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The Age of the Dragon


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Just so you know, I'm not bringing some insane abomination into the story in my post. It's something that may happen in DA2.




During one of Merill's personal quests in Act 3, Keeper Marethari dies and the clan turns on Merill and, by extension, Hawke. I don't know if it's possible to avoid this and still do the quest, but Hawke being a mage, I imagine he'd befriend and aid Merill, resulting in the quest.




I can edit it if anyone likes.



I am completely fine with this option, it's the one that is almost default, since almost everyone kills the clan.



I think I fed Merrill to the Dalish so they left me alone xD


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I, for one, have to share the computer with siblings, which may keep me off when the rest of you are on. Come the school year, in two days, I may only be on on the weekends. I'll still get on as much as I can, though.
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Why do we have so many sign-ups, and so little RP?


I wait until the times is ready to bring my character in.

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Hm, I love Dragon Age... But I'm not finished with Origins, don't own the second game, and haven't played any of the DLC. So I know the basic idea of the world, but don't know the specifics. (This is starting to sound like the story of my life, lol) I did love the parts of DAO I did play, though, and got quite far with the companion relationships and whatnot. Think I'd be okay enough to try joining in?
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Of course you'd be good to join in! We can always explain the plot of DA2 to you if you don't get/play the game. :thumbsup: (I'm so enthusiatic i added a smiley. Things get serious when I add a smiley.)
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