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Advice for protecting saves


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Hello, if this is a frequently asked question, I already apologize but here's what's up.

I'm now on my 4th playthrough, trying to complete Fallout 4, and what happens is along the way, somehow, someway, all my saves corrupt. Not just the one, but everything down the retro scale.


I've read articles, researched what might be causing it and taken the following steps:

  • Deleted a few development sets I was no longer using to free my C: a bit (Visual Studio will take the whole thing if you let it)
  • Deleted prior saves
  • Disabled Steam Cloud Save
  • Turned off auto and quick save
  • Will periodically clear saves, and maintain only a small number of saves in the save file.

Will this make my game more or less safe from file corruption? If no, what other steps should I take, is there anything else I can do? I'd like to play this game, but it's certainly making it challenging.


Thank you very much in advance for any advice you can give.

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The only thing I can think of just off hand, aside from what you are already doing, is never overwrite an existing save. Always create a new one, and just clean out the folder every now and again. (mine regularly gets to triple digits before I clear 'em, and I have never had a corrupt save.)

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The only thing I can think of just off hand, aside from what you are already doing, is never overwrite an existing save. Always create a new one, and just clean out the folder every now and again. (mine regularly gets to triple digits before I clear 'em, and I have never had a corrupt save.)


1st - Is there a chance your Base Game is corrupt and thus causing the save issue??


2nd - I agree w/ the above post: Do NOT over right a save, especially if you have mods that are scripted and/or heavily scripted.


So what to do?


Here is what I do:


< drive > :\my games\Fallout4\Saves\05-22-2019_3-41PM-RedRocketDone


I make the above folder w/a time-date stamp and what has been accomplished. Then I COPY the current files into that and then can move forward.

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Thank you, even just by the replies it helps as it shows I'm, I guess not really doing something wrong? If that makes sense? I've just completed another reinstall, and I've got my mods loaded and LOOT set up up and going. I also was certain to not re-write a save, I forgot to mention that in the first one. Perhaps I'm really doing all I can on this one?

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I did not Phanom, it's been the same set of mods the whole time. I am thinking I ought to go back and do it again, install them all from the top once more perhaps install order matters? I admit I've been doing pretty ok with modding skyrim, but fallout 4 seems like its own beast.


Edited: (reason) my spelling was bad and I should feel bad.

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