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Hi everyone.


I would like to request a mod that make your beard grows till days pass ... I was trying with some scriptings, but... im a nooby, im not a goob script modder. for example, I thougth to change the facial hair type 1 in the day 1, then facial hair type 2 in day 2... so, when passing a month you will have the largest beard of the game. Using another mod like "skyrim barbers" you can shave, and the growing beard starts again.


Using it with "pumping iron" by Gopher will be a good combination for immersion.


thank you so much for reading, and sorry bad english. If anyone is reading this, and plan to do the mod, I will appreciate. ^^ thank you so much

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Vampire Eyes at night


I'd love to see a mod that uses your selected race eyes in daylight, while switching to vampire eyes at night if you are a vampire. Glowing vampire eyes if possible...


If at all possible have the eyes trigger when using vampire sight ability at daytime as well...

Edited by bundah
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i found this mod for Morrowind

Original Mod

with this detail picture:



i was hoping that something similar to the blue one could be done with Skyrim and the UNP body base.


i have no graphic or drawing talents and any attempt i could make would be sad.

ideally tis would be stand alone armor, craftable at the forge and maybe a few different transparency levels

if you want to go crazy a few different colors, i prefer red and kinda black/grey scheme personally

i know a few people have made skimpy glass armor mods with some transparencies but they are not for me, especially bcause they don't use UNP

i want it to be full aromor, like the picture, just glass like


if this has been done already please send me a link, i have googled and searched the nexus, nothing exactly like i am looking for

i like the concept of glass glass armor, i know it isn't lore, but i like the concept, because a wizard did it :)


oh and the stats and all that should be the same as normal glass. nothing god like or cheating. just nice eyecandy armor :)



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I actually started a thread about this before I noticed that there was an active thread for requests. I apologize in advance for the double post:


I was wondering if anyone knew of any mods that combined the chest of the executioner's armor with pants, perhaps like the lower part of the Thieves Guild armor? I think the black vest with the rings from the executioner's model with pants in a dark or light gray would make a nice looking set for an unarmored or light armor character. I am envisioning just the chest piece, a utilitarian belt, and pants...no skirting or fur trim. I have searched a couple thousand clothing and armor mods and have been unable to find this one. I even went so far as to try making it myself, but that didn't go very well. I need to learn, but I am having trouble picking it up just from reading.

If anyone has seen something like this, or has the knowledge to create it, I would be most grateful.

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Hi guys!


As I have absolutely no modding knowledge and don't know my way around the CK, I have a small request.


I would like to change the covers of skill books, or more specifically, magic skill books to a few variants from Axhoff's Book Covers Resource mod.


I would like to change:

- Destruction book covers to book02large02ax0.nif (the red one) from the aforementioned mod.

- Alteration book covers to book02large02ax1.nif (the blue one)

- Illusion book covers to book05ax0.nif (the dark green one)

- Restoration book covers to book06ax1.nif (the yellow and black one from the 1_1 screenshot)

- Conjuration book covers to book04ax1.nif (the brown one from the 1_1 screenshot)


If anyone has the time and the patience to make this mod I would be extremely grateful.



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Well...seeing this thread has been posted here...


How nice it would be to see actual Kitsune, as a actual sentient creature walking the ground of tamriel.


I've tried the Mod Ring of the Kitsune and I like the idea of a Daedra Kitsune. But instead of Daedra, There are powerful Nine-tailed kitsune that like to interact with Skyrim and all its inhabitants in interesting yet odd ways.


Like at a moments notice, One can leap from a bush that normally would not conceal a big body like the kitsune and either attack you, present you with a quiz, bless or leave a interesting trinket or just run off. Since they can range from being mischievous to being kind, its hard to tell what the first meeting will be like.


Kitsune rarely wish to end someones life depending on the heart of the player (Good or bad one) so often they just attack to test someones strength, then from there its up for the Kitsune to decide.


Often they may hinder or help the player in odd ways. Like stopping a player from progressing only to find rocks or some unfortunate accident may have fallen on them. Or the kitsune plays a practical joke and staggers you into a group of bandits if you were trying to sneak up on them.


Just like the ring, they can wreath themselves in flame like a cloak, regenerate their health for 1 point a second, increase their destructive skills and launch fireballs in either a slew of fire balls, or throw their flame around. As they grow more tails, the abilities at what they can do extend. Even as master's of destruction, they are found to have Deity like qualities, which tie strongly to the more tails they grow, the more powerful, stronger and knowledgable. Once a Kitsune reaches 9 nine tails, they have the new found ability to just know how everything works in creation, as well as know all the events taking place. Sort of like "Omniscience".


1 tails are sorta common but rare like a Nine-tails. If you are fateful to meet any tailed Kitsune, count your blessings if it does not want to eat you or make you miserable.


Often a Kitsune is larger then the normal wolf, ranging from as big as a adult human, to as small as a human child. Depends on either the power of a kitsune or how it wants to appear to someone. Like in folklore they often appear as a beautiful woman or a handsome man for trickery or depending on how they feel towards someone. Often they just disguise as someone for their reasons or for a laugh. One think about Kitsunes disguising themselves is how their disguises are a bit off. Like they have a whisker or one of their tails didn't disappear when disguising as someone. The clever eye can catch detail like this. A Nine-tail however rarely shows any imperfections.


Just like humans, Kitsune will display random natures and personalities. From being cheeky and playful, to serious and focused. Who knows, a Cheeky and playful kitsune may reward you or leave you alone if you be a good sport. A serious one may reward and commend, or talk you down and might hurt you only once, depending on your actions.


So, what do you think of the mod idea?

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Would it be possible to add a button to the quest journal page that would select/deselect all quests (including miscellaneous) at once?


This might sound useless, but it be nice to turn them all on and then look at the map and see if there are big clusters that you can do in one trip.

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I was wondering if it would be possible to make followers your "roommates." Just something that would give all followers the option to move into your home. I think this would be really cool by how it would make your home have a little more to it and also it would let you have all of your followers in one place so you wouldn't have to go from place to place if you wanted to use a different follower.
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