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60 Seconds of Nothing - Tell us how much we have left?


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[#103128] The administrator has limited the number of new posts you can submit within a short time frame. Please wait 60 seconds before replying or posting a new topic.


Please modify it so we know how much time we have left before we can post something again.

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It's called flood control. The purpose is to slow down spambots that can post hundreds of garbage posts in just a few minutes. If we show a timer for each post that anyone makes (what it would take to give you that count down) it would cause a site slowdown. Just what we don't need right now. :pinch:


Just have a little patience. Take that time to proofread your post and edit it if needed. :thumbsup:

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It's called flood control. The purpose is to slow down spambots that can post hundreds of garbage posts in just a few minutes. If we show a timer for each post that anyone makes (what it would take to give you that count down) it would cause a site slowdown. Just what we don't need right now. :pinch:


Just have a little patience. Take that time to proofread your post and edit it if needed. :thumbsup:


vBulletin shows it. I don't see slowdowns to sites that use it.

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And if you think causing fake DDoS issues with the error pages I'm getting as I write this post (504 gateway Time-out, 502 Bad gateway and Connection Reset) are what will happen when you actually get a DDoS? You're sadly mistaken; especially when the "Gateway" is your host or the ISP Gateway trying to connect to me to tell me what's on the page, not you.
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Any reason why your attitude is bad?


Mainly because some good mods barely get replies from their authors even though they need updates, as well as barely anyone replying to mod requests, and a generally bad weather day here in Wisconsin.

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Any reason why your attitude is bad?


Mainly because some good mods barely get replies from their authors even though they need updates, as well as barely anyone replying to mod requests, and a generally bad weather day here in Wisconsin.



Mod authors make mods for themselves, they are not forced to do requests, if you want a mod made so bad learn to mod yourself.

Also most comments are usually just whines, problems with ppl who do not RTFM, ppl who want the mod customized to their specific wants etc. Mod authors do not spam the comments section waiting for every new reply a mod is not their life, they do it for fun no one pays them to be on a 24 hour helpline instant reply system.

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