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@LeoXaladin, you've just Oghren'd us didn't you? xD


@nethgros, thanks for that! I usually just call them Qunari cause I always forget their race name and I don't think I've ever heard someone calling them Kossith in the game. :psyduck:

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Class:Mage(Spirit Healer)


Occupation: Senior Circle Mage in Jainen Circle of Magi


Place of Origin:Ferelden


Appearance:Quite Tall 170cm (5'5),Sweet blonde hair,Slant green eyes,and a long hair that is usually tied in ponytail with fringe.


Armor/Clothing:Black and White robe that reflects her balance in her spiritual belief and her worldly concern.


Weapon:Staff of the New Growth


Personality:Funny,Cheerful,Lively,Playful,Friendly and Fun loving yet childish senior enchanter.


History: Melisa was born in Denerim,around the age of 7 she was discovered to bear magic horrified by both of her devout andrastrian believer parents,They quickly send her to the circle of magi to be trained.Her magic power is quite powerful this was proven when she quickly rose to the rank of enchanter at the age of twelve and soon senior enchanter at the age of 17 already rivaling her power with the first enchanter,but her lack of experience block her to become a potential first enchanter.She was then to attend the meeting in cumberland representing her Jainen circle of magi,she also voted that the circle should be separated with the chantry thus begin her journey at the Templar-Mage war!






Edited by Cyshix
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More new people :thumbsup: looking forward to the RP!


Just letting you folks know that I will be visiting my parents for a while. I will be back around the 8th/9th of September. You folks stay safe meanwhile! :kiss:

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More new people :thumbsup: looking forward to the RP!


Just letting you folks know that I will be visiting my parents for a while. I will be back around the 8th/9th of September. You folks stay safe meanwhile! :kiss:

You stay safe too, dear and have fun! ;) :happy:

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Nice character, Cyshix, and yay for mage powah! :biggrin:


Shapeshifter, Force mage, Spirit healer...gotta catch them all :teehee:


Nethgros, completely awesome to have a Kossith (because I will never memorize how you spell Qunari who left the Qun :facepalm: ) in the party :thumbsup:


Oh, an assassin. Gotta watch out backs 8) Very nice daggers, LeoXaladin. Which mod did you use, if you don't mind me asking?

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Nice character, Cyshix, and yay for mage powah! :biggrin:


Shapeshifter, Force mage, Spirit healer...gotta catch them all :teehee:


Nethgros, completely awesome to have a Kossith (because I will never memorize how you spell Qunari who left the Qun :facepalm: ) in the party :thumbsup:


Oh, an assassin. Gotta watch out backs 8) Very nice daggers, LeoXaladin. Which mod did you use, if you don't mind me asking?


I see mages and rogues are the favourite classes.^^


Now we need someone who play a dwarf.


It's "Morozik Arsenal"-Mod. There are many many weapons^^

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Well, here's my character. I had a bit of trouble coming up with someone a bit different from chars from my other Rps, and the spirit healer specialization was taken, hence the wait XD. (If there is another champion that I didn't notice, I can change him if you like.)





Name: Jadaco Phalanx


Race: Human


Gender: Male


Age: 31.


Class: Warrior, Champion Specialization. May develop his own special tree later down the road.


Occupation: (if a character isn't a Grey Warden, Templar, Chantry priest, Circle mage, etc. simple write none.) None at the moment.


Place of Origin: Redcliffe.


Appearance: Jadaco is somewhat taller than the average person, but also quite slender and muscular, with broad shoulders. He is perfectly suited for dual-weapon fighting and archery, although he prefers dual-weapon fighting. He can take a nasty hit and shake it off, but not quite to the extent of some warriors. He is clean-shaven, with green eyes and short, flat brown hair. His cheeks are somewhat shallow, and his nose is short and slightly pointed. Overall, he looks about average, sightly more handsome than the average man, but not notably so. His left arm is completely scarred, with his skin mottled and discoloured from burns and physically deformed from several broken bones, due to an injury sustained during the Battle of Denerim. It is still fully functional, though, so it does not hamper his ability to fight.


Armor/Clothing: Well-maintained Grey Iron splintmail chestpiece, gauntlets, and boots. If it rains or gets cold, he has a fur-lined hood to pull over his head, that's attached to a cloak that can fit itself into one of its own pockets. He packs regular clothes, as well, along with a leather traveller's backpack.


Weapon: A pair of sharpened Steel longswords, which are his weapons of choice, and a yew shortbow with a quiver of 30 arrows.


Personality: Jadaco is happy, caring, and works well with others, in addition to being very loyal and protective of his family, and eventual friends. One notable thing about him is that his grievances don't rule his mind or life. He doesn't discriminate, between races or whether someone is a mage. He has a long-held love of the wilderness and the outdoors, and dislikes big cities like Denerim, Amaranthine, or Kirkwall. Villages and medium-sized towns sit relatively well with him. He would make a fantastic Dalish elf, if he were born one. Jadaco and Orum (his grey Mabari.) are inseparable, and because he was the former property of an Ash warrior, Orum can fight. Jason is strong-willed, and thus able to resist some spells and fight where others may surrender. He takes a similar view to the mage/templar war as Isabela does, which is that everybody deserves to be free, a belief which stems from his love of the outdoors. He sees both sides of the story, and thinks that the mages and templars should unite to hunt down blood mages and abominations. If he was forced to choose between either side, he would side with the mages, partially due to Wynne's aid. Because of his love for the outdoors, he has a minor case of claustrophobia, but nothing that he can't shake off.


History: Jadaco was born to a middle-class family in Redcliffe, the son of a fisherman and his wife, who sold those fish. His father taught him how to fish, which is where Jadaco learned he loved the water. He learned to hunt from his older brother, which is where Jadaco learned that he loved the outdoors in general. His younger brother followed in his father's footsteps as a fisherman. All three Phalanx boys signed up for the army during the Blight, which is where Jadaco learned to inspire others (Champion Specialization.) and they were all there for Ostagar, where the eldest died when Loghain left the field. Jadaco and his younger brother fought as long as they could, but were forced to flee when they became two of the final hundred remaining men. As they fled home to Redcliffe, they came across a stray Mabari that imprinted on Jadaco, who named him Orum. Jadaco's aging father died on the first night of the undead attack on Redcliffe, in defense of his wife, who survived the entire ordeal and stubbornly refused to flee to Kirkwall, instead staying in Denerim, where she survived the battle. The two remaining Phalanx brothers managed to survive the rest of the Blight, including the undead invasions of Redcliffe and the battle of Denerim. Jadaco's left arm was burnt and broken in several places during the battle of Denerim (Hurlock Emissary threw a fireball at him, which smashed him into a wall.) but was healed by Wynne, (did she survive? I can edit the post if she didn't.) after the Hero of Ferelden and their allies came charging in. When the battle was won, Jadaco and the remainder of his family settled back down in Redcliffe. Jadaco, however, had no plans to settle down. As soon as he's sure his family has settled down nicely, he'll hit the road again.

Edited by Flipout6
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I always respect a good warrior background, and that is just about as good as it comes. Applause!
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