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Favorite console commands?


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Yes, unfortunatly sqs and setstage are an absolute requirement to finish far far to many quests.


That all depends on the luck of the draw. In 230 hours of gameplay, i've had to use them once, and that was actually entirely my fault (i had actually already completed the quest i was trying to trigger). I've had to use them twice on my brothers 200+hour games, but all in all i haven't had anything particularly broken.

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I didn't mean to imply that setting a carryweight very high would automatically jinx the game, fortie. If that's the impression I gave, then I apologize. The problem is a corollary to Murphy's Law: "Junk will accumulate to fill all available space." Most players who set their carryweight to 3000 will wait until they've actually got that much stuff in their inventories before they start cleaning house -- or, they'll up the carryweight even more. People are lazy like that. Early in the game, when I really don't want to be bothered with shuttling back and forth between a dungeon and a place to store stuff, I'll mod my carryweight by 1000. This uses modav and not setav. That way I can always mod it back down to normal without trying to guess what it should be, based upon my current stamina.


The other problem with very high carryweights is that there will be a point at which the number will likely overflow into the sign bit, just because of the way computers store and manipulate numbers. When this happens your carryweight will suddenly go to a large negative number, which is likely to permanently glitch your game. This is a known, and very serious issue in the game Borderlands with available money, because it's not possible to know how much you actually have once the ability of the interface to display it is maxed out. You just keep accumulating more and more and tend not to even bother loading your save game into a game editor to see if you're getting dangerously high. It's not even possible to fix the save game in a save game editor like Willowtree once this happens, and any attempt to access it with the game software or the editor will cause a crash to desktop.


I suspect something like this will happen if you get enough things in your inventory to drive the total weight beyond the capacity of the computer to store it. I don't have a clue what this limit might be, since I don't know whether the game stores inventory weight as single or multiple precision or as floating point or fixed point numbers. What I do know is that in an experiment I did I found that as weight approached 10,000 the inventory screen got extremely unresponsive. I'll hazard a guess that reach a lock-up before you actually glitch the save game because of this, but I wouldn't push my luck.

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I use player.setav speedmult 400 or 650 and

tcl for those hard to reach places, and I use tcl in the meddle part of the Twilight Sepulcher because touching the ground in one part of that tomb even with tgm on causes instant death, and tcl saves you from death in that part of the Twilight Sepulcher!..



I also use setessential with 1 or 0 for non essential to set guards, merchants and companion's and followers essential, usually in bat text files

Edited by sinnerman69
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I once used psb which is populate spell book, but you should NEVER use it. It will give you all the spells in the game whether you should cast them or not. If you try to cast a spell from your spellbook that you shouldn't it might crash your game. Plus sifting through all those spells is a pain without favorites. Never did that again.


For screen shots tm and tcl. and prid for getting an npc's id and then moveto player.


I really wanted to try settimescale or whatever it is. I heard about the problems it could cause and never used it. But hearing your testimonies I will try it considering that one person has no problems after over 200 hours.


Tgm not so much any more. I even ramped up the difficulty to master. It turns out I didn't need tgm... I needed to get better! :biggrin:


player.additem is my favorite. Sometimes I want to start out with a mods armor so I get to helgen keep and use that command.

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