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Looking for some way to duck in, but can't find an excuse



you can just walk in the tavern and start talking randomly to people oooor you can freak Alaila out when she's going back to the alienage. Both way work XD


And of course, Tokyo :3

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Hi there Steffi, great first post but there's one small problem with it.


As the 7th guideline states:

7) No godmoding!! Remember..you only control YOUR character and not others. When you RP try not to take over the actions of other Rpers.


you can't take control of other people characters (unless you have their permission but usually the owner of said character posts a comment in the Discussion thread that they have given the permission) and in your post I noticed that you took control of Alaylyne's character.

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Yeah, I was a bit confused by that one, even though you didn't do anything extremely OOC ^^;


No hard feelings, but how about you slow down a bit and let others reply before taking out all those templars by yourself? Thomas was nearby, following Alaila in the shadows, he might have wanted to join the whole templars-killing fun.


It's always more fun to let others participate in something other player started :3

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