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Based on any of the following possibilities


Elder Scrolls, Oblivion etc.


Fallout etc.


X-Files, Fringe, Supernatural, our world?


Extraordinary League of Gentlemen, Steampunk


Oriental magical fantasy, ninjas, samurai etc.


Wild west version complete with steam trains, cowboys/cowgirls, wagon trains etc.


Others to be added?


There may be more than one version of any of the above, in the longer term.


I wanted to see, for example, what different versions of the Imperial City might look like.


These notes to be added to and edited in future.


PS: I am also hoping that this simplifies the idea of alternate realms based on different games.







ALDMER: The original Mer People (Canon).




CARNANOID: Reptilian humanoids, large and powerful, daedra (New).


CARTHRIDA: Elder man of the Empire, Wizard, Mages Guild.


CLANNFEAR: Daedric creatures serving the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon (Canon).


KILLOGIC DAGON: Grand Daedra, Daedric Prince, brother of Mehrunes Dagon (New).


LEVAVALKIRUNA: Aldmer Cavecity


LUCKY EDDIE: Central Character


MATRINA: Elder woman of the Empire, Priestess.


MEHRUNES DAGON: Grand Daedra, Daedric Prince, brother of Killogic Dagon (Canon).


RAYMAR: Servant people of the Aldmer being human, Mer, other hybrids.


SARISHA: Soldier scholar









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AKATOSH: One of the Nine Divines (canon)


ALISARI: Eternal Champion


ANVIL: Lesser Imperial City of Cyrodiil. (canon)


APEFOLK: Also known as Primatari or the beastfolk of the Misty Isles.


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Jadekin was born with the special birth mark on her forehead that only some could see naturally and that only others could see under special conditions. She was born in the Imperial City, sometimes known as Imperiarna or the Grand Imperial City. Jadekin was born in the Imperial City Hospital under the care of the Sisterhood of Healing. There was nothing dramatic about her birth; indeed everything went very well. She was the third daughter to be born to a battlemage and a druid, the druid being her mother. Her family were mageborn but mageborn kept themselves secret thanks to dark events in the histories of the mageborn of the world of Nirn.


On the day that Jadekin was born a gracefully, quasimagical sailship arrived at the Imperial City Harborside showing proudly the banner of the Chinajayne Empire. The Chinajayne were a proud set of peoples of humans, true elves, gnomes, dwarns (true dwarfs) and others. They had come to offer trade agreements, exchanges of knowledge and even an alliance. Emperor Uriel Septum VII began negotiations and all went well from the start.


On the same day, Mankar Cameron gained total leadership, control, over the Mythic Dawn Cult with a mixture of charisma, cunning, deceit and murder. The previous leadership council, of three, was reduced to a non council of just him.


On the same day, a famous seer in the city of Kvatch had a vision that one day Kvatch would be attacked, suddenly, my a horde of monsters. She spoke of the daedra, of Oblivion Gates and that a monstrous quasiliving machine would smash down the walls. Very few chose to believe her and after that the famous seer lost much credibility and was forced to leave the city. She vanished from public life of the Empire.


On the same day, the City of Kavenshard was proclaimed to be the newest of the Lesser Imperial Cities of Cyrodiil and the Empire. Kavenshard joined Kvatch, Bruma, Cheydinhal, Chorral, Anvil, Skingrad, Leyawiin and Bravil. Not all welcomed the addition of the new Lesser Imperial City, especially other such cities that had been seeking firm control of territories now taken over by Kavenshard.


On the same day, Archmage Hannibal Traven came to power and began his reforms. At once he became very controversial and gained many enemies by banning necromancy, the use of soulgems and soulgem magic from the Mages Guild. This was quickly followed by the banning of the summoning of either daedra or the undead, also in the Mages Guild.


On the same day, work began on expanding, upgrading, Cloud Ruler Temple.


On the same day, the Grand Guilds Union arose. This consisted of the Merchant Guild, the Traders Guild, the Bankers Guild, the Artisans Guild, the Mercenaries Guild (not the Fighters Guild) and the Sages Guild. All were soon to add 'Grand' to their titles and other guilds were to join in future but only a few though many more applied.


On the same day, the first quasimagical wingship flew, faster and more graceful than any quasimagical airship could travel but more difficult to make and maintain, as well as to pilot.


On the same day, the Constitutionalist Movement had its first general meeting and officially declared the existence of the Constitutionalist Charter. At the time this was a mostly unknown event by the great majority of people in the Empire.


On the same day took place some strange omens but they were fairly typical for the Empire and mostly events were quite peaceful and ordinary.

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Jadekin moved quickly along a big old sewer tunnel. The majority of tunnels were amazing, seemed to be of quite a different architectural design from much of the rest of the city. There were odd circular pipes, the canals with walkway platforms either side, small odd bridges, dry chambers and passageways, walkways above the general area, stairways, rampways and much else. Yet these areas were clearly not Ayleid of build or design either.


She had to avoid the Imperial Guardsmen who patrolled that part of the sewer tunnel networks because of the relative closeness of the Imperial Palace and other 'more important' sites of the Imperial City. She was twenty years old, was lithe, was slimly muscular, was attractive but not beautiful by standards of the Empire. She was also grubby and wore typical beggar's clothing because she was in disguise. Jadekin was doing a task for her hidden people, the mageborn. Not all magefolk were mageborn but mageborn were always powerful magefolk.


She ran quietly, quickly, not using even her intrinsic mageborn powers. The use of magic could attract the wrong kind of attention and she preferred to keep her magicka for emergencies.


As it was the area she was in was more avoided by goblins or wererats or other such threats. Nor did she expect to encounter much more than spikecrabs, they looked like oversized savage mudcrabs but in truth were not, giant rats and other such critters. At least some of the creatures had been created by magical experimentation, often of illegal kinds, and then dumped into the Undercity.


Rains had fallen and the Sewer Tunnels were fresher than they might otherwise have been but also flowed deeper. Sewerage was not treated but vanished into ancient unknown ways. Truth was it went into the areas where people not only did not go but where they were officially forbidden to go. There was also the ancient Ayleid City that still remained below the Imperial City. Most people thought that the White Gold Tower had been created by the Ayleid but in truth their ancestors, the more knowledgeable and powerful Aldmer, had done so.


She heard the sound of fighting, the clash of swords, the odd sizzling hum of magic being used. Then the young woman was slowing for ahead of her there were Blades, Bodyguards to the Emperor, fighting Mythic Dawn Followers in summoned daedric armor unique to them in appearance. The Emperor himself stood in his robes and seemed bewildered somehow. Also with him was an fighter who was in basic armor but fought using two Blade longswords with amazing ability. The other woman was special, Jadekin 'sensed' that at once. The Mythic Dawn Followers were in great numbers but were, generally, less skilled than their enemies but all seemed to be battlemages.


Jadekin had no time to make long winded decisions. She reacted and went to the assistance of the Emperor. As she rushed towards the nearest Mythic Dawn Followers, Jadekin unleashed a pair of large fireballs, one from each hand. Each magical projectile exploded into one of the daedric traitors. Both died almost at once, collapsing and as they did, their summoned armor and weapons vanished with an odd shimmering effect.


The Mythic Dawn Followers had summoned lesser daedra of scamps, clannfears and scards. The scards were scamp like but taller, thinner, and used basic magical armor and weapons. Usually a scard would use odd magical leather armor and a sword in each hand but sometimes would use a short, powerful crossbow instead or an odd weapon known as an axespear.


Jadekin cut off the head of a scard with the sweep of her shortsword that she took out from hiding. In her other hand was a curious device, a bladeshield, that she struck away the attack of a scamp trying to get to her with its hard, sharp claws and fangs. Both had soon vanished in death.

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The surviving enemies fled away, for it was clear they had lost the battle, except the wounded who were taken into custody. Imperial Guardsmen were arriving, not to be confused with Imperial Legionaries or even Imperial City Guardsmen. Some of the escaping Mythic Dawn Followers ran straight into imperial reinforcements and either returned dead or as prisoners, some of them being wounded.


The Emperor was removed, seemed distant somehow, but since he was of the Dragonborn, had been gifted with the ThirdEye, this was taken as normal. The Dragonborn Emperors, and Empresses, guided the Empire with the ThirdEye. This was accepted by the peoples of the Empire and even by many who opposed the Empire.


Jadekin bowed to the Emperor, amazed that she had gotten to meet this man she had ever only seen before as paintings, drawings, statues and, once, as a magically projected illusion. That had been during a big public festival in the Imperial City that had been attended by both Imperials, the elite born, and Cyrodilins, Cyrodilic Commoners, along with peoples of minorities in the city. There had been some visitors. The magical projections had been very large in the air, showing the kindly, strong, wise face of Emperor Uriel Septum VII.


The Emperor looked to Jadekin. “I thank you for coming to our aid and not just to my aid. You dress, and smell, like a beggar but I 'see' you are far more than that. It is no accident that you came this way and perhaps we were meant to meet but, then again, things that were meant to happen have failed to happen.”


Jadekin could not help but be nervous. “Your Imperial Highness, I was sent here to deliver an important parcel to the Imperial Servitor Handra Sandmandilla. It was he who was to pass it onto you.”


The Emperor frowned softly. “A most curious mission for Imperial Servitor Handra Sandmandilla died of a natural malady just one month and eight days ago. I attended his funeral myself as he had served me faithfully for many decades. Please show me the 'parcel'."


Realizing something was very strange with her mission, Jadekin took out a rag wrapped box but when she removed the rags, what was exposed was an expensively made, magic infused lidbox with many wards carved into it. It was large in her hand and felt quite heavy. She 'sensed' great power emanating from it of extremely exotic qualities and nature.


A big spikecrab came close enough to observe the humans, decided it could not take on such a threat and fled back the way it had come from. Or was it that? Jadekin realized small roaches, ants and other creatures were now moving steadily away from her position.


The Emperor shook his head in wonder. “I am of the Dragonborn, have the ThirdEye, and I 'feel' the incredible power of this hidden artifact. It is of the Mythic Age, at least, it is so very amazingly ancient. You are mageborn, girl, so please bring it for it would do you no harm to hold. I need you to come with me. What is your name?”


“Jadekin!” She felt almost overwhelmed by what was happening and words spilled out of her. “Jadekin Strongvar of Shellinza MonGomaVia, Inheritor of the One, the Two and the Three of the VestisVantis. Lady of the Dragonborn Mageborn. Inheritor of the Guardian Banecrawtisi. Fifteenth Dethroned Empress of the Imperius Skylands. Swordmaiden of the Flame. Shieldmaiden of the Ice. Winner of the best crayon drawing at the Imperial Children's School at the age of five.” She blushed. “Perhaps that last bit was not so necessary for you to know.”

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The Emperor smiled and bowed briefly. “Your lineage is as great as my own. As for your winning of a grand award for the crayon drawing, please remain proud of that wonderful achievement. Now, Jadekin, we must go soon. I 'sense' that something has happened that should not have taken place. We are all in danger though the nature of that danger may have changed. I must learn more of my three sons, to know if they have also lived despite the threat of assassination by the Mythic Dawn.”


Jadekin carried the box, again in her backsack, as they moved through the Sewer Tunnels, now with a much larger escort of soldiers, battlemages, mages and even some big fighting hounds. The strange young woman strode next to the Emperor, moved smoothly and quietly like some pacing predator. Jadekin did not realize it but she moved in the very same manner.


They walked up a series of big spiral rampways, leaving the sewers, the Undercity, and entering the palace at last through a large armored set of gates. Imperial Palace Guards were in large numbers and some were obviously wounded for a large battle had taken place. Some had died but more of the attackers had come to a fateful end. Mehrunes Dagon had no real care for the fools of the Mythic Dawn and had used them as expendable shock troopers. He had done the same with hundreds of summoned daedra but at least they had been able to begin rebirth back in the Dead Lands, the Oblivion Realm of Mehrunes Dagon.


The Emperor entered the Emperor's Personal Quarters with a reduced number of people and a few others waited for him. Blades spread out as his bodyguards and other Blades were already there. There was the Archmage Traven, some Elders of the Imperial Council, two Imperial Advisers, the Imperial Personal Secretary, three handmaidens, along with some pampered imperial cats all looking around as if wondering what all the fuss was about.


The furnishings, fittings and decorations of the chambers were very expensive, very well made but practical and never overly fancy, overly decorative. There were some powerful, sophisticated, very expensive quasimagical devices of practical nature or just there, it seemed, for the amusement of the Emperor. The Empress was known to spend time there but was often found at her own apartment if not elsewhere at the Imperial Estates outside of the Imperial City. As for the sons, and the whispered of daughter, they were said to never come near those chambers.


Jadekin placed the lidbox at the center of a very special metallic table that she guessed was designed, and made, to safely check out or work with magic, quasimagic or other powerful forces. The table top was of crystal substance like that found with Ayleid Stones and it glowed softly as they did when they were fully charged up.


Jadekin opened the lidbox, 'sensing' it would do no harm to her, and the box vanished with a soft shimmering effect. Sitting there was a soft glowing globe of crystal material, translucent, with flickering glowing symbols inside. It rose slowly up into the air and the air flickered around it. It remained there, just hovering.


Archmage Traven shook his head in wonder. “I am not positive but that may be a WhirlaKey of Fate, an artifact created by living gods-goddesses of the Mythic Age itself.”


The strange woman who had appeared to assist the Emperor, named Alisari, spoke then with a solemn tone of voice. “That is exactly what it is, Archmage Traven. There can be no attempt to meddle with it, including using magical or quasimagical or spiritual means.”


The Emperor nodded. “It will remain here under my protection.”

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Jadekin went home! She was not included in any of the secretive, highly important meetings held by the Emperor and other Imperial VIPs. Of course she was not surprised by this and had no real desire to be so involved. Jadekin was glad that the Emperor was alive, that the package had been delivered, and that she could get back to her life. Her family gave her what she had earned for the dangerous delivery job, that is 50 imperial gold. It was a good deal of money but she had been in a good deal of danger. The family got the other 50 imperial gold.


Jadekin did not relish doing too many such dangerous missions. Mostly she helped out at the family shop, the Majestico Exotic Goods Emporium that was commonly known as the Majestico Emporium. It sold goods ranging from books to tools, some weapons. It sold some items that were quasimagical in nature. It provided some services. There were collectors' items, odd items, some very peculiar items. Many folks came just out of curiosity and paid a silver imperial for going through the Majestico Collectium, a mixture of museum, gallery and more.


The Mages Guild kept watch on the shop but had never tried to interfere, largely because it gained much from it being in the Imperial City. Indeed it was conveniently close to both the Arcane University and the Great Lodge of the Mages Guild. The Chancellor of the Arcane University supported Archmage Traven in his reforms though he did not fully agree with all of them. It was said that she was starting to shift in her views in favor of Traven.


The Grand Sorcerers Guild, of the Grand Guilds, tried to have the shop closed down but failed totally in its efforts which were seen as both illegal and brutally selfish by numerous people. It took an official threat, from the Imperial City Sheriff, to halt the actions of the Grand Sorcerers.


Jadekin sorted out some books, putting some on public display in secure display cases and taking some out of display. Sometimes she considered herself to be little more than a library clerk but in truth she loved the books in the emporium, especially those that were not for sale but only to be read on the premises.


After that she did some careful repairs on a book. It was a hedge-wizard's tome with lots of superstitious nonsense and strange lore, but it was of historical value and did have some value in the way of magical knowledge. It was not a quasimagical, or magic infused, book. Having finished with the repairs, she prepared for the next trick with the book. That was transduplication of the original. This was a mageborn trick that was almost unique to them. The book was wanted by the Arcane University and by the Majestico Collectium.


The original book was placed on a thin copper disk and another thin copper disk was placed close enough for the two to touch. Jadekin carried out the necessary precautions. Then she focused and, with a sparkling shimmer, an almost perfect copy of the original book appeared on the formerly empty disk. Transduplicates were never perfect and the transduplicated book had about 1% internal damage. This did not seem much but it got worse if a transduplicate got transduplicated and so forth. The damage doubled with each transduplicating of a transduplication, the item became more dangerously unstable. This was why transduplication was kept secret from most people and was otherwise heavily regulated by the Empire. There were other important ones.


The original book would need to be left alone for a few minutes until it ceased to tingle with energies. The transduplicated book would have some repair regeneration done to it and would be stamped with an imperial regulation stamp indicating that it was a first level transduplicate. Transduplication took special abilities, special training and much focus along with a good deal of magicka. It was not a cheap, or easy, form of creating items.

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She had just finished that task when the latest Black Courier scroll arrived with headline stories on the front and other items on the back. This was the Imperial City Edition, of course. The Black Courier Guild obtained information directly from magical, and quasimagical, means. Now the guild had officers in all of the major cities of Cyrodiil.


Sipping a mug of hot cofii, a coffee like tea made from small thick black leaves, into which she had stirred some honey, Jadekin read the latest edition of the Black Horse Courier with great care. She was one of those that knew to read between the lines with their articles. Often the guild people said 'between the lines' what they could not say openly.


The first article spoke of the saving of the Emperor, his three sons, and other important targets from the treacherous Mythic Dawn Cult. The cult was described as malicious, deluded, fanatical followers of the insane Mankar Cameron and the evil Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon.


The article went on further about the brief appearance of OblivionGates across Cyrodiil, most of them being relatively small in size, and then there just as sudden disappearance. Nothing had come out of the OblivionGates, not one daedra.


Mythic Dawn outposts had been raided and many followers had been killed or taken prisoners. Disillusioned followers had given themselves in to imperial authorities and had given much valuable information that led to yet more raids. Yet many followers had escaped and so had Mankar Cameron himself. The Mythic Dawn had been badly damaged but it was far from removed as a threat to the Empire. The hunt continued for the Mythic Dawn and for others who had supported their cause.


The second big article was about the failure of the Grand Artisans Guild to gain an imperial monopoly on the creation of many kinds of quasimagical devices. This included many quasimagical technologies that had become vital to the running of the Empire. The Emperor took one look at the document and shredded it before throwing the shredded bits into a fireplace. The request had been both condescending and abrupt so he sent them an imperial rebuke and a demand for an official apology. No such apology had been sent so far. This was not the first such 'request' from the Grand Guilds but was the first to earn an imperial rebuke.


The third article was about the Thieves Guild and the growing daring of its mysterious leader, the GrayFox, who had become the curse of imperial law enforcement. The Imperial City Sheriff had declared he would hunt down the GrayFox if it was the last thing he ever did. This was far from the first time the sheriff had made such a statement and it was no longer taken as seriously as it had once been, at least not by the large majority of people.


An economic report gave details of a strange, unexpected shortage of imperial coinage, mostly golden imperials. While the Grand Banking Guild was stating there was no reason for concern, other factions were far from pleased with the situation. The Imperial Treasurer had declared that she was starting a major investigation into the problem that was starting to have a detrimental effect on the Imperial Economy.


There were some social articles on the other side, a weather prediction by the Arcane University, a small article about the vanishing of a major leader of the Constitutionalist Movement, the sightings of some strange creatures and other minor articles.


At the very bottom, just squeezed in, was an article about the Sisterhood of Compassion and their need for funds to assist the very special folks of the Imperial Undercity.

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Because she was in a very familiar place, a supposedly very safe place, Jadekin did not know about the attack until she was struck from behind by a powerful magical attack. Stunned, she dropped forward onto the table. Her head lay on its side as she fought against the physical and mental helplessness that had impacted against her. Jadekin 'sensed' the presence of at least two other people. Then she felt the pressure of something hard, cold, being press down over her head.


Pain struck through her and then she was slipping into darkness.


When she awoke, she was bound to a wooden board, was naked except for her undershorts and undershirt. Light was bright and sharp. All she could see were three dark figures sitting on high backed chairs of some kind. That is she could not see anything with much clarity. The thing that clamped her head was still causing a nasty little headache, was suppressing her magic. This included her intrinsic spell-powers as a mageborn.


One figure spoke in a heavily disguised voice. “You have betrayed your people once more, blurting out foolish words before the cursed Dragonborn Emperor. Betrayer reborn! Your true people curse you. What a fool you must be. Now you will pay the price.”


Jadekin shook her head a little, trying in vain to clear her mind of the fog that seemed to fill it. Something was burning, tingling and then she realized it was a spot on her forehead. It did not hurt though it was very hot. She cried out in rage, not in pain, and the figures jumped out of their high backed chairs. They moved back and now each held a staff of some kind. Yet she could 'sense' that they were frightened of her.


She was heavily bound with magic and steel but they were frightened of her! She almost felt like laughing at the irony of the situation.


Jadekin croaked out her words. “What are you really frightened of?”


The man stepped forward and shook his staff at her in rage. She could 'sense' that this was a mageborn man. “Frightened, what are we frightened of? We are frightened of the forces that you, your ancestors, unleashed upon us! We would have been as living gods-goddesses but you turned against us, cursing us for our folly, our greed, our arrogance. The mageborn could have gone beyond our mortal bindings, we could have challenged even the Divines, the Grand Daedra, the others who so much dominate this world of Nirn as it really is since the Great Splintering.”


A flicker of memories came to her mind, memories of another life, another realm. There was a White Gold Tower both like and unlike that of the Imperial City. There was a city that was both like and unlike the Imperial City. People flew through the air in semitransparent bubbles while other such bubbles carried freight or other goods or even livestock. Tall towers were golden, silver or copper metallic. There were great translucent domes that, somehow, she knew were transparent from the inside looking out. In the gardens were houses or gardens or growing crops or other features. The city was truly huge, being at least twice larger than the Imperial City was.


The city was on a great land that stretched out into the distance with forests, farmlands, smaller cities, rivers and much else. Yet, somehow, she knew that it was a great island that floated high in the sky and that it was not the only one though it was the biggest.


For just a few seconds she was aware once more of the dark shadowy chamber, of the three hooded robed figures and then there was a bright, sharp flash of energies. Then nothingness!

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