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The Age of the Dragon


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Sounds good to me. :thumbsup: Let's do that. :D


Edit: I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm sick and thus can't spend a lot of time online. So please carry on without me. I will pick up from where I left. :happy:

Edited by Naktis
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Sorry to inform those of you who don't know already, but Naktis is sick, so she might not be online as often as before. Nevertheless, the RP will be going on on the way to the DR entrance in the close future.


@LeoXaladin, we are just discussing the details of the expedition, the general plot and some other things, including the length of the journey.


Either Naktis or I shall keep you up with the details concerning the RP :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am very sorry for not posting anything in days. :ohdear: I've been busy and didn't have the time to post in any of the RP's I'm involved in.


Hope no one minds that I posted that we started preparing to camp out for the night. If anyone wishes to add something, like someone attacking us or something feel free to do so. :thumbsup:

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Okay guys I thought I will put this up.


I don't really want to go into the Deep Roads without Alaylyne cause she had a few ideas of her own so if any of you want something to do while we're still on our way then please do because I don't know how much I will be able to stall this on my own.


Why, yes I do like colorful fonts. xD

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Alright, as eager as I am for the Deep Roads, I'm sure I can think of something to keep Jadaco occupied.


Hm, well, looks like we have an option. Searching for Wind.

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