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Anyway to put Nighteye on a hotkey?


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I have a question... Is there a way that I can make a hotkey to immediately use Nighteye?


Right now I'm a Kajit and I put nighteye in my favorites (on 3, for example). I push 3 and then I also have to push my shout button to activate it. Anyway I can just make it so when I push B or something it'll use nighteye?


I want to do a playthrough with a thief Kajit but I really don't want to if I have to switch from Nighteye to Fus Roh Dah just to push away an enemy.

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There's More Hotkeys Please Beta for SKSE and Gopher's Predator Vision (which also adds many other features and also - I think - requires SKSE)


If you look under Gopher's Vids on the front page, he shows both of them, how they work and how to install them.



I saw the Predator vision mod. I was under the impression that that is only for the vampire vision and not for Nighteye.


Was I wrong about that?

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Predator Vision works with vampires and werewolves, Jeremy. It won't do squat for anyone else. I frequently play a Khajiit, and I have a private mod (actually part of a panoply of "fixes" I have for my game) that does away with the blue coloration and blur effect and makes it a toggle, rather than a timed event. Unfortunately, I haven't been able figure out how to map it to a key, other than the one used to initiate Powers and Shouts. I'd love to get Nightvision dis-entangled from Shouts because I'm always forgetting that I have it active when I need to FRD someone off a cliff.
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