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Skyrim On A single Core runs Awsome


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OH you want to know how I did it? Well to do so you have to have task manager open. Run the game and quickly alt tab to task manager. Go to processes find the .EXE then left click go down to "Set Affinity ..." and an extra window pops up. This will allow you to set the number of processors to a specific running program.


However you MAY get a permission denied thing if you do it while the game is playing AKA in the game world. You have to do it while it is at the title screen in order for it to work.

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Update on Win98 Compatibility mode with a dual core Athalon XP SP3 machine running vanilla Skyrim 1.6.


As before, putting the 1.6 patch level executable in Win98 mode has eliminated all CTD's and freezes for twelve hours of gameplay. Previously, on patches 1.4 and 1.5, I would crash about once in that time period and I don't expect all crashes to be eliminated permanently now. Game is running on CPU0.


With both cores running, I would have a problem about every hour, including black screen freezes, CTD's in wilderness areas, and CTD's on quicksave. Still have the random loss of dialog speech sounds. Just slightly more stuttering at times, but I swear that mouse response is better on one core than two??!!



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Previously before patch 1.7, I managed to eliminate my stuttering with no real major INI tweaks. Heck it ran flawlessly with several HD mods in place(Flora over hall, homogenous landscapes, better cities, SMIM). Know after this patch I can't play it worth crap after only a couple minuets before it starts stuttering, and it stabilizes when I tell it to specifically run with one out of 4 cores. I don't get it? Know people are saying I don't have enough ram to run it yet previously I could play it just fine. Each patch just makes this game harder to play. :confused: Edited by wuffser
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