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Strong HATES it when you spare Danse during "Blind Betrayal"


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OH MY GOD, please tell me how stupid this is?

Super mutants are supposed to be comradeship and helping their own kind.


I am a human and I help a fellow human = he hates that?


I oppose the BOS leader Maxson = he should love it (since BOS hates ghouls and super mutants) = he hates that?

This is the first time I have a companion hate my actions.


Strong companion IS THE WORST WORST companion ever.


1. He dislikes it when you goes in the power armor.

2. He dislikes it when you picks locks (sometimes necessary for certain quests).

3. He dislikes it when you choose reasonable peaceful profit maximizing actions.

4. He HATES IT WHEN YOU SPARE the scientist in the glowing sea (EVEN THOUGH I SPARE A SUPER MUTANT).

5. He HATES IT WHEN YOU DISOBEY BOS (which is not bad story telling = this guy is suffering from split personality disorder).

6. He dislikes it when you talk to the super mutant trader in the Far Harbor DLC (which sells dogs).

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thing is that while Strong respects you for your strength he hates humans and human related activities.


That being said, Bethesda kind of breaks this logic by making Strong like it when you help settlements or doing minuteman quests which is how I leveled up his affinity. You can of course also turn cannibal but that's up to you.


Think of Strong as a comic book super villain that you as a super hero usually fight against but suddenly you have to team up with because of a new greater threat to both of you.

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  • 1 month later...

I have started a new playthrough, I have installed the unlimited companion framework, YOU KNOW WHAT?




This Strong dude is disliking most of the stuff (random game events).


He is disliking lock picking and getting into power armor.


He HAS NOT REACHED MAX AFFINITY 10 in game days after I have reached max affinity with the second last in game companion.


This dude is a chore to play with. Talk BS, need constant baby sitting, his massive body gets in the way of my long ranged weapons and companions.




I JUST DUN WANA CHEAT (I have gotten the first affinity speech, I just need the second one FAST, before I CRY).


I have played FO1 to FO4, I did not have this problem with Marcus (FO2 and FO New Vegas).


OMG, btw, for people to know in my future playthroughs, I WILL NOT RECRUIT Strong (original game) and Mara (mod).

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Super mutant hates when you spare a person whose life is partly dedicated to killing super mutants


A real mystery

Edited by CiderMuffin
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I don't think Strong is that hard to figure out, actually. He doesn't want you to be nice to mutants or anything. He expects you -- and generally humans -- to behave like a proper supermutant. I.e., always be ready and willing to fight for one's group, always tackle problems head-on by brute force, and deal swiftly and brutally with anything that is a potential threat to one's group. Like, you know, a synth infiltrator like Danse would be.


That's the kind of behaviour that is honourable for him, i.e., worth his respect.


When you take missions for the Minutemen against super-mutants, that's actually the kind of thing he can respect. It means, see above, that you're willing to fight for your group. That's proper behaviour in his book.


When you kill everyone that threatens your group, that's the kind of strength he can respect. When you solve things with lies and pretty words, that's the kind of thing that's dishonourable for his one-track, warrior mind set.


When you spy on your own group for a supermutant (like the guy in the Glowing Sea), you are acting against your group instead of fighting for your group against everyone else. Again, for him that's just plain old dishonourable. By supermutant standards.




Essentially he already has strong (pun intended) ideas about what is the proper way to behave, and what isn't. And it's the way his supermutant group did things.


And he's not out to learn that humans do things differently, or whether that works better. He thinks that that "milk of human kindness" is some literal milk, that he can find a bottle of, drink it, and go back to killing humans even more efficiently.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I usually level strong up faster than the others - he is VERY simple. You don't take him with you questing or poking around interior cells - you just wander thew wasteland with him killing random crap that crosses your path. He LOVES that. No plan, no rhyme or reason, just kill stuff for fun. I usually get all his affinity speeches one right after the other, in just a couple hours of play time.


That's why he likes it when you show up for a settlement getting attacked. He doesn't give a rat's arse about the settlers, he just gets to kill a bunch of crap. Simple. He even enjoys it when you kill other supermutants. Forget 'supervillain'... think of him as a psycho from a horror movie, like Jason. He doesn't want to talk to a trader, he wants to rip their lungs out. And really, if you just spend time with all of them and DO NOTHING, they eventually give you the speeches. You're generating so much negative affinity with Strong he never gets a chance to like you. Just stop doing stuff and play catch with the guy (with a human head of cross). He just wants to spend some quality time with his daddy. :wink:

Edited by MarkusTay
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  • 3 months later...

No plan, no rhyme or reason, just kill stuff for fun.


Exactly. Just don't do any quest related stuff. I know he likes some of it but it's way too complicated to keep all the decisions and answers in mind. I always play on survival so the cells won't get repopulated that often (without mods that fix that) So I just run from one random encounter spawn point to the next and visit all my settlements on the way until I find one with an abducted settler. Rinse and repeat and he idolizes me in no time.


The area around Big John's Salvage and South Boston Military Checkpoint is also a good place to gain his affection. Tons of raiders, gunners, synths, super mutants, mirelurks, all kinds of crawling and flying pests and even the occasional death claw to slap. After Reunions there are always vertibirds in the area that are going to stir up s#*! so no need to trigger the enemies yourself.

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