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Next best thing for the US (and perhaps the world)


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  1. 1. Who would you vote for in 2012 US Elections

    • Barack Obama/Democrats
    • Mitt Romney/Republicans
    • Any Other/Third Party such as Libertarian/Green etc
    • All political parties are a waste of my vote

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To be fair the US isn't still in Germany. It's exactly like saying they are still in the UK. It's a base.



edit: oh an if you mean checkpoint charlie. Well I lived in Berlin. And it's a tourist attraction. it's not real any more


Approximately 41,000 US Army personnel are currently based in Europe, with the majority in Germany.


Seems like a very large amount of troops in Germany just for a tourist attraction.

It's people in costumes. It has nothing to do with the military any more lol.


I was pointing out that the fact that occupation zones do no exist any more in Germany.

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To be fair the US isn't still in Germany. It's exactly like saying they are still in the UK. It's a base.



edit: oh an if you mean checkpoint charlie. Well I lived in Berlin. And it's a tourist attraction. it's not real any more


Approximately 41,000 US Army personnel are currently based in Europe, with the majority in Germany.


Seems like a very large amount of troops in Germany just for a tourist attraction.

It's people in costumes. It has nothing to do with the military any more lol.


I was pointing out that the fact that occupation zones do no exist any more in Germany.


Disney Epcot epcot center employs 5,000 to 7,000 people. Disneyland Paris employs 14,000 people. These are just examples of the highest employments for tourist attraction. For germany to employ largly over 20,000 military personnel (might even be up to 30,000) for a military base that is concidered a tourist attraction seem a bit excessive to me. Just saying there really is no need for that many military personnel to be there anymore.


This goes back to my point when america gets involved in any major conflict in another country it seems we never endup leaving... Which is why I think the world is more complicated than people think for USA to just on a whim decide to bring home all troops around the world.

Edited by colourwheel
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The military no longer has nothing to do checkpoint charlie. It is an actual tourist attraction.


These US military personnel live and work on the many bases that they have in Germany. They are not in any way occupying the country. The US pays lots of money to the German government for the privilege of setting up these bases. They exist not because Germany, Spain, UK, Turkey, Australia etc is being occupied by the US, The US hasn't even had a war with some of the countries it has bases in. Ever. They are strategic forward points. Most of them are currently forming a circle around the Middle East with Iran in the middle of that circle. Dun Dun DUN!! lol


Anyway the occupied countries would mainly be Afghanistan and Iraq.

Edited by Ghogiel
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Hell yes, it must be nearly 200 years since the USA and the UK had a major outbreak of fisticuffs, unless you count us meddling during the US Civil War...But yeah, Ghogiel is right. US bases are in Europe by consent, not by way of occupation, and mostly we are pretty darned happy about it, for the reasons Ghogiel said. Due to our governments being asshats we have cut defence far too far...but that's another debate perhaps. There's the odd diplomatic protest when the US servicemen commit criminal offences and get shipped home before PC Plod can arrest them, but that is pretty rare.
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Last nights first presidential debute was quite revealing I thought.

MSN's verdict was "Ewan Watt argues that Mitt Romney was the clear winner in the first presidential debate, but wonders if his performance will boost his polls", believing Romney landed more punches, but failed to deliver a knockout blow. Interestingly the poll run by MSN about how the general public thought it went, delivered this result

"Who do you think won the first US presidential debate?


71 %

Barack Obama

4,720 votes


29 %

Mitt Romney

1,958 votes" a clear win for Obama, and completely the opposite view to the MSN editorial. I think, Obama is red hot favourite to win, and barring a miracle, Romney can't possibly win.

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The bar for Romney's performance was set so low that as long as he didn't say something entirely stupid or insulting it could be counted as a "win."

With that as the measure, Id say he won, despite having any substance in his answers and looking as though he'd been popping Ritalin all day. He also looked like he was going to burst into tears a few times what was up with that?

Romney made a lot of promises that seemed to consist of, I have a plan that will work because it's a plan that will work, never mind the details, just trust me."

I was also surprised at how far to center he moved. He repeatedly agreed with Obama on various issues and repeatedly took rhetorically moderate positions. His statement on regulations, "Regulation is essential. You cant have a free market work if you dont have regulation." a change from the primary. Romney came across as considerably less conservative than the Mittens of the last 18 months. I wonder if this was all an act or what? Its not like he hasn't lied before.


Obama looked tired and was obviously distracted. I have not heard Obama say "uh" as much as he did last night. It makes one wonder what may be going on as he is usually much quicker on his feet. Honestly, I was sort of disappointed he didnt make Romney look like a complete buffoon.

My favourite part? When Obama asked Mitt why he wasn't giving any details about what he'd replace Obamacare with -- "Is it too wonderful? Is the secret just too wonderful to share?"


I also thought the moderating was pretty bad.

Edited by Tidus44
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Yes last nights debates Romney was the clear winner. Yet Anyone who has been even paying the slightest attention to this years campaign would know everything Romney stood for this night goes against everything he has been campaigning for the last few months. The person who was on the stage last night wasnt a republican fighting a democrate it was someone who was desperate to get votes taking care what he would say but putting in enough energy in his message regaurdless if its against anything he was truelly against just to hype up his base.


Mitt romney knew he had no choice last night other than to just lie. The moderator really should have called him out on every lie. Obama should have atleast tried to call him out on the lies. Who ever was on that stage last night was not the real Obama or the real mitt romney.


But in the end his performance last night does not give him the amount of edge he would need to blow away Obama this late in the race. Romneys campaign has been far too damaging the past few months with the 47% tape, lack of details of his plans, and all the out right lies he has been trying to dupe the peoples with just to gain that one extra vote.


Today I asked a friend if they would vote for Romney after seeing how he crushed Obama in the debates lastnight. They said "Hell no" They just couldnt trust someone like that in power who would campaign on one thing then in a debate promote promisses that were not even consistent to his original beliefs.


Ironic the friend was a registered Republican too.




lol today driving to the store someone already made a bumper sticker saying "Mitt Romney For President!!! He Promises to be tough on Big Bird!"






I was laughing so hard once i saw that i almost ran a red light. lol


edit again: Now i just saw a Mitt romney video saying he wouldn't get rid of PBS but instead want it to be commercialized.... I sometimes don't understand what is going on in this mans head. Next thing you know he will want to add 5 min commercials before the Emergancy Broadcasting System tries to relay important messages to the public. lol

Edited by colourwheel
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Heard this on the radio this morning.


Snow White, Superman and Pinocchio are walking along. They see a sign: "Contest for World's Most Beautiful Woman." Snow White goes in, later comes out smiling, wearing a crown.


They walk along and see another sign: "Contest for World's Strongest Man." Superman goes in, later comes out smiling, wearing a belt.


They walk along and see another sign: "Contest for World's Greatest Liar." Pinocchio goes in, later comes out with his head down, crying.


"Who the hell is Mitt Romney?" Pinocchio sobs.

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Unemployment now at 7.8% seems the republican party needs to find something else to complain about.


Ironic because the whole republican ticket this year has been campaigning on one logical complaint about Obama's promiss to keep unemployment below 8%. And it has been the only consistant topic they have been publicizing...


Now that Unemployment is below 8% everyone on the right seems to think its a conspiracy.


I honestly think The republicans have lost this year despite the public duping and flat out lies, voter registration repression, and voter fraud.


The huge problem with the republican party these days is they need new ideas not new people. The core Republican beliefs in this day and age are too out dated and history shows they do not work.


If the republican party doesn't find a way to reform in a way to appeal to more than just thier base it seems over time their party will eventually die.


I was once a registered republican back in the 90's then changed Democratic. But honestly the Democratic party has turned into the new republican party. Most of the old republican ideas that were concidered too radical to the democrates have some how been adopted by the democratic party. Both policital spectrums have shifted to the right this century. Just the republican party has become too extreme and now only appeals to their base.


It really doesn't matter if they have sarah palin, ron paul, newt gingrich, Mitt Romney.... etc...


The Republican Party can't survive anymore if they don't seriously change thier core beliefs and ideas.


Which the irony behind the Republican party is a vast majority these days do not believe in elevolution and maybe thats why the party will never think of new ideas.


Here is a funny story without mentioning names... About half a decade ago a republican senator who tried to get schools to teach creationism and abloish the teaching of science and elevolution requested 5,000 viles of flu vaccines for their state to help combat the swine flu threat. Yet the senator never took in concideration that making this request was a classic example of hypocrisy in politics.


My only concern is if the republican party ever does happen to take control of the government in the future I truely hope they will be an oppositional party that will make sense again.

Edited by colourwheel
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