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The Age of the Dragon


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The romance I was talking about is with Fenris. But I must know if Hawke is together with Fenris in your sequel. In the trailer of DA2 Hawke is together with Isabela, but it's your sequel.

I don't mind. I think that Fenris is okay. :thumbsup:

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Name: none at the moment (Make one during rp)


Race: Tal-Vashoth (Kossith/Qunari)


Gender: Male


Age: Undefined (can be supplemented if necessary)


Class: Spirit Warrior/Reaver


Occupation: Tal-Vashoth


Place of Origin: Par Vollen


Appearance: He is a very large and intimidating person at 6'5 with metallic grey skin. He has bright gold irises and black eyes, white hair with three braids (one over each shoulder and one down the back), and large horns adorned with various hanging trinkets. His skin has a very large amount of scars, with the largest portion being on his arms, which are almost all scar tissue.


Armor/Clothing: He wears baggy cloth pants and no shoes or shirt.


Weapon: A very large but rather simple claymore made of silverite. There is no hand guard, so it has a smooth transition from hilt to blade. With no other means of holding the weapon, he holds it in his hand at all times.


Personality: He is extremely mild, with perfect logic and reason. He never gets in real arguments because he always has an answer. He also has no reason for guilt, shame, sadness, and many other emotions, as his reason deems them pointless to have.


History: From an extremely young age, he always had a very powerful connection to the Fade, akin to a Mage. Yet, he never actually developed any magical ability, so at the age of 12 he was placed into the Qun as a warrior. He fought for several years, and saw many things. Still, it was always the Fade that taught him the most. After a decade of faithfully serving the Qun, he found fault in it, and left - abandoning all that he was (including his name) in order to find the truth of the world.

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Name: Cyhran [sairen]


Race: Human


Gender: Male


Age: 25


Class: Rogue/Assassin


Occupation: various (for example: Mercenary, Assassin, Hunter, …)


Place of Origin: Seheron


Appearance: 180 cm tall; muscular; dark skin; snow-white hair; black stubbles; pointed incisors; blood-red eyecolor with black edge; tattoos on face, back, arms and legs


Armor/Clothing: depending on climate (Warm/Hot: less; Cold: more)


Weapons: two daggers, a longbow, poison


Personality: deliberate, concentrate, calm, brave, open-minded, feels most at home in the nature


History: Cyhran was born in Seheron and lived the most of his life in a tribe who live in the nature. The tribe consists of many elves, some humans and a few qunari and lead a good relationship with the foq warriors.

As kids Cyhran and his little sister played often with the other childrens in the forest but not far away from the tribe. From the foq warriors he learned to survive in the forest, to hunt and kill. From the shamans he learned to listen the nature and create herbs and poisons. Cyhran was always curious about the World outside of the forest. With the age of 18 he left the tribe to see the world and sneaks in a ship to Minrathous(Tevinter). At first he had trouble finding work in the city, but by a few orders that he had accepted and done, he caught the attention of an assassination guild. After two years he left the guild and Minrathous. His journey continues in Antiva and finally in Kirkwall(Free Marshes), where he lives now.



Dammit my head is burning. Say me what you think. I'm glad to write it here(my first RP YAY :dance: ). Hope you like it. SO WHERE ARE MY COOKIES?





Edited by LeoXaladin
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Very nice character sheet and great looking character! :thumbsup:


There's only one thing: could you chose only one specialization instead of having three? That way your character won't be considered as an OP (overpowered) character.

Edited by Naktis
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Very nice character sheet and great looking character! :thumbsup:


There's only one thing: could you chose only one specialization instead of having three? That way your character won't be considered as an OP (overpowered) character.



Edited by LeoXaladin
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Here. I hope you have printer. XD






*jump into the cookies*

*mampf mampf mampf*


*mampf mampf*

*lying on the floor with fat belly*

Damn that was awesome*belch*

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Just for accuracy, no one actually calls the kossith the kossith except for their high priestesses. Everyone else just calls them Qunari, unless they abandoned the Qun, in which case they are Tal-Vashoth. Just for accuracy :thumbsup:
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Just for accuracy, no one actually calls the kossith the kossith except for their high priestesses. Everyone else just calls them Qunari, unless they abandoned the Qun, in which case they are Tal-Vashoth. Just for accuracy :thumbsup:



Yeah, but that's the race's name so I thought I might as well go with the official name until Alaila is told otherwise :3

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