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creation kit question


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There are some excellent guides you can use in the Creation Kit Wiki. Both the written guides and the videos are very useful, and if you go down to the community tuorials, you will find even more. My favorite video guide creator is BestInSlot...I've linked to his create a follower video for you



Once you get started, like tetradite said, if you get stuck just post a question as specific as possible and that will help someone here help you. Have fun!

PS My main advice is to make sure to make frequent saves....Like save "myfollowerA" and make a copy to a different folder, then after you've made some changes, rename the file "myfollowerB" and make another copy to the backup folder. That way, if you get to the point where you think you've really messed up, you won't have to start all over, you can just go back to one of your saves that was working.

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