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Mod Organiser 2 Login Error


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I didn't know if I should put this in the troubleshooting section or not as it is about MO2 and not an individual mod.


When I open up MO2 I get a window telling me that it failed to login and asking if I want to try again or not. I hit yes and a small grey box opens at the bottom of the screen with the text, "Login Failed: Error transferring https:/legacy-api.nexusmods.com/sessions/?Validate - server replied: Not Found".


Anyone have any idea what it means? I checked the settings and I have my correct username and password in the Nexus tab and the box to automatically login to Nexus is ticked. I cannot figure out why it has all of a sudden started failing to login. It was fine for months.

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I have the exact same issue, with the exact same error message.


Tried to update the Organiser thinking it might be an lack of update issue. However after they did the update they opened up the Mod Organiser downloader and wanted me to download a file that's 152 MB?


I believe the last time I successfully downloaded a mod was 2 weeks ago. My last play session with MO being able to login was about 5 days ago.

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I'm having the exact same problem.

For now, I am manually downloading the mods I want, and then importing them into MO2. I think the problem has to be with Nexus, because I haven't changed settings in, or updated, Mod Organizer 2, or anything like that.

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Anyone figure this out? I am currently switching computers and my new computers MO2 won't login even though my old one works fine. No idea what the difference is. They arn't even on at the same time or anything like that.


EDIT: NVM my problem was fixed by an update. It didn't occur to me that a fresh install would need to be updated manually before it worked.

Edited by Merilirem
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