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Im looking for Candle like mod cant find it help please ? :)

Guest deleted6419983

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Guest deleted6419983

Hi there im looking for a mod which is on a nexus but i cant find it because i dont remember the name

It did let you craft several things that when eqipped looked like Candelight Except it flew around you all the time and it was pretty cool you could also head a diffreant color and all that.

Dont you know the name of that mod ? im rly Struggling to find it again :D

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Hi there im looking for a mod which is on a nexus but i cant find it because i dont remember the name

It did let you craft several things that when eqipped looked like Candelight Except it flew around you all the time and it was pretty cool you could also head a diffreant color and all that.

Dont you know the name of that mod ? im rly Struggling to find it again :D



Try searching for "Magelight" , "Mage Light", and "Candlelight" I've found several, but I'm not sure if they are what you're looking for.

Some change the color, or have several different colors etc.


I know that probably doesn't seem helpful, but I'd rather give you the search term, and have you look through the list, and find the one you're looking for, than to post a ton of links just guessing.

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Guest deleted6419983

Well meybe the first one but i still think it is not it those objects did look like Cubes not like Circles :smile:

one guy on youtube did Rewiev it but i rly cant figure out which out it was it was looking rly cool much better than these two it was looking almost like dwemer artefacts the one with Cubes

it did flew around you just like candelights but it did not go out until you put them away

Edited by MilanKokyCZ
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