kanami24 Posted May 26, 2019 Share Posted May 26, 2019 So...this bug... ok to start off I don't use any combat mods that affects stamina [i.e. combat overhauls] however I do use A.C.E but only for the archery perk tree and smithing perk tree. Neither affects stamina. I do however use the dynamic magicka and stamina growth mod which increases stamina and magicka the more you use it [i.e. sprinting increases stamina stats (100 stamina to 120 stamina and so on the more you sprint) / casting fireball or invisibility spells increases magicka]. The weird thing is, I looked all over the web and couldn't find a fix, only possible causes and while this sounds weird -- I don't think it is the dynamic stamina and magicka growth mod only because I used this mod from the start to end of my skyrim special edition experience. However I also think that this may be the cause because well this isn't special edition. It is worthe noting that I have been spending the past few weeks trying to stabilize skyrim as well. I was crashing non stop (still hadn't started the main questline however I just recently finished the companions questline while trying to fix my skyrim). recently I did the whole ENBoost thing, stable grids to...load thing/mod? I ran the directX10, dotnexfx , and vcredist programs. basically all that stuff. the only thing I hadn't done yet was fix the underwater green screen bug only because I hadn't went to see if I have that bug yet -- at anyrate doing all of this may be the issue for this stamina bug. I also recently moved all of my mods from nexus mod manager over to the vortex mod manager since there's some sort of API issue with nexus mod manager and I really wanted to try out BD's armor and clothing conversions for all DLC's which ironically enough, I did this because we don't have it on special edition... but then we JUST got it on special edition =-=. I didn't like NMM anyways due to the API issue... that and the overall look seemed a bit clustered. Vortex fits my taste -- more organized and there's no API issues. But -- I also suspect these actions to be the cause of the bug. Not to mention Vortex automatically runs FNIS. I just ran FNIS manually to try to fix this (as well as some animation issues I noticed) however I do not suspect this to be a fix for a stat bug since FNIS is only for introducing and fixing and maintaining animations within the game. It is worthe noting that I am one out a cuptribillion individuals that are lucky enough to have an un-tucked up VERY recent save so I will be rolling back to that save upon loading in again, however I highly doubt this will fix the issue as well. Forgive me if you've made it this far, I forgot to mention how I encountered this bug. So like I said earlier I just did the werewolf companion quest line and I have been making a unusual great effort to stop from CTD'ing (for a game). I walked outside of CTDrun (whiterun) and got ambushed by some silver hand folk. Me being an archer (the reason why I have the A.C.E archery perk overhaul, that and because it was also the only perk overhaul I had in special edition outside of the time lost dwemer mod) I pulled out my bow and aimed. When I had aimed my stamina drained down to 0 in a second (had over 1k stamina from the dynamic stamina and magicka growth mod) and since then I had no stamina. Or rather unlimited stamina since it is current NaN. It honestly wouldn't bug me so much if....well... any archer would know you need stamina to zoom in...right? or well to aim...which zooms in -- anyways, because of my stamina's current state -- while yes it is unlimited, it is also nonexistent. So I could sprint infinitely if I wanted, but on the other hand I can't aim while using archery.... I can do power attacks too. So it could be a number of things -- corrupt save as well but I checked under wyre bash and loot, no corruption and no mod incompatibilities. and also vortex...which has a built in warning thingy -- whatever. But if anyone has a fix for this, a mod to download or some simple steps and changes to make in skyrim.ini or something. That would be great since I am nearly brain dead from working on NOT CTD'ing (crash to desktop just incase anyone doesn't know) from the past week.. well I started a month ago but its just recently when I started to seriously work on it since my skyrim special edition so loaded with mods and i'm too lazy to go back and delete all of them individually to have a fresh modding start again. would totally go back to special edition though since even after modding I most literally never crashed -- well until recently when I started CTD'ing during loading screen but that's another story for another day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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