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Jadekin awoke to find herself on a disk shaped bed in a dome shaped chamber. It was very big, was exotic but in a very different way than was the one designed and built by the Dwemer. On the same great disk bed, in their gear as Jadekin was, were the children. Petra was clutching Nibby in her arms and Sanchy was curled up against Peter's back. Other gear was on the disk bed itself, which floated a metre above the floor.


Jadekin looked around and it was all familiar to her and becoming more so. The domechamber was so large it stretched into the distance. Closer to the floating disk bed were globe shaped devices of different kinds, each sitting on a disk shaped platform. They surrounded the floating disk shaped bed in a neat ring, each spaced regularly apart. There were eight of the devices.


=-=Welcome back to TransGlobeShaiVa. The domechamber is inside the top of the TransGlobe and below the floor are many technologies, many networks of network-systems. You were actually born here, on that very disk-bed.


Jadekin climbed off the bed, that hovered in the air, and looked beneath it but there was nothing to see but floor below and the bottom of the bed above. She stood straight again and looked around wondering if there was any link between this TransGlobe, the Fategames and the WhirlaKeys of Fate.


=-=A very long time ago you signed a contract as a FategamePlayer in order to save your people. Like your people you can be reborn under the right conditions. You were reborn in a version of the Imperial City of Cyrodiil of Tamriel but not the one who have been in for some years with your mind bound through dark trickery and cunning abuse of power.


Jadekin=Which one?


=-=I lack enough data to give you a proper answer to that. The FategameLords only ever provide me with quite limited data, which is very frustrating at times, sweetie. I am surprised they gave me as much information as they did.


Jadekin looked around at the eight devices that ringed the disk-bed. Somehow she knew they were still becoming fully active and she could not utilize them yet. As for the children, they were being rejuvenated by the effects of the TransGlobe. They would not wake unless she woke them or there was an emergency.


=-=Time passes faster inside the TransGlobe than outside. You have slept many hours.


Jadekin=What happened to me?


=-=The FategameLords somehow got to you through the WhirlaKey of Fate. I do not know why they did what they did but you are greatly rejuvenated, have regained access to TransGlobeShaiVa. You have a large, passive set of storerooms that you can gain access to. If anything they are almost overflowing with stuff. I do not know how much of it is actually useful.


She decided that she could use a much better set of equipment and other items.


=-=Remember that you need to blend with local realms, with their people, with their technologies and not draw too much attention to yourself. Your first Questing has been declared. You must track down and regain as many WhirlaKeys of Fate as you can and help return them to the FateLords from which they were stolen in the first place.

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A cylinder arose from the floor and a door opened in its side. She stepped into the cylinder and this time only the cylinder shaped room inside moved, taking her beneath the main deck. It took her to a big disk shaped room with neat silvery doors leading to other disk shaped rooms. The stored items were carefully placed in lockers and even cataloged. More dangerous items were triple locked away and there were some exotic items that were also hidden.


She found what she wanted in the form of some more powerful quasimagical weapons and other devices, a proper fitting set of quasimagical light flexiplate armor, a backpack and yet other items. She ended up replacing everything and putting the replaced items into an empty locker. She stuck a label on the front indicating what was in the locker.


What she took with her were openly used items that blended in with both versions of Tamriel she knew of, at least enough for her to not be easily spotted as an outsider. She also had some hidden items that she could use if she had to do so.


=-=You need to return to the chamber as designed and built by the Dwemer for the Ayleid, where the WhirlaKey is placed. Somebody has gotten into the safe room and into the special chamber. When you first appear there you will be phantomic.


Yes, she would be ghost like, invisible and non solid, for safety reasons and for security. If she was unlucky she might be detected but she doubted that would happen. Still, she prepared for danger by holding a quasimagical bladeshield in one hand and a quasimagical longsword in the other.


She found herself reluctant to leave the children though she knew they would be safe and that they needed the rejuvenating sleep that they were experiencing. Jadekin realized she had learned very little about them and decided she would try to learn more about them, their lives, their backgrounds, as soon as she could.


=-=I have been granted some extra information that will allow you to make some special preparations. The FategameLords seem to be very generous this time with their special resources. They will expect much in return.


So it was that she took a small number of small exotic devices and kits. Some made more obvious sense that others but none of them gave her any strong indications to how she might need to use them in future. Jadekin did know she would need to be careful how she used them.


Before she left, she made sure that the children were comfortable and kissed each on the forehead. Then she placed a safety security device around the head of each, even a smaller one for Nibby, and activated a bubble of energies that surrounded the disk-bed. Then she put the extra gear into a space that opened up, in the floor, close to the disk-bed. Only then did she feel at least comfortable enough to leave that place for a fairly short time.


As she went to leave a non solid but otherwise perfect copy of herself appeared. It was a projection of the TransGlobe's exotic quasimentality that would keep a watch over the children, would communicate and assist them if they woke before Jadekin returned. Jadekin hoped very much this would not be necessary.


Then she focused and vanished with a sparkling shimmering effect.

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Jadekin appeared, phantom like, to one side of the door where stood the vampire in his black hooded robe, clutching a necromancer's staff of bloodwood. Bloodwood came from the cursed vampire-trees, twisted creations of dark sorcery-science. In truth they were not plants at all but just plant like, tree like, in shapeform but they were of the undeadborn.


The vampire was in charge, turning paled Redguard face back and forth to study the Dwemer, and fewer Ayleid items, with obvious amazement. Around him were ghouls with quasimagical military gear except for two human necromancers with the brand of vampire thralls on their foreheads. Both looked exhausted and fearful, as if having realized too late that they had become enslaved due to their stupid greed for knowledge, power and immortality.


There were no zombies or skeltors there for they were controllable but clumsy. The vampire would not want the slowly rotting walking corpses, or tightly undead flesh wrapped skeletons, bumping into things. Also zombies and skeltors did not tend to get on well with ghouls in close quarters, sometimes breaking out in savage fights between each other.


Two of the ghouls were goblins and one was an orc while yet another was an Argonian (lizardfolk), or at least they had been so; ghouls were just ghouls, no matter what they used to be. Same was true for other undead who were turned and not undeadborn or some kind of creations from scratch like body parts rebuilt frankies or from special preprepared dead bodies like reanimants.


The process was the same that created zombies, ghouls and vampires was the same one with different results, generally speaking; the same was true for other variants of the undead but not for lichs who were created through unnatural death and powerful necromancic magic. Some kinds of ghosts became undead through sheer evil, hatred or other such means. Most ghosts were just the dead who lingered on in the living realms instead of 'passing on'.


=-=You need to know if the vampire has spread news of this chamber to others of his kind.


The vampire spoke, as if cued to do so. “Word has to be gotten to VampireLord EntargraLia! She will be most pleased by this find, that is pleased also with us. We will all gain from this in the way of bonuses though, of course, my bonus will be bigger than any one of yours will be.”


None of the ghouls dared to complain; anyway, what was the point as it would get them nowhere but most likely dead? Also the vampire had some dark influence on their ghoul minds that helped to bind them to service to him.


VampireLord EntargraLia!? She would have to remember that name! As it was she had a subtle nagging feeling of familiarity about the name.


The vampire turned to the necromancers. “Mortal scum, you will attempt to make linkage with VampireLord EntargraLia or I will burn you.”


One of the necromancers could not hide the fear he felt as he spoke. “We are exhausted and our magicka is gone.”


The vampire exposed his fangs. “I do not know why VampireLord EntargraLia had me work with you two. Branding you was a good idea of mine. I am sure that the VampireLord will approve of my cleverness. Now, which one of you two shall I burn to death? Your mortal stench sickens me.”

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Yet it was the vampire who burned, screaming in agony and shock as he glowed and then burned away as if from spontaneous combustion. In seconds he was gone except for his gear, that lay on the ground, and the hooded robe. Seconds later the brands vanished from the foreheads of the necromancers with a soft shimmering. Both looked totally relieved but that made sense.


A tall, slender figure walked through the secret doorway and proved to be another male vampire. This paled Imperial gave the left overs of the first vampire a look of contempt. “Yet another failed candidate. I wonder what it is about vampires that so many of us are so lacking of basic survival sense.” He looked around at the necromancers. “I am Lord Sarantiza. You have been misused! We do not brand our mortal followers, our familiars, only our mortal slaves. You will gain compensating bonuses. Return to the nearest secure outpost and there rest and recover. Two ghouls will escort you there.”


The necromancers departed as quickly as they could. Two ghouls went with them, having been chosen by the vampire by unseen means.


The vampire went further into the chamber, looked around and shook his head. “This is beyond my knowledge, my skills and my experience. VampireLord EntargraLia sent me to destroy the fool vampire. His crimes against her were many including the concealment of valuable loot. Take heed of what happened to him, all of you. I did not expect to find this place.” He looked around. “We are not alone! Something is here, observing us. Hhhmmm, perhaps I will summon some special assistance to find them.”


The more powerful vampire raised his own bloodwood staff and spoke some gibberish, which was more to impress the ghouls than it was of any real purpose, and then struck the butt of the staff against the floor in a melodramatic fashion; again it was more showmanship.


With a sparkling shimmer a monstrous low hulking creature, a subvampire, appeared like part human and part beast. The thing hissed softly and began to sniff the floor, raised its great ugly snout and sniffed the air. It was huge, crouched low, and horribly powerful.


Then it stiffened and looked straight at a particular spot in the chamber but not towards Jadekin. Jadekin sighed for huddled in a corner of the big chamber were nine figures, concealed behind a powerful invisibility field as generated by two mages and a battlemage.


The vampire grinned fangs. “Aaahhh, come out my fresh blood. A good challenge for my powers.”


The nine came into visibility. There were two mages in leather armor and a battlemage in chainmail armor with leather beneath, two soldiers with mashmash of gear and the other four were civilians with no weapons or body-armor. They were three women and a man in rough, tough outdoor gear and large backpacks full of stuff.


The battlemage, a scarred faced man of tall, thick muscular build, scowled at the vampire. “I know you, Horace Weldane. You were in the Mages Guild, one of the traitors who helped make the Imperial City vulnerable to attack. So they turned you, did they?”


“Horace Weldane no longer exists!” The vampire scowled. “You are Harry Macquaris, one of the fools who supported Archmage Traven in his stupid attempt to eradicate necromancy from the Mages Guild. The Dark Brotherhood assassinated him for his lack of cleverness. Before I kill you, I will torture you and discover why you are here though in truth I suspect you are running a supply group to one of the areas that you control under the name of your pathetic Empress.”

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The battlemage lifted his metallic banded and capped wooden staff. “You are not the only one who has increased in knowledge and power. We have learned well how to deal with the undead. This place is not for your kind to meddle with, the Followers of Molag Bal.”


The vampire scowled. “We serve the VampireLords who are allied to Molag Bal of the Daedric Princes. Molag Bal has become an undead god, has given up his daedroths, the lesser daedra that once served him, and has taken new ones of the undeadborn daedra. Daedroths now serve Mehrunes Dagon as well as being wild creatures through out many Realms of Oblivion.” He shook his head as if in surprise. “Now, why did I tell you all of that?” Then he looked around. “Something else is here, something that is beyond your power as a threat.”


Jadekin expected that this time it would be her that the vampire meant but she was wrong. There was a shimmering and a tall golden armored figure appeared. It was Mer, or False Elf, as some would call them. The one was what? Dwemer or Ayleid? The figure held a great trident in one hand except that the trident ended in softly glowing crystal orbs.


Jadekin made herself non-phantomic, solid and visible, standing there with her gear not looking particularly impressive when compared to the Mer figure, the vampire or even the mages and battlemage. She smiled and spoke. “Hi, just thought I would join the party. It's getting crowded in here. Well, not really, considering how big the room is. I am Jadekin.”


The vampire shook his head with an expression of ironic annoyance on his face. “Really, I was hoping for a simple mission. Come and kill the stupid vampire, leave and get my bonus from the VampireLord. Now look at this situation full of untoward complications.”


The battlemage spoke again. “So who is against or for who? We serve the Empress Dragonborn, the only true ruler of Tamriel, of Cyrodiil.”


Jadekin responded with a half smile. “A alliance would be good. I have some children in a safe place. Two teenagers, a younger girl and a neobaby. They spoke of Empress Marion Septum.”


The battlemage nodded. “Are there names Peter, Petra, Sanchy and Nibby?”


Jadekin nodded. “They are the four! You would rescue them?”


The battlemage scowled with hard eyes. “We would do what is needed to be done in the cause of the living. Later you will take us to the children and pass them into our care!”


Jadekin did not like this tone of voice, the arrogance in his chosen words. “No I will not! Something tells me that you do not mean them well, at least not all of them. I suggest strongly that you not try to order me about again.”


The vampire hissed. “Aaahhh, excuse me, have you forgotten that there are others here? Perhaps you could resolve matters between you later, if you survive, which I doubt you will.”


The strange Mer lifted his trident-staff high into the air and spoke in a heavy voice that somehow filled the whole chamber. “All of you will leave here and none of you will return unless you prove yourselves worthy and able to do so. Only one of you will most likely be able to return and only after carrying out a series of tasks and gaining some very special artifacts.” Then everything flashed golden.

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Jadekin found herself in a large chamber but one quite typical for the Undercity. She was not alone but the huddled refugees in the big chamber were sleeping or trying to sleep. There were men, women and children. Though most were human, she noted orcs, lizardfolk, catfolk, folktale of a kind she was not familiar with. People there did not have many resources, that was clear, and she wondered what she could do for them.


Jadekin walked carefully, quietly across the chamber, avoiding people and alerted none of them. A small puppy wagged its tail madly and got scratched, rubbed and fussed over for a moment. The puppy was in the arms of a small girl that seemed oddly familiar but Jadekin was driven to move on.


Then Jadekin was at the door where a hooded robed Sister of Compassion stood with a wooden staff, looking outwards as if protecting those in the chamber. When she turned and saw Jadekin, she cried out with surprise which meant that people through out the chamber woke, many adults springing up in alarm clutching a wide range of weapons, most of them of poor quality.


Jadekin frowned at the young Sister of Compassion. “Now look what you have done! I could have gone from here with out any fuss.” Yet something had her turn and look towards the sleepy little girl who had sat up, clutching her puppy to herself. “There is something very familiar about that one. Was I brought here for a reason? My memories are returning but slowly.”


The Breton woman, of a Sister Compassionate, gave Jadekin a puzzled look. “Where did you come from? How did you get into the chamber?”


“A long and complicated story but it was by no normal means.” Jadekin had flashes of memories go through her head. “The little girl seems familiar somehow.”


The Breton smiled. “Her name is PearlLisa! She appeared one day out of nowhere. Said that her mother was going to come looking for her one day. Poor thing! A lot of the children say such things. Alas, in the great majority of cases it will never happen. She has some funny ideas but is very intelligent and strong for her age. She knocked down a boy twice her age who tried to grab her bread roll.”


Jadekin knew who she was, in general, the memories came rushing to her enough for her to know she had not grown up in the version of Tamriel she had been tricked into thinking she had. She laughed softly and then spoke. “Some mothers do come looking for their lost children.”


The Sister Compassionate looked to Jadekin and then to the girl before looking back again. “You are her mother, you seem rather young for that.”


Jadekin nodded. “I am twenty years old. She is four years old. I became pregnant when I was fifteen and gave birth to her when I was just sixteen and one day old.” She started to walk towards her daughter, who was looking at her with a big smile. The Breton grabbed her arm.


The Breton spoke with troubled emotions. “You can not just plunge back into her life like this!”


Jadekin looked into the other young woman's eyes. “I will not try to take her out of her life. I would not do that to her for I 'sense' you are important to her as she is to you. Instead I will assist you to escape from the crazy war of many Emperors and one Empress.”


The Breton gave her an odd look. “What do you speak of? There is only one Emperor, being Emperor Sirius Sabtur VI, and there is only one threat that is the Great Freezing.”

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In yet another Alternate Tamriel the Empire there had a different Dynasty of Emperors and Empresses. It also had an on coming Ice Age that had been slowly, steadily, bringing death and destruction down from the north. Refugees were moving southwards from Skyrim, Morrowind, High Rock and even Hammerfell. With the changing climate came increasing difficulties with growing food of traditional kinds. The oceans were becoming more important as a provider of fish.


Jadekin found she was familiar with this Tamriel and it came to her this was the one she had been truly born, reborn, in. Yes, in the Imperial City in the years when the barbarian hordes had first began to arrive from the extreme north, the Snowlands. Those peoples were very tough, were related to the Nords, and yet they had invaded with ruthless force.


Jadekin had grown up in years when the Nords had made peaceful alliance with the Vikens from the north, the largest group of humans from there, and they began to move southwards together. They did not invade the Empire but another alliance was formed against the savage human Yarls, the white haired apefolk of the Iceciind and the ice-dragons, the Iswayla. Despite this, the worst threat remained the Great Freezing itself.


So how had she ended up in another version of Tamriel with her mind bound, into illusions, by dark magic?


Jadekin sat with her daughter, PearlLisa and hugged the girl to herself for a very long time. The girl hugged her back. PearlLisa had been waiting two years to see her mother or had she? PearlLisa whispered into Jadekin's ear that Jadekin had come to her in her in special dreams. They had spent time together and other children also along with yet others. To Jadekin returned the memories of the vivid dreamlinking and with them, other memories that were not all pleasant.


=-=You met together in a beautiful garden house with pets and friends. You can still go there.


PearlLisa spoke. “We love the garden house. Puppy loves it to.”


“Of course we will go back there.” Jadekin was getting used to having her daughter back with her in more than just the dreamlinking. She had carried out the dreamlinking but had been unaware of it while she was awake, had not even known she had a daughter; or was it that straight forward? Could the buried knowledge of PearlLisa have helped her to become free of the bindings of her mind?


Her real memories were still not fully returned. Her own family, where was it? Her real parents, where were they? Had she replaced another Jadekin in that other Tamriel and what about the Tamriel with too many Emperors? Had other Jadekins been there?


=-=Perhaps those are questions you need to answer later.


PearlLisa spoke into her mum's ear. She sounded proud of herself. “I did what you asked me to mummy, I listened carefully to people while pretending not to and I learned about important things. Timmy's father knows about something called a naughty slide show, what ever that is. A strange man spoke to a man called Andiko about something called a WhirlaKey. The Emperor has people hunting for a WhirlaKey. If they find one they get lots of gold coins. You said about 'WhirlaKeys' didn't you?”


Did she? Yes, she had known about the importance of WhirlaKeys before she had her mind set by bindings and filled with illusions. What else had she known about then that she must remember now? Jadekin hugged her daughter and the puppy, who was happy to get the extra attention.

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