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PM spam ... a new thing?


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I'm wondering whether I've just been fortunate up until today or is this spam to the PM Inbox thing a new development?

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It's not a new thing, no. Unfortunately, these spam bots pop up from time to time. Usually in waves as we've seen the past few days. If you see the account is already banned when you read the PM, please don't report it as we're already aware, just delete it.


We've added measures to lock out the IPs and accounts used by the spam bots so if you see any we've missed, please report them.

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OK thanks Picky ... guess I'd been living in a protected bubble that has since burst. I didn't think to check beforehand whether or not our dear friend Heather had been banned before reporting her (she hadn't) but I'll remember to do so in the future.


- Edit - I see that Tiffany received two bops of the ban hammer, and now Sue has received three ... hope that poor Heather doesn't feel slighted ... LOL.

Edited by Striker879
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