color3. Retexture skyrim default cloths to a stone color that are fitting for an angel4. Create a new "Weeping Angel" race in the Creation Kit and attach the mesh to it. As far as ingame mechanics, that is yet to be discovered. Skyrim Who: Update #1(I moved this Article from Mod Authors to Skyrim Mod Talk)I've now created six quests that are Angels in Sorrow (Working Title) I guess i can show you guys the first three quest names. 1. What in Oblivion?2. The Search Begins3. Dont, Blink. I really dont wanna list any quest information here cause the would be spoilers... (hehehe if you get the reference)As far as technicality goes, I've started to learn how to create quests in the Geck/Creation Kit. Some of you Whovians may be familiar with the Weeping Angels Mod for Garry's Mod. The Weeping angels mechanics are going to be similar to that mod, when you turn around they move. If you really want to know, the Angels will be NPCs that move when your not looking and when you do look they change a pose. So (and many people might be really happy about this.) Weeping Angels can be companions (if you know how to make a creature companion, just ask me first.) If i can findan HD mesh of a weeping angels, i will resort to asking the Gmod Weeping Angels mod author. So guys that all for now, hope you enjoyed this little update, and i will start on the physical quests soon! Skyrim Who: Angels in Sorrow Summary: You the Dovakiin, savior of skyrim have to fight along side The Doctor to prevent the Weeping Angels from transporting citizens of Skyrim to other time periods in Nirn. I have the start of the Quest Dialogue, but i dont want to release it yet. It'll most be a fan made version of the doctor, and an English actor portraying him. This mods main purpose is not only a fully voiced Doctor Who Quest Mod, but also adding Weeping angels as the main villan in this Skyrim who episode. Im look for Scripters, Quest(ers?), Level Designers, Modelers (who can texture too)...etc So hopefully someone will stumble upon this tread, if you do, and your interested, message me.[/color] Edited August 24, 2012 by PaladinVoci Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mahrielicus Posted November 20, 2012 Share Posted November 20, 2012 This sounds incredible, ser. Can't wait to see some progress! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jlaw2000 Posted December 8, 2012 Share Posted December 8, 2012 OMG i cant wait for this weeping angels are f-ing awesome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
niasayapple Posted February 5, 2013 Share Posted February 5, 2013 i want this so bad Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kromey Posted February 5, 2013 Share Posted February 5, 2013 (edited) Normally I'm not one to like sci-fi gettin' all up in my fantasy. But the Weeping Angels are just too cool! I'm actually looking forward to this one, can't wait to see what you come up with! :thumbsup: ...Aaaaand I just realized this is an old necro thread that hasn't been updated since August. Le sigh. :dry: Edited February 5, 2013 by kromey Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
cscottydont Posted February 5, 2013 Share Posted February 5, 2013 \o/ yay for necro Doctor! Don't the Dawnguard gargoyles work kinda like angels? except for the whole holding still when you look at them thing...Someone get back on this weeping angle business, pronto! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mtueres003 Posted February 25, 2013 Share Posted February 25, 2013 Is this mod dead or alive? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlduinWorldEater Posted February 25, 2013 Share Posted February 25, 2013 Let it be alive...please let it be alive! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PaladinVoci Posted March 21, 2013 Author Share Posted March 21, 2013 Hiya! Didn't know anyone still took any interest into it, I've been really busy with youtube stuff but I'd still be into doing this, hardest part is the weeping Angel scripting. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ShagatiBlack Posted April 15, 2013 Share Posted April 15, 2013 I can't wait to see this mod completed. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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