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The Age of the Dragon


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Illadriel stood beside the statue looking around for something or someone when an elf approached her. "It is. Interesting in joining?" She asked as she eyed the elf curiously. He seemed capable enough.


Thomas was chatting with one of the mercenaries hired for an expedition when he noticed the elven male from the tavern chatting with Illadriel. What does he want from us? He thought.

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"I bet that hurt ..." Isabela commented on Jadaco's description of how Riordan died.

She didn't comment on the forest, she didn't mind either, city or forest. Although forests do tend to get her boots muddy ...

The elf caught her attention for a second, and for a moment she thought it was Zevran. It was not. But he was handsome nevertheless. "Nice boots," she commented, more to herself than anyone else. As Jadaco mentioned Sundermount, a cave, a pride demon and a whole Dalish clan being whipped out she coughed suspiciously and mumbled something about, whoever did it was gone now, and not to worry.

Ah, kitten. The things you did ... such a small flower and yet such a hurricane, she thought smiling at the memory of her friend Merrill.

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Alaila lightly smirked at Jadaco's reply, holding her bag as she stood in front of the dwarven statue.


"Indee-" she immediately closed her mouth when an elven stranger approached, looking at him with her blue eyes. She's...seen him once before. The elf Jadaco helped when he was fighting some thugs. He also wanted to join the expedition? Hmmm. So many people...she didn't want for this to turn in a horde, but at least they'll have more allies when fighting darkspawn. Now that was a part she most certainly would not like the most.


The red-haired elf turned her back to the rest, letting the Warden do all the talking as she was casually examining people who passed by, alert for any signs or templars. She was itching to leave the town already, but was patient enough to hide it. After all, they can't just rush in the Deep Roads without a plan and unprepared. That would be plainly stupid.

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Wind smiled, as the rest of the group appeared, mostly a woman dressed quite oddly, "Nice boots" she said and he smiled, feeling the well crafted antivan leather. Wind took off his cloak to reveal the tattoos on his body, most were dalish in origin but one on his forearm was the symbol of The House Of Crows. Two large Crow-Blades hung from his belt and a bandolier of throwing knives and pockets was slung across his chest.


"So hopefully, I get the job..." He said as he walked closer, a wide cocky smile on his face.

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Illadriel watched the neat little trick that the elf did. "Very nice." She said with the slight smile on her face. The elf had a good eye and quick reflexes. That will certainly prove useful in their expedition. "Welcome aboard then. Illadriel of the Grey Wardens, pleased to meet you." She said and extended her hand.


They still had to wait for a certain dwarf as he refused to lend his precious wagon and not tag along with them. Apparently he also knows the area well and for a 'small' fee agreed to lead them to the entrance of the Deep Roads.

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Wind took her hand and smiled, for flair since he was bored and wanted to entertain someone, he waved his hand flat out in front of him and bowed low, as he arose he snapped his fingers and twisted his hand and as if by strange magic a small bouquet of white pedaled flowers appeared in his hand and he offered them to his employer with a handsome smile and a quick wink. Laying on the old Antivan charm.


"Thank you my lady for this opportunity." He said.


He laughed and as the man that had helped him round a corner to join the group he lobbed his mabari a nice chunk of meat as thanks for his help earlier. Wind always had enjoyed his little parlor tricks, something he used to do as a boy to get some side coin but he also found it advantageous when it came to women and allies. Despite his introduction into the Crows he could have been a successful troubadour or magician.

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Cyhran goes to the wagon, takes the knife together with the apple.

After he seperates the apple from the knife, he bites into it and throws the knife to the elf.

Cyhran wants to see how's his reaction.

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Jadaco was surprised to see the elf here, but was pleased that the man was kind enough to bring Orum some meat.


"Hm. Wasn't expecting you to show up. Thanks for the food for Orum, he looks like he's enjoying it." The dog had rolled onto its side and was gobblings the meat up very quickly. Jadaco laughed a little, and rubbed his beloved hound on the stomach. It rolled over and panted eagerly.

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