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Straw Poll of voting intentions  

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  1. 1. Who would you vote for in 2012 US Elections

    • Barack Obama/Democrats
    • Mitt Romney/Republicans
    • Any Other/Third Party such as Libertarian/Green etc
    • All political parties are a waste of my vote

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Here is something I found really interesting about Mitt Romney...


If mitt Romney really doesn't care about 47% of america he really shouldn't be running for pressident. I did some research on this video and he was talking to a small group of wealthy contributors to convience them to help support his campaign.


I don't know about you but unless you are very rich there is no reason to vote for Romney.


The Mitt has screwed up so much and lied and flip-flopped so often its hard to take anything he says seriously. I also think he has serious mental issues given what he's said and done.


Good example, on Friday he and his wife were flying to California for a fund raiser in Beverly Hills on Saturday and there was a minor emergency on the flight. So at the dinner on Saturday he tells everyone how concerned he was because you can't open the windows on an airplane. His words; “When you have a fire in an aircraft, there’s no place to go, exactly, there’s no — and you can’t find any oxygen from outside the aircraft to get in the aircraft, because the windows don’t open. I don’t know why they don’t do that. It’s a real problem."

Maybe they should take him up to about 50000 feet or so and let him open a window - or better still a door.


I saw an article that showed (quite clearly in pictures) when he was in Florida he wore makeup to make him look darker skinned when he spoke to a group of latin-americans.


During the Republican debates Romney stated that he would not be eligible to be president if he paid more taxes than he had to. Recently, he released his tax returns for 2011 and he paid a 14.1% tax rate instead of the 9% he could have paid. He manipulated the charitable deductions he made to get the 14.1% tax rate because he had stated previously in his campaign that he had paid at least 13% in income taxes in each of the last 10 years. Then he blamed his lawyers for manipulating it all.


Ann Romney in an interview on Radio Iowa was very upset with people saying critical things about Mitt and his screw-ups: "Stop it. This is hard. You want to try it? Get in the ring," she said. I'm thinking she must believe being President is easy - just the campaigning is hard.


As for the videos and all the screw-ups this man has made - the real mind boggler is the media saying they are "gaffes", like little slips of the tongue that don't mean much. If Mitt isn't saying what he believes, and expressing what his values are, then either he is lying to his supporters or lying to everyone else. Either way the man is completely unbelievable.

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Quoting several US papers "Never have American voters re-elected a president whose work they disapprove of as much as Barack Obama's. Not that Mitt Romney can take much comfort: They've never elected a challenger they view so negatively, either."

Seems to me, Mitt Romney is like all of Obamas' christmases coming at once, as the least approved of President since ratings begun, without a hope of re-election, Mitt Romney makes a series of 'gaffes', alienates half the electorate in one foul swoop, and suddenly Obama can't lose. If Mitt Romney was the best candidate that the Republicans could muster, the others must of been truely awful. No wonder so many Americans are not optimistic about their nations' future.

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If Mitt Romney was the best candidate that the Republicans could muster, the others must of been truely awful. No wonder so many Americans are not optimistic about their nations' future.

Half the Republican hopefuls for the nomination would have been infinitely better than Romney. The issue isn't that Romney was the best Republicans had to offer, it's that... I don't know.


Some people believe that the Republicans and Democrats have a secret agreement, whereby they take terms holding the power. Thus the Republicans intentionally threw the elections by choosing Romney over.... Well anyone else.


What do I think? I don't know. It really does look like the Republicans are intentionally throwing this election. :mellow:

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If Mitt Romney was the best candidate that the Republicans could muster, the others must of been truely awful. No wonder so many Americans are not optimistic about their nations' future.

Half the Republican hopefuls for the nomination would have been infinitely better than Romney. The issue isn't that Romney was the best Republicans had to offer, it's that... I don't know.


Some people believe that the Republicans and Democrats have a secret agreement, whereby they take terms holding the power. Thus the Republicans intentionally threw the elections by choosing Romney over.... Well anyone else.


What do I think? I don't know. It really does look like the Republicans are intentionally throwing this election. :mellow:


Ron paul would have actually been a good oppositional party candidate. There was rumor the administration rigged Romney to win the primary. As an example Washington GOP caucuses were postponed due to a winter storm that never happened. And waldo county votes ended up with 0 votes across the line. The caucuse was reported later to have been postponed by a mitt romney supporter.


I would hate to admit how dirty the republican party is for doing such things but its no suprise when Republican law makers trying to get as many states as they can to require photo ID for voting when there is no proven evidence there has ever been any substantial amount of voting fraud to justify disenfranchising millions of voters the one thing they have power to do in this country.


There is no "secret agreement" between Republicans and Democrats to take turns holding power in the whitehouse. That in itself is beyond reasoning when even seldom do the parties ever come to terms on even bipartisan issues these days.


The republican party this year has just put all their chips in on a canidate that makes their party look worst than it even did before and now they just have to live with it.


With the debates coming up it would be hard to see Romney to even make any good arguments or justifications for all the lies and missleading campaign messages. He is even less likely to ever win over the "center voting" than before. Right now the only way the Republican party has a chance to even win this election this year is just to do more Rigging and to stop voters from voting due to this new photo ID law in serveral states.


But lets be honest here since its hardly likely any 3rd party canidate will win this election and we come to the conclusion now that it's either Obama or Romney to be the next pressident, who exactly would you rather have in power if you were to choose between the two? Also it would be interesting to see your explanation why you would rather have that person in power over the other canidate.

Edited by colourwheel
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Half the Republican hopefuls for the nomination would have been infinitely better than Romney. The issue isn't that Romney was the best Republicans had to offer, it's that... I don't know.

Romney has no charisma at all, imo, and his speeches are not really inspirational. I think his campaign should've tried to make him look more human, closer to the people, etc. He comes across as a cold, uninterested businessman, which is a bad image in these times of economic crisis. He needs to look strong-willed (Bush vs Kerry in 2004) or inspirational (Obama's "Hope" Campaign in 2008), not boring and detached.

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Romney has no charisma at all, imo, and his speeches are not really inspirational. I think his campaign should've tried to make him look more human, closer to the people, etc. He comes across as a cold, uninterested businessman, which is a bad image in these times of economic crisis. He needs to look strong-willed (Bush vs Kerry in 2004) or inspirational (Obama's "Hope" Campaign in 2008), not boring and detached.


What do you think he has been trying doing the past few month?


If you even look at what he has been wearing since he has started campaign this year for president, He has been wearing just a plain button shirt with khaki pants instead of a three piece suit.


I Honestly don't think Romney has a problem of "looking" more human to the public. His main problem is he has no real standing point on any issue because his views seem to change like the seasons of the year. When a person like this is caught on hidden camera telling a group of wealthy contributors one thing knowing what he says to the mass populous is deceiving. How can anyone even begin to trust this person if he is elected in office. He basically got caught saying to a group of contributors that he has no interest in helping almost half of the americans voters.


But maybe I am wrong... Maybe he does care about that half of americans he talked about and is just dupping those wealthy contributors to give him money for his campaign.... But I highly doubt it. lol

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Ron paul would have actually been a good oppositional party candidate. There was rumor the administration rigged Romney to win the primary. As an example Washington GOP caucuses were postponed due to a winter storm that never happened. And waldo county votes ended up with 0 votes across the line. The caucuse was reported later to have been postponed by a mitt romney supporter.

Ron Paul stood the best chance of defeating Obama. Ron Paul was favored by Democrat, Republican, independent and third party voters, the last two being most important as their votes are the votes that'll win the election. But the GOP did everything it could to suppress Ron Paul supporters. This is probably because Ron Paul would have done everything within his power to limit theirs. Which is all either party cares about, power. Romney, on the other hand, was one of, if not the, worst candidates because of his abysmal voting record and his knack for repulsing independent voters.Yet the GOP rallied quite heavily behind him.


I would hate to admit how dirty the republican party is for doing such things but its no suprise when Republican law makers trying to get as many states as they can to require photo ID for voting when there is no proven evidence there has ever been any substantial amount of voting fraud to justify disenfranchising millions of voters the one thing they have power to do in this country.

It's funny how hard the GOP is rallying for anti-voter fraud measures, seeing as how the GOP has been guilty of such fraud themselves.


There is no "secret agreement" between Republicans and Democrats to take turns holding power in the whitehouse. That in itself is beyond reasoning when even seldom do the parties ever come to terms on even bipartisan issues these days.

I never said that it was my theory, just that the theory exists and that it really does seem like the GOP is doing everything it can to throw this election. Even if they are throwing this election, it could be for any reason honestly.


The republican party this year has just put all their chips in on a canidate that makes their party look worst than it even did before and now they just have to live with it.

It's more than just throwing their weight behind an unelectable candidate. The GOP really hasn't done much to make Romney a likable person, for the most part they are relying on the hatred of Obama to win. Which is nearsighted, most people don't want Obama in office another four years, even the people voting Obama. It's just that they don't want 4-8 years of Romney and again, the GOP hasn't really worked very hard at changing that mentality.


But lets be honest here since its hardly likely any 3rd party canidate will win this election and we come to the conclusion now that it's either Obama or Romney to be the next pressident, who exactly would you rather have in power if you were to choose between the two? Also it would be interesting to see your explanation why you would rather have that person in power over the other canidate.

The only reason a third party candidate doesn't have a chance is because the media continues to perpetuate this lie and the majority of people continue to believe it. Third party candidates will never have a chance, so long as people continue to buy into this BS PR campaign designed solely for keeping the big two in power.


But you did ask me a question: who would I choose. I would choose neither.


Neither candidate is better than the other, both will wage war on the constitution and no matter how much I may dislike one or the other, I absolutely will not consent to the continued degradation of our rights.

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What do you think he has been trying doing the past few month?


If you even look at what he has been wearing since he has started campaign this year for president, He has been wearing just a plain button shirt with khaki pants instead of a three piece suit.


I Honestly don't think Romney has a problem of "looking" more human to the public. His main problem is he has no real standing point on any issue because his views seem to change like the seasons of the year. When a person like this is caught on hidden camera telling a group of wealthy contributors one thing knowing what he says to the mass populous is deceiving. How can anyone even begin to trust this person if he is elected in office. He basically got caught saying to a group of contributors that he has no interest in helping almost half of the americans voters.


But maybe I am wrong... Maybe he does care about that half of americans he talked about and is just dupping those wealthy contributors to give him money for his campaign.... But I highly doubt it. lol

Oh I know what he's been trying to do. I just don't think it worked. I mean, look at the pictures from the campaign: the spray tan for Latino voters, the red jacket for NASCAR fans... it all looks so fake, and reinforces the trust issue with voters you"ve mentioned.


But yeah, now that video's been leaked and we've seen his true face he's got very little chance of fixing his image before election day and he's got bigger problems than his wardrobe and tan to think of. I was just talking about a problem he's been having since the beginning of his campaign.

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Even if I was rich, right/far right, a religious fundamentalist, pro war with Iran, anti- abortion, into creationism in schools, anti gay, whatever, I wouldn't vote for the guy. He's that bad.


The thing is though, being the US, a lot of people will still vote for him regardless of what he does or says.


Neither candidate is better than the other, both will wage war on the constitution and no matter how much I may dislike one or the other, I absolutely will not consent to the continued degradation of our rights.


Likely true and quite sad.

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Neither candidate is better than the other, both will wage war on the constitution and no matter how much I may dislike one or the other, I absolutely will not consent to the continued degradation of our rights.


I would have to disagree with this statement. Since Obama has been in office the constitution has not been changed to taking away rights or freedoms from me or anyone else.


Infact it's the Republican party historically who tries to amend the constitution more than any political party. When bush was in office he basically made torcher legal in america. If any party is waging war on the constitution you really should point the finger at the republicans. The GOP, Tea Party the last few years have been actually the ones who have been stepping all over it. Republicans have introduced 41 constitutional amendments this Congress. Democrates have a count of only 28 constitutional amendments.


If you beleive any of your freedoms or rights have been taken away from you from Obama, it would be interesting to hear exactly what has been taken away from you.




One thing I found interesting that can't be ignored is how Fox New has no coverage for the Mitt Romney Scandal tape. For a New Network that conciders themselves "fair and balanced" that is more entertaining than actual news you would think Fox would jump on any scandal even if its for thier guy (ratings drive their network). Yet I haven't been able to find any videos on the web or anything other than a small new post on the web that is just a copy from another news paper posted on the Fox website.


Yes it is true Fox New is right wing bias on their views and other New establishments are Bias to the left. Ussually News like this can't be ignored even if it is a Scandal for thier guy.


It would have been atleast interesting to see how Fox News would have tried to spin this story on tv to help their political agenda just like other News establishments do when their is a scandal going on for thier guy.


But instead Seems Fox New completely ignored the story and probably had something on thier show like "breaking News! KFC has been banned in pakistan and the majority of the middle east!" and "Paris Hilton caught on tape talking about how everyone who is gay has Aids." lol

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